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Надпеченочный тип

Синдром Бадда-Киари

Baik S.K. и др. Recent Variceal Bleeding: Doppler US Hepatic Vein Waveform in Assessment of Severity of Portal Hypertension and Vasoactive Drug Response // Radiology. 2006. Т. 240. № 2. С. 574–580.

Baik S.K. и др. Recent Variceal Bleeding: Doppler US Hepatic Vein Waveform in Assessment of Severity of Portal Hypertension and Vasoactive Drug Response // Radiology. 2006. Т. 240. № 2. С. 574–580.

Wachsberg R.H. и др. Hepatofugal Flow in the Portal Venous System: Pathophysiology, Imaging Findings, and Diagnostic Pitfalls // RadioGraphics. 2002. Т. 22. № 1. С. 123–140.

Определение направления потока

Wachsberg R.H. и др. Hepatofugal Flow in the Portal Venous System: Pathophysiology, Imaging Findings, and Diagnostic Pitfalls // RadioGraphics. 2002. Т. 22. № 1. С. 123–140.

Определение направления потока

Wachsberg R.H. и др. Hepatofugal Flow in the Portal Venous System: Pathophysiology, Imaging Findings, and Diagnostic Pitfalls // RadioGraphics. 2002. Т. 22. № 1. С. 123–140.

Определение направления потока

Wachsberg R.H. и др. Hepatofugal Flow in the Portal Venous System: Pathophysiology, Imaging Findings, and Diagnostic Pitfalls // RadioGraphics. 2002. Т. 22. № 1. С. 123–140.

Определение направления потока

Wachsberg R.H. и др. Hepatofugal Flow in the Portal Venous System: Pathophysiology, Imaging Findings, and Diagnostic Pitfalls // RadioGraphics. 2002. Т. 22. № 1. С. 123–140.

Определение направления потока

Wachsberg R.H. и др. Hepatofugal Flow in the Portal Venous System: Pathophysiology, Imaging Findings, and Diagnostic Pitfalls // RadioGraphics. 2002. Т. 22. № 1. С. 123–140.

Определение направления потока

Wachsberg R.H. и др. Hepatofugal Flow in the Portal Venous System: Pathophysiology, Imaging Findings, and Diagnostic Pitfalls // RadioGraphics. 2002. Т. 22. № 1. С. 123–140.