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3.The generation gap проект.docx
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5) Parents are imposing responsibility of child rearing onto teachers

There are a lot of debates over parents vs teachers on many issues. Generation gap is one of them. Parents spend almost all their time at work and even when they are home they talk about their work and not to their children. Some parents are interested in their offspring’s school results, other are missing everything in their children’s life. But when little perfects became teenagers with shocking habits of hanging around with strange looking gangs and listening to music that’s more like to be cat’s last scrim in agony and bombing of a city in one song, parents try to understand when and why they lost the connection that seemed to be unbreakable 5 or 10 years ago. And it’s not surprising that parents start being at war with teachers because it was teachers who spend time with their offspring, teachers who had to prepare children to respect parents and their values, teachers who had to foster love on their children for parents, labour and etc., teachers who were paid by parents and must do their best. But is it right? The NASUWT teachers' union says a lack of parental support is a major problem behind pupils' lack of discipline.

A survey from the union also claims that pupils turn up at school with iPods and phones, but without basic equipment such as pens. So it seems that parents desire to get on in career life in order to buy their children everything can only put strains on a parent-child relations.

Counter arguments.

The other group is inclined to blame society and / or teenagers themselves. Anyway it can be argued that parents have to be fully responsible for generation gap and there are some arguments in favour of parents.

Generation gap is a product of society and media

1) Parents blame media and the violence on the screens

There is a stigma attached to television shows, magazines, and movies with their violence all the time when in reality they only reflect the society that created them. Violence has existed as long as people have been in contact with each other. While the media does not necessarily promote this violence, it does not openly fight it. Murder was not invented along with the television. Children see this type of violence and believe that it is an acceptable and fun thing to do. Children soon begin to act out towards other children as well as towards animals. They fight instead of play at recess. And if no one stops his or her erratic behavior it doesn’t take long before the media turns a good kid into a bad one. There are some researches to prove that media is to e blamed. In 1985, the APA endorsed the Surgeon General and NIMH conclusions that televised violence has a causal effect on aggressive behavior. 1990 report following a major conference, Television and Teen: Health Implications, concluded that media violence can teach adolescents violent behavior as well as create and maintain societal attitudes that condone violence. Many say that only parents bear the responsibility to stop children watching TV shows and movies that are considered to be violent but forbidding your child to watch TV will cause conflicts that will lead to another brick in the wall named “generation gap”. In 2005 Keiser Family foundation took a research and found out that 83% of children under seven use any kind of screen media every day. 75% among that watch TV, 32% watch video and/or DVD, 16% use computer and 11% play videogames.

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