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ПРОСОДИЯ РЕЧИ (Образцы экзаменационных заданий)

Образец экзаменационного билета

  1. Read Text 1. Comment on the intonation patterns of the underlined sentences.

  2. Do the tasks indicated in the card.

  3. Read the poem indicated in the card.

Образец экзаменационного текста (фрагмент)

Although most telephones are efficient, they can sometimes make you angry. Sometimes your telephone starts making funny little noises to itself. You pick up the receiver and there is no answer. Then you may have to listen to other people's conversations. Every time you try to ring up a friend, somebody else is talking and if you dare to say, "Excuse me, I…" an angry voice will say, "How dare you interrupt! Who are you? Will you please get off this line!" The telephone may awake you unnecessarily in the middle of the night. You begin to lose both your sleep and your manners. […]

Образец экзаменационной карточки

1. Spot the error in the stressing of one of the words in the given sentences and correct it, pronouncing the right variant.

I didn’t realize how \serious it was.

The family originally came from \France.

2. Pronounce the utterances, choosing the most suitable way of stressing the underlined word(s).

– She grabbed the child and ran downstairs.

– We do have special weekend \rates.

3. Pronounce the utterances, expressing the modal-emotional attitude prompted by their lexical composition.

I’m absolutely happy!

4. Read the conversational context choosing an appropriate position of nuclear stress in the response.

  • I am really sorry, but I can't go out to the cinema with you this week. I'm too busy.

  • Never mind. Let's try again next week.

5. Identify the style of the utterance and pronounce it accordingly.

On behalf of my colleagues, may I thank all the members of the staff for all that they have done for us.

Read one of these poems from “Practical English Phonetics for Advanced Students”, retaining the segmentation, nuclear stress placement and rhythm of the original.

  1. Sonnet 66 by William Shakespeare (pp. 92 – 93).

  2. Sonnet 18 by W. Shakespeare (pp. 113).

  3. Sonnet 90 by W. Shakespeare (pp. 336).

  4. Neutral Tones by Thomas Hardy (p. 161).

  5. Near Dover by William Wordsworth (p. 174).

  6. Sonnet Composed upon Westminster Bridge by W. Wordsworth (p. 194)

  7. A Prayer in Spring by Robert Frost (p. 219).

  8. The Old Home by Alfred Tennyson (p. 238).


Карневская, Е.Б. Практическая фонетика английского языка на продвинутом этапе обучения : учебник / Е.Б. Карневская, Е.А. Мисуно, Л.Д. Раковская ; под общ. ред. Е.Б. Карневской. – 4-е изд., перераб. – Мн: Аверсэв, 2011. – 410 с.