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The Complete Guide To The TOEFL Test

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the situation is improving
rip into small pieces distinguish
stop doing something interesting

Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 97

12.Don was wearing jean-; and a T-shirt while all the other guests had on formal dinner wear. He really _ . __

13.''I'm nervous ahout my interview."

., ______________ . You'll make abetter impression if you're relaxed."

14.The fifty stars on the American flag __ ._._ ..___00 . ____ the fifty states.


"Do you ____ ..

\Ol!l" ;lpartment before guests ___._____..._ . __ ..____ 1'·


"A little hit. I don't mind if it's a little messy, but I don't want it to look like a dIsaster area."


"My new roommate is from Italy."


"You should ______ ._..____ _ __ this opportunity to learn some Italian."


"I just heard on the news that the Florida orange crop was damaged by the hurricane last week,


and that orange juice prices are going to go way up:'


"If we had a big freezer, we could ____. __....___ ..___.. frozen orange juice now and


we wouldn't have to pay those prices."

18. "Do you live near Cecilia?"

"Oh, sure. My apartment building is just ______. ___._.

19."So you ran in that ten-kilometer race?" "Yes. hut it ____________


me. I can hardly move."

20."Tim, you've eaten at hoth these restaurants-how does Chez Michelle

____ the Oak Room?"

"Oh, they're both good. I think the Oak Room has slightly better food, but the service is hetter at Chez Michelle."

Mini-Lesson 1.11

take a short cut take a more direct or faster route than usual take off (1) remove (clothing, for example)

(2)ascend (a plane, for example)

(3)hecome popular quickly

take over assume control or responsibility take part (in) participate in

take the plunge finally take action; do something different

take time off (from) take a vacation or a break from work or school take up begin to study some topic or engage in some activity

talk down to speak to someone as if he or she were a child; patronize talk into persuade; convince

talk out of dissuade; convince not to do something talk over discuss

tear oneself away from something tear up

tell apart

things are looking up think over consider

throwaway discard; get rid of

throw cold water on discourage; force to cancel (a plan, for example) throw the book at someone give someone the maximum punishment try on test clothing before buying (for size, style, and so on)

try out test a product before buying

try out (for) audition for (a role in a play, for example); attempt to join (a team, for example)

98 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

Exercise: Fill in the blanks in the sentences or dialogs with idioms from the list above. There will be one word per blank. It may be necessary to change the verb forms in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct.


You'd better

these gloves before you buy them; they may not fit.



At first, 1 didn't want to go to the party, but I'm glad Annette


it. It was







The spy

the document so that no one else could read it.



The twins look so much alike that almost no one can

them ____


5."I need more excitement in my life."

"Why don't you give up stamp collecting and ________ sky-diving instead?"

6."Who made the final decision?"

"All of the people who were at the meeting ____________ the decision-making process."

7.Most air accidents take place when a plane is ________ or landing.

8. You've got to

those computer games and do your



9.Dan was afraid the judge would ________________ him because he had been charged with the same

offense several times.

10. ________ your boots before you go into the house.


1 wish I'd


this calculator before 1 bought it. It doesn't seem to be working







Marvin was going to drop out of school, but his grandfather

him ________ it.


I'm not sure if this is a suitable topic for a research paper. 1 need to

it ____ with


my teacher before 1 start writing.



"I'm going to


those old newspapers."



"Don't just put them in the trash-recycle them instead."



"Are you going on the class trip?"



"I need to


before 1 decide."


16."How did you get home so quickly?"

"I ________________ through the fields."

17. "So, Louisa, you decided to a part in the play?"

"Yes, I've been interested in acting for quite a while, so 1 finally decided to ________

18.Akiko is going to ____ some ____________ teaching to finish writing her dissertation.

