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1. Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Go over the list of words given below to avoid any difficulty of understanding.

campaign - проводить кампанию

expose - демонстрировать

strike an agreement - нарушать соглашение

set targets - устанавливать цели

solve the problem - решать проблему

dole - стоять перед

deadline - крайний срок

faith - вера

operating theatre - операционная

2. Listening Exercises

As you listen to the following news broadcast fill in the missing words into the sentence below. (2 listenings)

  1. In ... ... ... campaigning by Junior ... ... exposed an unacceptable faith of the NHS.

  2. ... were ... of a hundred and ... hour ..., even of doctors ... asleep in the operating theatre.

  3. ... ... promised action.

  4. ... ... an agreement was struck.

  5. ... ... deal as it’s known sets tragets for reducing doctors’ hours.

  6. ... ... the 1st this year no doctor must be on duty for more than ... hours a week.

  7. So as the deadline approaches, has the government solved the problem which has doled the health ... for decades?


1. Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Learn the following list of words.

bruise [] - синяк

fraud [] - обман

outlook - вид, перспектива

caravan [] - дом-автоприцеп

off-licence - магазин по продаже спиртных напитков

estate (car) - автомобиль с кузовом “универсал”

axe - урезать

punch - ударить кулаком

swindle - обманывать

make off - сбегать

2. Listening Exercises

Listen to the news broadcast and answer the questions about each news item. (2 listenings.)

1. The Distillers’ Company are planning to “axe” some jobs.

  1. How many? More than a hundred or less than a hundred?

  2. How many plants are they going to close?

2. Three youths attacked a 19-year-old airman.

  1. Did he have to go to hospital?

  2. Was any money stolen, and if so, how much?

3. Two women tried to use a stolen credit card.

  1. How old were the women?

  2. What did they try to buy?

a) wine b) spirits c) cigarettes d) a car

  1. What colour car did they drive away in?

  2. Which of the women had dyed blonde hair?

4. People in Amport go to church for an unusual reason.

  1. What is the reason?

  2. Is the post-office unique?

5. What has been stolen in Cassington, near Witney?

  1. camping equipment c) a camera from a kitchen

  2. cooking equipment d) camera attachments

6. Which of these words can you hear in the weather forecast?

cool sunny intervals nineteen north-western

cold shining intervals ninety north-westerly

cloudy Tuesday wet north-easten

snow outdoors dry north-easterly winds

showers outlook strong

Section 4




Text Title: English towns

Cassette: From Streamline English. Directions, by P.Viney

1. Pre-Listening Exercises

1.1. Before listening to the text name as many English towns as you can.

1.2. Go through the following list of words and word combinations.

Salisbury [] Gwynedd []

Caernarfon [] the River Avon []

Durham [] the River Mersey []

Stonehenge []

supply (food/water/ coal, etc.) - запас продовольствия, воды, угля и т.д.

a ring road - кольцевая дорога

site (building/strategic) - площадка (строительная/стратегическая)

bend - поворот дороги, излучина реки

ferry - паром

coal mining - добыча угля

leasure area - зона отдыха

conurbation [] - большой город с пригородами

Liverpudlian [] - житель Ливерпуля

descent [] - происхождение

spire [] - шпиль

be founded - быть основанным

be invested as … - быть провозглашенным …

surviving - существующий ныне, сохранившийся

infamous [] - позорный, бесславный