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The Complete Guide To The TOEFL Test

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Getting Started xxiii


Mark answers by filling in the oval so that the letter cannot be seen. Don't mark answers any other way.









Bring several #2 black lead pencils. Make sure each has a functioning eraser. Do not use a pen, liquid lead pencil, or any other kind of marker.

By the way, you may see either of two types of answer sheet. On one the answer choices are displayed horizontally, while on the other they are displayed vertically.










Vertical V









8 8 8






0 0 0 0

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@ @ @ @ ,

Always be sure you have filled in a circle completely and have filled in only one answer per item. If you have to erase an answer, erase it completely.

Notice the check marks by numbers 4 and 6. The test taker found these items difficult. He or she guessed at the answers, and then used the marks as a reminder to come back to these items if the time allowed. These marks should be erased before the end of the test.

Incidentally, if you mark the same answer four times in a row, you'll know one of those four answers is wrong. The same correct answer will occur at most three times in a row on TOEFL.

Hint: Don't sharpen your pencils too much before the exam. You can fill in circles more quickly if your pencil is not too sharp. --

Key #9: Improve your concentration.

The ability to focus your attention on each item is an important factor in scoring high. Two and a half hours or more after all is a long time to spend in deep concentration. However, if your concentration is broken, it could cost you points. When an outside concern comes into your mind, just say to yourself, "I'll think about this after the test."

Like any skill, the ability to concentrate can be improved with practice. Work on it while you are taking the practice tests in this book.

xxiv Getting Started


Key #10: Use the process of/~ii~to make the best guess.

Unlike some standardized exams, TOEFL has no penalty for guessing. In other words, incorrect answers aren't subtracted from your total score. Even if you are not sure which answer is correct, you should always, always, always guess. But you want to make an educated guess, not a blind guess. To do so, use the process of elimination,

To understand the process of elimination, it may be helpful to look at the basic structure of a multiple-choice item. On TOEFL, multiple choice items consist of a stem and four answer choices, (The stem in the Listening section is spoken; in the other two sections, it is written.) One answer choice, called the key, is correct. The three incorrect choices are called distractors because their function is to distract (take away) your attention from the right answer.

STEM .............. .





The three distractors, however, are usually not equally attractive. One is usually "almost correct." This choice is called the main distractor. Most people who answer an item incorrectly will chose this answer.

STEM ......... .




(D)main distractor

To see how this works in practice, look at this simple Structure item:

Winter wheat ____ planted in the fall.





If you are sure of the answer, you should mark your choice immediately and go on. If not, you should use the process of elimination. In this item, choices (A) and (C) are fairly easy to eliminate. Because this sentence consists of a single clause, connecting words such as because and which are not needed. It may be a little more difficult to choose between choices (B) and (D) because both form correct verb phrases. Even if you are unable to decide between these two choices, you have a 50% chance of guessing correctly. That's twice as good as the 25% chance you would have if you had guessed blindly. (Choice (B) is the key, of course; a passive verb, not a present perfect verb, is required to complete the sentence correctly.) Choice (D) is the main distractor.

What if you eliminate one or two answers but can't decide which of the remaining choices is correct? If you have a "hunch" (an intuitive feeling) that one choice is better that the others, choose it. If not, just pick any remaining answer and go on.

If you have no idea which of the four answers is correct, it's better to use a standard "guess letter," such as (C), than to guess at random.

You should NEVER leave any items unanswered. Even if you don't have time to read an item, you have a 25% chance of guessing the key. If you are unable to finish a section, fill in all the unanswered ovals on your answer sheet with your guess letter in the last few seconds before time is called.

Remember: Use the same guess letter all the time so that you can fill in the ovals quickly.

Getting Started xxv

Key #11: Learn to control test anxiety.

A little nervousness before an important test is normal. After all, these tests can have an important effect on your plans for your education and career. If you were going to participate in a big athletic contest or give an important business presentation, you would feel the same way. There is an expression in English that describes this feeling quite well: "butterflies in the stomach." These "butterflies" will mostly disappear once the test starts. And a little nervousness can actually help by making you more alert and focused. However, too much nervousness can slow you down and cause you to make mistakes.

You may become anxious during the test because it seems very hard and it seems that you are making many mistakes. Try not to panic. The test seems hard because it is hard. You can miss quite a few items and still get a high score.

One way to avoid stress on the day of the test is to give yourself plenty to time to get to the test center. If you have to rush, you'll be even more nervous during the exam. If you begin to feel

extremely anxious during the test, try taking a short break-a "ten-second vacation." Close your eyes and put down your pencil. Take a few deep breaths, shake out your hands, roll your head on your neck, relax-then go back to work.