Mini-Lesson 1.12

turn around face in a different direction turn down (1) reject an offer

(2) decrease the intensity of ;...turn in (1) return; give back; hand in

(2) go to bed

turn into change to; transform into

turn off stop the operation (of an appliance, for example); shut off

Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 99

turn on start the operation (of an appliance, for example) turn out (1) result; end up; be the final product


(3)arrive; gather (for a meeting, for example)

turn up (1) increase in intensity

(2) arrive

under the weather slightly ill use up usc completely

wait on




walk on air be very happy

warm up

(1) heat



(2) practice; prepare for

warm up (to)

become friendly with; start to enjoy

watch out (for)

be alert;

look out for

wear out become no longer useful because of wear

what the doctor ordered

exactly what was needed; the perfect thing

wipe out

eliminate; stamp out

without a hitch

without a problem

work out

(1) exercise



(2) bring to a successful conclusion; solve

Exercise: Fill in the blanks in the sentences or dialogs with idioms from the list above. There will be one word per blank. It may be necessary to change the verb forms in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

1. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is about a scientist who

a monster after

drinking a chemical potion.



3.It's warm in here. Could you _________ the heater a little?

4.I love that song. Could you ____.. ___ the radio a little?

5.I can't see a thing. Please. ________ the light.

6.This sweater looked nice when it was new, but now it's

7."I'm hungry!"

"Why don't you ____ _ __.____ some of the leftovers from lunch? You can use the microwave oven."


Not many people

for the meeting last night.


It's been a rough day.

I'm going to __..._ ... _.___ early and get a good night's sleep.

10."How about a nice cup of hot tea?"

"That's exactly what I'm in the mood for. It's just _____ .___

11."How was your presentation?"

"Great, It went off _________ . ______

12.1"m going to the gym to __.._______._____.. on the exercise machines.


If you're on a crowded bus or subway car, you must __.... _.____ .___ _

.____ pickpockets.


"A bear' I don't see a bear! Where is it?"



__ ___

slowly. It's right behind you."


15.Maria had quite a few problems last year, but she ____ them all ____

16.Don't ask me to ________ you! I'm not your servant.

17. Brian was offered the manager's job, but he ___ it ____ He said he didn't want the responsibility.

100Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

18.Before the game starts, the players need to ________

19."This cake Holly baked for the wedding "Yes, indeed. It was delicious."

very well, don't you think?"

20."Mitchell looked pale and tired."

"He told me he was feeling a little __~____________

21."You must be happy about getting that scholarship."

"Are you kidding? I'm still _____ ~__________ ."


Guide to Structure and Written Expression


102 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression

About Structure and Written Expression

The second section of TOEFL tests your understanding of English grammar and usage. This section is divided into two parts: Structure and Written Expression.


15 items

(Sentence Completion)


Written Expression

25 items

(Error Identification)



40 items


25 minutes

Section 2 is important! Your best chance for improving your score on TOEFL in a short time is to improve your score on this section, and therefore pull up your total score. Although a wide range of grammar points are tested, there are certain points that appear again and again, and you can master these points with the information and practice this Guide provides. Also, there are fewer items in this part than in the other two, so each item that you answer correctly adds more to your total score.

Section 2 may seem less stressful for you than Section 1 because you don't have to divide your attention between the audio and the test book. It may seem less stressful than Section 3 because it is easier to finish all the items before time is called.

Section 2 sentences are generally about academic subjects: the physical sciences (such as astronomy or geology), the social sciences (such as psychology or economics), or the humanities (such as music or literature). You will not see sentences that deal with "controversial" subjects such as abortion, illegal drugs, or sensitive political issues.

Any cultural references in the sentences are to the culture of the United States or Canada. Many of the sentences contain references to people, places, and institutions that you will not be familiar with. (In fact, many NorthAmericans are not familiar with these either!) It's not necessary to know these references; you should simply concentrate on the structure of the sentences. It's also not necessary to understand all the vocabulary in a sentence; you can often answer a question correctly without a complete understanding of that sentence.

There are two possible approaches to Section 2 problems: an analytical approach and an intuitive approach. A test-taker who uses the analytical approach quickly analyzes the grammar of a sentence to see what element is missing (in Structure) or which element is incorrect (in Written Expression). Someone who uses the second approach simply chooses the answer that "sounds right" (in Structure) or the one that "sounds wrong" (in Written Expression). Although this Guide emphasizes the first approach, the second can be useful too, especially for people who learned English primarily by speaking it and listening to it rather than by studying grammar and writing. If you aren't sure which approach works best for you, take Section 2 of one of the Practice Tests using the first method, and Section 2 of another test using the second approach. Did one approach give you a significantly better score? You can also combine the two approaches: if you get "stuck" (unable to choose an answer) using one method, you can switch to another.

