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Аудирование (книга).doc
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Карневская е.Б. Абламейко в.С. Дмитриева л.Ф. Каленик т.К. Митева т.П. Павлович н.А. Панова и.И. Таболич е.В.

Федосеева В.М.




Минск 2007



Учебное пособие по аудированию английской речи / Е.Б.Карневская

В.С.Абламейко и др. -

Р е ц е н з е н т ы:

Поплавская Т.В. - заведующая кафедрой речеведения и теории коммуникации Минского государственного лингвистического университета, доктор филологических наук, профессор;

Гавриленко Е.И. - доцент кафедры иностранных языков Белорусского государственного педагогического университета им. М.Танка, кандидат филологических наук.

Пособие продолжает системный курс аудирования для студентов языкового вуза и предназначено для развития навыков аудирования английской устной речи на продвинутом этапе обучения.

с Е.Б.Карневская

В.С.Абламейко и др, 2007


This book is intended for Upper-Intermediate and Advanced students and is designed for further development of their listening skills needed for acquiring the ability to understand oral English speech.

In accordance with the conceptual approach adopted in this book listening presents a self-contained systemic course and as such has a logic of its own both from the point of view of the overall structure and the composition of each individual unit. At the same time “Listening Comprehension” is an integral component of the general course of speech practice, which is reflected in the lexical-semantical content of the book and in the choice of materials selected for listening. These, in particular, relate to the following topics: Jobs and Professions, Illnesses and Their Treatment, Sport, At the Map of the World, Travelling, City Life and Fairy Tales.

According to the number of topics covered in it, the book contains 7 sections consisting of 4-6 units each. The units are further subdivided into two lessons: A and B. Lessons A are intended for in-class teacher-guided practice while lessons B are designed for students’ individual work in the laboratory. The internal structure of each lesson is determined in principle by the psycho-linguistic peculiarities of listening as part of the natural communication process. The set of exercises in each lesson is based on specifying the suggested tasks depending on the stage (pre-listening, listening proper, after-listening) and mode of activity (in-class, out-of-class). The ultimate goals of the course include, besides general and intensive comprehension, such objectives as developing the students’ auditory memory, enriching their vocabulary and improving on this basis their speaking skills.

The book is based on authentic recordings of different forms, types and varieties of speech: monologue, dialogue, polylogue; reading aloud (fiction, drama, fairy-tale, radio news); speaking varying in the degree of spontaneity and formality (lecture, public speech, radio interview, sports commentary, story telling, discussion, informal conversation).