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Англиский Язык.doc
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10 Look at the pictures and say what the people are doing.



The baby is crying.

The people are singing now.

Действие происходит в данный момент, сейчас.

I am studying English for three months.

We are going in for sports since September.

Действие происходит в более широкий отрезок времени, связанный с настоящим моментом.


Время Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в настоящем времени и смыслового глагола с окончанием ing.




I am listening to music now.

You are listening to music now.

He (she, it) is listening to music now.

We are listening to music now.

They are listening to music now.

I’m not listening to music.

You’re not listening to music.

He (she, it) isn’t listening to music.

We aren’t listening to music.

They aren’t listening to music.

Am I listening to music?

Are you listening to music?

Is he (she, it) listening to music?

Are we listening to music?

Are they listening to music?

Правила прибавления окончания –ing.

a) Если глагол оканчивается на немую –е – она убирается.

come – coming lose – losing live - living

b) Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, перед которой идет краткий гласный звук, конечная согласная удваивается.

swim – swimming hit – hitting get – getting

c) Если глагол оканчивается на ie – это окончание меняется на y.

lie – lying die – dying


Некоторые глаголы в английском языке не могут использоваться во временах группы Continuous. Это глаголы умственного и чувственного восприятия. Вот некоторые из них:

see hear smell taste feel like

hate love remember believe know understand

11 Change the following into negative sentences.

a) Mike is speaking too loudly.

b) We are walking to the park now.

c) They are going by bus.

d) Sheila is crossing the street now.

e) I am sitting in the English class now.

f) You are reading a book on Economics.

12 Change the following into positive sentences.

a) We are not dancing.

b) They are not watching TV.

c) I’m not driving a car now.

d) My mother isn’t cooking dinner.

e) Lilia’s baby-brother’s not crying.

13 Think of possible questions for the given below answers.

a) No, we are not. We are walking towards the post office.

b) Yes, I am. I am right now speaking to her on the phone.

c) She is learning Spanish with a private teacher.

d) They are doing their math now.

e) No, he is not. He is looking at himself in the mirror.

f) The students are listening to the teacher.

g) The sun is shining.

h) No, it isn’t raining any longer.

14 Look at the pictures and say what the students are doing now using the verbs given: to dive, to talk, to read, to play football, to have lunch, to dance.

a) b)

c) d)

e) f)

15 Complete the letter with the verbs from the box. Use the Present Continuous tense, positive or negative. Use short forms wherever possible, e.g. he's, not he is.

work do draw work look play listen do sit write read

Dear Maria,

Hi! How are you? Mum and Dad are working today, but I ______ on the sofa at home because there is no school today. It's boring! My sister ______ to her stereo and she ______ pictures in her room. My brother ______ a book. I ______ anything exciting. I can't even watch TV because it ______! I ______ letters to people and I ______ my homework. Oh yes, I ______ out the window, too! I can see my dog. He ______ in the garden.

I hope you're well, Aliya.