Hint: An excellent way to prepare for Section 2 is to write your own Structure and Written Expression items. Write several items for each of the lessons in this part of the Guide. There's no better way to start thinking like a test-writer.

Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 103

Be familiar with the directions for both parts. Don't waste time reading the directions or examples. Begin immediately with question 1.

You can spend an average of about thirty seconds on each item. If an item seems difficult, make a guess and lightly mark the item on your answer sheet so that you can come back to it later. Erase all such marks before time is up. Don't spend too much time working on difficult items; it's better to work on items that you will probably get correct.

Never answer any item too quickly even if it seems easy. Always consider all four answer

choices. On both parts of this seclion, it's easy to make mistakes because of carelessness.

• Never leave any answers blank. Always guess even if you have no idea what the answer is.

If you fmish before time is called, go back and work on items that you found difficult. You are not permitted go ahead to Section 3.

Now begin your preparation for Section 2 by taking the Sample Structure and Written Expression Test. Be sure to observe the twenty-five-minute time limit.

104 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression

Sample Structure and Written

Expression Test

Time: 25 minutes

This section tests your ability to recognize grammar and usage suitable for standard written English. This section is divided into two parts, each with its own directions.


Directions: Items in this part are incomplete sentences. Following each of these sentences, there are four words or phrases. You should select the one word or phrase-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that best completes the sentence. 111en fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you have selected.


Sample Answer

Pepsin ____ an enzyme used in digestion.





This sentence should properly read "Pepsin is an enzyme used in digestion." You should fill in (B) on your answer sheet.

Example II

Sample Answer


____ large natural lakes are found in the state of South Carolina.

(A)There are no

(B)Not the

(C)It is not


This sentence should properly read "No large natural lakes are found in the state of South Carolina." You should fill in (D) on your answer sheet.

As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this part.


Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 105

1. Martha Graham, of the pioneers of modern dance, didn't begin dancing until she was twenty-one.

(A)who, as one

(B)she was


(D)was one

2.Tiger moths ____ wings marked with stripes or spots.





3.Platinum is harder than copper and is almost as pliable ____


(B)than gold

(C)as gold

(D)gold is

4.Most ofAnnie]ump Cannon's career as an astronomer involved the observation, classification, and ____

(A)she analyzed stars

(B)the stars' analysis

(C)stars were analyzed

(D)analysis of stars

5. Many communities are dependent on groundwater from wells for their water supply.

(A)that obtained


(C)is obtained

(D)obtain it

6.experimental studies of the aging process, psychologist Ross McFarland determined that people could work productively much longer than had previously been thought.

(A)In that




7. often raise funds from the sale of stock.

(A)For corporations to operate

(B)The operations of corporations

(C)Corporations operate by

(D)To operate, corporations

8. While all birds are alike in that they have feathers and lay eggs, great differences among them in terms of size, structure, and color.

(A)there are

(B)but are

(C)if there are

(D)to be


106 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression


9.There were ___ federal laws regulating mining practices until 1872.





10.The Masters, one of the most important of

all golf tournaments,

every year

in Augusta, Georgia.


(A) has held


(B) being held


(C) is held


(D) holding


11. Not only places of beauty; they serve scientific and educational purposes as well.

(A)are botanical gardens

(B)botanical gardens to be

(C)botanical gardens are

(D)to be botanical gardens

12. quicksand can be found all over the world, little was known about its composition until recently.





13.In 1791 Quebec was divided into two sections, Upper Canada and Lower Canada,

____ were ruled by elected assemblies.

(A)they both

(B)both of them

(C)in which both

(D)both of which

14. are a form of carbon has been known since the late eighteenth century.


(B)Because diamonds

(C)That diamonds

(D)Diamonds, which

15.Designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi,

(A)the United States was given the Statue of Liberty by the people of France

(B)the people of France gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States

(C)the Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by the people of France

(D)the French people presented the United States with a gift, the Statue of Liberty

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