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4 Practice and Learn from Other People’s Presentations

is for the audience to understand. You can also see a full transcript (called “interactive transcript”) of the presentation in English, plus translations in several other languages. This means that you can note down any useful phrases that the speaker uses that you think you could use too.

On TED you will see presentations given by experts. No one is expected to give such high quality presentations at their first attempt. It takes time and practice.

But you can learn a lot from these experts. You can use the assessment sheet below to decide which aspects of presentation styles in the first column (“The presenter tends to do this”) the presenter uses and which styles you liked and why. Then you can perhaps think of ways to incorporate these aspects into your own presentations.

4.10Test yourself on what you remember of the presentations you’ve watched

Watching these presentations should also help you to understand that packing a presentation full of detail is not usually a good approach.

When you have watched five or six presentations on TED (or whatever site), write down what you remember about the content and about the presenter and his/her style. You will be surprised how little you remember about the information that was given. Repeat the same memory exercise a week later and you probably won’t even remember how many presentations you watched. However, the impression that the presenter made on you and their style of presenting may remain for longer.

What this means is that there is no point filling your presentation with descriptions of complex procedures or masses of data, because the audience will simply not remember. What they will remember from that experience is their frustration in not being able to absorb the information you gave them. Make sure you always give your audience a positive experience.

4.11 Improve your slides after the presentation

When you do your presentation live in front of a real audience it sometimes reveals faults that did not appear while you were practicing. Look at your slides with a critical eye and ask yourself

why was this slide necessary? If I cut it, what would change?

did this slide really support the objective of my presentation?

why did I include this info? Was it relevant/interesting/clear? What impact did it have?

could I have expressed this info in a clearer or more pertinent way?

4.11 Improve your slides after the presentation


was this series of slides in the best order? Was there anything missing in the series?

were these slides too similar to each other? Did they really gain the audience’s attention?

After your presentation, write down the questions you were asked, so that the next time you do the same presentation you will have the answers ready.