Of course, you can't take a break during the Listening Comprehension section when the items are being read. However, if you're familiar with the directions, you can relax during the times when directions are being read.

A positive, confident attitude toward the exam can help you overcome anxiety. Think of TOEFL not as a test of your knowledge or of you as a person but as an intellectual challenge, a series of puzzles to be solved.

Key #12: Learn from taking practice test and official TOEFL exams.

One of the most important steps in preparing for TOEFL is taking realistic, complete practice tests. There are now three tests in this book.

In addition, you may take the official TOEFL test several times. Each time you take a test, either a practice test or a real one, you should learn from it. Immediately after the exam, write down your reactions: Which section seemed difficult? Did you have problems finishing any sections? When you look at your results, is the score for one section Significantly lower of higher than the scores for the other two sections? You can use this information to focus your studies for the next time you take the test.

Hint: Whenever you take a practice test, pretend that you are taking an actual TOEFL exam. Whenever you take an actual exam, pretend you are taking a practice test.



Guide to Listening Comprehension

2 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

About Listening Comprehension

The Listening Comprehension section ofTOEFL is always given first. The purpose of this section is to test your understanding of spoken English.

The directions for this section are given on the audio as well as printed in your test book. There are four speakers, two men and two women. The speakers read the items at a normal speed. All four have standard North American accents. The tone of the items is conversational, much less formal than the items in the two other test sections.

Section 1 is divided into three parts:

Part A: Dialogs

30 items

Part B: Extended Conversations

2 conversations


7-8 items

Part C: Mini-Talks

3 talks


12-13 items


50 items


+30 minutes

Listening Comprehension actually tests both your listening ability and your reading skills since you must understand both the material on the audio and the answer choices written in your test book.

Many test takers find the Listening Comprehension section the most difficult. Because it is given first, you may be more nervous during this part of the test. Furthermore, it is difficult to understand voices on audio (just as it is on the telephone or radio) because you can't see the speakers' gestures, facial expressions, or lip movements as you can during "live" listening. Finally, the test writers at ETS employ a number of"tricks"that make choosing the correct answer more difficult.

The exercises and tests in the Listening Comprehension section of this text are designed to help you overcome these difficulties. You will become more comfortable listening to audio materials in general and to TOEFL items in particular. You'll also become alert to many of the test writers' tricks.

Familiarize yourself with the directions for each part before the exam. But remember, you are not permitted to turn the page to look over answer choices while the directions are being read. (No answer choices appear on the same page as the directions for Section 1.)

If you have any difficulties hearing the audio, inform one of the proctors during the introductory section. Once the test has begun, the proctors cannot stop the audio.

• Never skip any items. If you're not sure of an answer, guess.

Answer each item as quickly as you can; then preview the answer choices for the next item. Try to guess what the next item will be by the form of the answer choices.

Concentration is very important in this part of the test. Once you choose an answer, don't think about the last item-start thinking about the next one. Don't daydream. Focus your attention on the audio and on the choices in your test book.

Begin your preparation for Section 1 by taking the Sample Listening Comprehension Test on the following pages. This will familiarize you with the first section of the exam.


Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 3

[!J Sample Listening Comprehension Test

This section tests your ability to comprehend spoken English. It is divided into three parts, each with its own directions. You are not permitted to turn the page during the reading of the directions or to take notes at any time.

Part A

Directions: Each item in this part consists of a brief conversation involving two speakers. Following each conversation, a third voice will ask a question. You will hear the conversations and questions only once, and they will not be written out.

When you have heard each conversation and question, read the four answer choices and select the one-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that best answers the question based on what is directly stated or on what can be inferred. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you have selected.

Here is an example.

You will hear:

Sample Answer

You will read: (A) Open the window.

(B)Move the chair.

(C)Leave the room.

(D)Take a seat.

From the conversation you fmd out that the woman thinks the man should put the chair over by the window. The best answer to the question "What does the woman think the man should do?" is (B), "Move the chair." You should fill in (B) on your answer sheet.


4 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

1.(A) It's brand new.

(B)She just repaired it.

(C)Someone painted it.

(D)It's just been sold.

2.(A) Give the woman cash.

(B)Go to his car.

(C)Return some merchandise.

(D)Use his credit card.

3.(A) He shouldn't have thrown away the


(B)He doesn't have to read alI the books.

(C)All of the books on the list are required.

(D)Some of the books are available now.

4.(A) She enjoyed it very much.

(B)She thOUght it was too long.

