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II. Прочитайте текст. Укажите, какие из приведенных ниже

утверждений соответствуют информации текста T (true), а какие

не соответствуют F (false); сделайте необходимые исправления

1. Human resource management is an entirely clerical function. T/F 2. The job of a human resource manager begins with employee

performance appraisal. T/F

3. There are six steps in human resource planning. T/F

4. HR management is not a function of just one department,

but it is a function of all managers. T/F

5. Many companies are getting more and more involved in

continuing education and development programs for their.

employees. T/F

III. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. Why is human resource management nowadays one of the

most critical managerial functions?


2. What set of activities are HR managers involved in?


3. What is the primary purpose of recruiting?


4. What sources do HR managers turn to in order to find the

right employee?


5. Why is an employee performance appraisal an important

function of a personnel manager ?


IV. Дополните предложения словами и выражениями из текста.

1. One of the most important steps in human resource planning is

_____ ______ of future human resource needs.

2. Selection is a process of _____ _____ to decide _____ should be _____.

3. _____ helps assure that the people the organization hires are

competent in all relevant areas.

4. Training improves _____ _____ of _____ _____, whereas developing

programs are more typical for _____ ______ .

5. _____ _____ _____ is the process of evaluating the level of employee

performance against the established standards.

V. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами, где необходимо.

1. a set ____ activities

2. a number ____ people

3. competent ____ all relevant areas

4. a level ____ performance

5. evaluation ____ performance level ____ established standards

VI. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:

a) job specification

b) job description

c) background investigation

d). human resource inventory

e). employee performance appraisal

1. a written summary of the objectives of the job, the type of work to be done

and responsibilities. the necessary skills.

2. a detailed list of employees’ ages, names, education, capabilities

as well as training and specialized skills.

3. evaluation of performance level of employees against established standards

4. screening applications to find the right person for the job.

5. a written summary of the qualifications, education, skills, etc, required of

a worker to do a particular job.

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