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Chapter 8:




Appropriate vaccine administration is critical to vaccine effectiveness. The recommended site, route, and dosage for each vaccine are based on clinical trials, practical experience, and theoretical considerations.

When they are manufactured, immunizing agents do not contain any contaminants and are therefore sterile. The strictest form of asepsis must be observed when preparing and administering vaccines:

Wash your hands before handling the equipment used in vaccination.

Use only sterilized equipment.

Gloves are not required for vaccination. The gloves should be worn only when the person administering the vaccine comes into contact with potentially biologically infectious fluids or has open lesions on their hands.

Nova Scotia Immunization Manual—Chapter 8: Immunization Techniques


Choice of Needle Gauge,

Length and Angle of Insertion

General Principles

Only one vaccine is to be used in each syringe.

The choice of needle length and injection site must be based on the person’s age and weight, the amount to be administered, and muscle size.

The needle gauge is selected based on the viscosity of the product to be administered.

When a dministering a la rge vol ume of immunizing a gent in a m uscle, the s ize and c irculatory condition of that muscle must be taken into account. When the reference points circumscribing the injection site are properly identified, there is no risk in administering the agent too deeply using a longer needle. If the needle strikes bone, simply withdraw it slightly and inject the agent into the muscle.

Use nursing judgement t o select t he appro riate i njection site a nd needle s eiz. This nur sing assessment is based upon the

–client’s age

–volume of biological product to be administered –viscosity of the biological product

–adequacy of muscle mass

– recommended route of administration for the biological product

After selecting the appropriate injection site, inspect

the s kin’s s urface ove r

the site f or br uises,

scars, or inflammation. Palpate the site for masses, edema, or tenderness. If any of these are found

at t he injection site, do no t u se the s ite, a s there

m ightbei nterference wit h

a bsorption of the

biological product.




Nova Scotia Immunization Manual—Chapter 8: Immunization Techniques

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