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1.2 Abbreviations and the problem of sound and meaning linking.

The unity of form and content, that is, link between sound and meaning, plays an important role in solving the problem abbreviations. The basic position here is the relationship abbreviations with the phenomena of reality through the respective full names. This was pointed out V.P. Voloshin [7]. This connection is manifested in the fact that the value of the original expression is fixed not only by the acronym as a whole, but for each of its component – sound or sound combinations that stand out in the composition abbreviations. Relevant components of the original phrase referred to with "decoding". As a result abbreviation can be understood only through the "decoding", except in special cases. In this regard, we find the following conclusion K.A. Levkovskaya which indicates that the relationship is sound with the value of hard-abbreviated words a completely different character than the ordinary words of language: it is carried out not directly but through the appropriate decoding [13].

However, the wide distribution of hard-abbreviated words and more or less prolonged existence in its language can gradually be established and the direct link between sound and meaning, and begins abbreviation understood without explanation.

This refers to the dual character of the sound with the meaning: first, hard-shortened words there is no independent meaning and is therefore not sold out the form and meaning of the original phrase, which is its interpretation, and secondly, I mean ratio no two units – the abbreviation and phrase – as such and their elements which implies that each component is the abbreviation of the word meaning a part of the original phrase.

Thus, the direct link between sound and meaning can exist, but this requires two conditions: latitude distribution and duration of abbreviations.

Problem of the link between sound and meaning differently solved by scientists for various types of cuts, but it is the most controversial in the study abbreviations.

Problem of the link between sound and meaning of acronyms is one of the central, most complex and contentious issues in the theory of abbreviations on its solution depends on recognition of abbreviations or full words, or refer them to the "lexical-semantic variant" complete forms that do not have their own value and words cannot be considered in the full sense.



2.1Graphic reduction

It is necessary to differentiate between cuts in writing (graphics abbreviations) and in speech (lexical abbreviations). Lexical reduction can be applied both in oral and written communication, while the graphics are present only in writing, orally same speech they replaced the full form of words or phrases such as bldg (building), govt (government) ; there is very common graphical symbols of reduction weekdays (Sun - Sunday), month (Feb - February), US states (Alas. - Alaska), Traffic (Mr., Ms., Dr. - Mister, Miss, Doctor), military ranks (Col. - colonel), degrees (BA - Bachelor of Arts), the measurement units of time, length, weight (sec - second, ft - foot / feet), etc. [16, 67].

Good morning to you too, Mrs Wilson’ (3, 2).

The man at the shop – Mr Potter? – he said an American woman bought a ring like this from him’ (2, 283).

Graphic reduction is widely used in Internet communication: AFAIK – as far as I know, IMHO – in my humble opinion, ICBW – I could be wrong, SCNR – sorry could not resist; also journalists because of desire to save space for the titles often use them [21, 75]: CND – the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, MLF – multilateral nuclear force, FCPA – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Special parts of section of the graphic cuts are abbreviations of Latin origin that in the field of oral communication decoded as Latin and English; these are e.g. – for example (exempli gratia), cf. – conferre (compare), loc.cit. – locus citato (in the passage cited), p.m. – post meridiem (in the afternoon) etc.

5 December, 6:30 A.M., Island of Guernsey, English Channel’ (2, 23).

Sometimes when creating graphics abbreviations truncated of words changing: oz – ounce, Xmas – Christmas.

An interesting feature of the modern English is using the initials which are an abbreviated form the names of famous people: George Bernard Shaw – G.B.S., Herbert George Wells – H.G.

Specific examples of the English initials are those in which the first item is a letter, and the second - a full word: A-bomb – atomic bomb, H-bomb – hydrogen bomb. In semantic links between elements of abbreviations there is no unanimity, the same element can be used to identify a totally different words: U-boat (underwater boat) – U-pronunciation (upper class pronunciation), Z-hour (zero-hour) – Z-bar (metallic bar with a cross section shaped like the letter Z).

Abbreviations get the possessive flexion (GI's, POW's), and the verb paradigm (okays, okayed, okaying). Like all nouns, abbreviations can be used as a definition: BBC television, UN vote, TV program. The set of acronyms that contain only one letter (and least - later), formed by doubling: pp - pages, ll - lines, cc - chapters, MSS (MS) - manuscripts (manuscript). Most of these acronyms inherent in publishing and writing case. The formation of the set of the abbreviations or capital letter, which acts as a noun, s capital is provided by adding at the end: MP - MPs. To denote the set of abbreviated names of units uses the same form as the singular [22]: 1 or 45 min, 1 or 20 lb, 1 or 16 ft. Therefore, we can emphasize that abbreviation (not less than for other types of cuts) retain valence prototypes. The difference may be due to distribution only change the value (lexical or, less often, lexical and grammatical).

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