(C)She thought it was boring.

(D)She only liked the ending.

5.(A) Either a pen or pencil can be used.

(B)It's not necessary to fill out the form.

(C)She doesn't have either a pen or a pencil.

(D)A pen is better than a pencil.

6.(A) The software isn't convenient to use.

(B)He's not familiar with the software.

(C)Using the software is simple.

(D)He wishes he'd bought that software.

7.(A) The man ordered it, but it hasn't

arrived yet.

(B)It isn't working.

(C)Someone else is using it.

(D)The man doesn't know how to operate it.

8.(A) What time his brother called.

(B)Where to meet his brother.

(C)Why his brother called.

(D)When to meet his brother.

9.(A) He left on a long trip yesterday.

(B)His letter arrived unexpectedly.

(C)He seemed to be sad yesterday.

(D)The letter he sent was very funny.

10.(A) It's on the wrong floor.

(B)There are too many bedrooms.

(C)It's too small.

(D)The rent is too high.


Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 5


11.(A) He'll probably give the man another grade.

(B)He doesn't teach chemistry anymore.

(C)He rarely changes his grades.

(D)He'll probably retire soon.

12.(A) She mailed the grades to her students.

(B)She left the students' tests in her office.

(C)She can't get into her office.

CD) She put a list of grades on the door.

13.(A) He should get something for his friends to eat.

(B)There isn't time for him to go out now.

(C)The game won't be played today.

(D)He should have invited his friends to the game.

14.(A) His class has been canceled.

(B)He shouldn't drop the class.

(C)An earlier class would be better for


CD) He doesn't need to study political science.

15.(A) Sitting in other seats.

(B)Going home.

(C)Turning up the music.

(D)Asking the usher for a refund.

16.(A) He has a good excuse for being late.

(B)He's been feeling very weak recently.

(C)He's stiII waiting to be contacted.

(D)He doesn't take responsibility for errors.

17.(A) She doesn't have her camera.

(B)The sun hasn't set yet.

(C)There isn't any film in the camera.

(D)Her camera is broken.

18.(A) He got on the wrong bus.

(B)He's afraid he'll be late for his flight.

(C)He's sorry he took a bus instead of flying.

(D)He had to wait for the bus.

19.(A) The meeting will have to be rescheduled.

(B)She doesn't care whom the board picks as dean.

(C)She's not sure where the meeting will be.

(D)The board will not choose a dean this month.

20.(A) He's upset about the card game.

(B)He's getting ready for the game.

(C)He knocked over the card table.

(D)He sat down to have dinner.


6Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

[I][I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I]

21.(A) They wish they hadn't paid attention to Harvey.

(B)They asked for some information about Harvey.

(C)Harvey told them not to ignore him.

(0)Only Harvey could give them any assistance.

22.(A) Most of the audience joined in the performance.

(B)Some people don't enjoy performing.

(C)Not many people were in the audience.

(D)A few people didn't like the performance.

23.(A) A hotel room.

(B)The man's family.

(C)A reasonable offer.

(0)The man's schedule.

24.(A) He must change his syllabus.

(B)The woman cannot take his class.

(C)He has extra copies of the syllabus.

(D)Some students are not on his list.

25.(A) It's inconvenient for him to go to

Mount Pleasant Street.

(B)Those antique stores aren't very nice.

(C)There are many inexpensive shops on Mount Pleasant Street.

(0)The antiques in those stores are a little expensive.

26.(A) He's gone to San Diego many times.

(B)He's attended a lot of conferences.

(C)He has already gotten enough information.

(D)He's living in San Diego now.

27.(A) He once drove in a race.

(B)He's going to the races soon.

(C)He drives quite fast.

(D)He's thinking about a new car.

28.(A) The bowls are stacked on the shelves.

(B)This soup is no worse than the other brands.

(C)The new bowls are very attractive.

(D)He plans to stock up on this soup.

29.(A) Peter wouldn't be favored in the match.

(B)The match had already been played.

(C)The match wouldn't be played.

(0)Peter would win the match.

30.(A) He hasn't fmished working on the bookshelves.

(B)The tools have been misplaced.

(C)He's not very good with tools.

(0)The tools have already been returned.

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Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 7

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Part B

Directions: This part of the test consists of extended conversations between two speakers. After each of these conversations, there are a number of questions. You will hear each conversation and question only once, and the questions are not written out.

When you have heard the questions, read the four answer choices and select the one-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that best answers the question based on what is directly stated or on what can be inferred. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you have selected.

Don't forget: during actual exams, taking notes or writing in your test book is not permitted.


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