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Англиский Язык.doc
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comfortable ['kmftəbl]


course [ko:s]


department (AmE college)


hall of residence (AmE dormitory)


laboratory [lə'borətəri]


lecture hall ['lektə]

лекционный зал

opportunity [,opə'tju:nəti]


scientific [,saiən'tifik]


speciality [,spei'æləti]


stadium ['steidiəm]


to consist of

состоять из

to found


to take up



хорошо подготовленный


2 Listen and repeat.

[i] gym, consist, seriously, swimming, opportunity

[Λ] staff, study, among, comfortable

[ei] train, status, education

[ai] time, higher, library, livestock, mechanization, scientific

[k] mechanization, technology, chemistry

Oral exercises

3 Practice the following sentences with the words given below. Listen and repeat the sentences until you can say them fluently.

a) second: I am a second-year student.

first, third, fourth, fifth

b) 10 thousand: Now the number of students is 10 thousand.

75; 600; 3,400; 5,000; 8,430; 25,000

c) 632: The teaching staff consists of 632 teachers.

12, 49, 84, 190, 357, 400, 920

d) sports: Many students take up sports very seriously.

music, dancing, drama, IT

e) 5 years: Students live there for 5 years.

1 year, 2.5 years, 4 years, all their lives

4 Complete the sentences using the appropriate word from the box.

diploma subject opportunity among stadium

second home oldest journal goes back amounts to

Example: Yesterday I found a very interesting journal on animal science in the library.

a) Our University has many sports facilities: gyms, a swimming pool and a big open-air _____.

b) There were a lot of people in the square, _____ them I saw my teacher of math.

c) Everybody can say that this is the _____ building in the city.

d) Natural science has always been Mike’s favorite _____.

e) I can never say that the hall of residence is my _____.

f) They gave you such a great _____ to get promoted. I can’t believe you lost it!

g) The history of the Russians _____ to 10th century A.D.

h) She was very proud of her son getting the _____ of higher education.

i) The population of London _____ more than 7 million people.


Passive Voice (Пассивный залог)

5 Look at the following sentence. Find a verb there. Translate it into Russian.

It was founded as Bashkir Agricultural Institute.


 Пассивный залог используется, когда исполнитель действия неизвестен или неважен.

 Подлежащим является объект действия (книга прочитана, дом построен).

 Пассивный залог в английском языке образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и смыслового глагола в III форме. Например: Chocolate is made from cocoa.

 Исполнитель действия (кем?) идет в позиции дополнения и вводится предлогом by. Например: The house was built by my grandfather.




Краткие ответы

I am taken to the hospital.

I am not (I’m not) taken to the hospital.

Am I taken to the hospital?

Yes, I am.

No, I am not.

You are taken to the hospital.

You are not (You aren’t) taken to the hospital.

Are you taken to the hospital?

Yes, you are.

No, you are not.

He (she/it) is taken to the hospital.

He is not (He/she/it isn’t) taken to the hospital.

Is he/she/it taken to the hospital?

Yes, he (she/it) is.

No, he (she/it) is not.

We are taken to the hospital.

We are not (aren’t) taken to the hospital.

Are we taken to the hospital?

Yes, we are.

No, we are not.

They are taken to the hospital.

They are not (aren’t) taken to the hospital.

Are they taken to the hospital?

Yes, they are.

No, they are not.