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Курсовая работа.doc
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В данной курсовой работе была создана автоматизированная система диагностирование дефектов конструкций электронных устройств и был составлен банк дефектов, реализованный в Excel-таблице, содержащий информацию о двух видов дефектов. Данная система демонстрирует работу модуля анализа Diag со звуковыми сигналами, работу с банком дефектов и алгоритм сравнения полученных данных с помощью модуля Diag. Таким образом были решены поставленные для курсовой работу задачи. Система не пригодна к практическому применению из-за следующих недостатков:

  • Большие вычислительные затраты

  • Отсутствия полноценной базы данных

  • Отсутствие возможности записи сигнала

  • Отсутствие модуля для выявления постороннего шума

  • Низкая производительность

  • Существенная погрешность

Для практического применения автоматизированную систему необходимо модернизировать и исключить перечисленные недостатки. А так же следует оптимизировать код для быстродействия достаточного для диагностики звукового сигнала в реальном времени.

Список литературы

  1. В. В. Клюева «Неразрушающий контроль: Справочник в 7 томах» М.:Машиностроение, 2005.-829с

  2. Справочник по технической акустике: Пер. с ием./ Под ред. Хекла и Х. А. Мюллера. – Л.: Судостроение, 1980.-440с., ил. 329.-ИСБН.

  3. Борис Васильевич Павлов «Акустическая диагностика механизмов» Изд. «Машиностроение» Москва 1971г.

  4. Увайсов Расул Исаевич «МЕТОД ДИАГНОСТИКИ ДЕФЕКТОВ БОРТОВЫХ РАДИОТЕХНИЧЕСКИХ УСТРОЙСТВ», Автореферат диссертации, Москва 2008г.

  5. Кинтцель Т. «Программирование звука на ПК=A Programmer`s Guide to Sound»:Пер. С англ.-М.:ДМК Пресс, 2005.-432с., ил.

  6. Ong Swee Eng “Use Matlab package to design software application for human voice synthesis”2011г.

  7. Электронный ресурс: http://habrahabr.ru/post/144491/

  8. Электронный ресурс: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki

  9. Электронный ресурс: http://lnktd-opz.narod.ru/vd.html

  10. Электронный ресурс: http://zetlab.ru/support/articles/programs.php

  11. Электронный ресурс: http://matlab.exponenta.ru/

  12. Электронный ресурс:http://www.steinberg.net

  13. Электронный ресурс: http://gapeal.narod.ru/scince/01-scince.html

  14. Электронный ресурс:http://habrahabr.ru/post/132487/

  15. Электронный ресурс:http://matstats.ru/dover.html


  1. Модули MatLab

    1. Листинг модуля Diag.m

function res=Diag(Name)





    1. Листинг myVAD.m

function trimmedX = myVAD(x)

% Syntax: trimmedSample = myVAD(samplex);

% This function accepts an audio sample 'samplex' as input and returns a

% trimmed down version with non-speech sections trimmed off. Also known as

% voice activity detection, it utilises the algorithm due to Rabiner &

% Sambur (1975)

Ini = 0.1; % Initial silence duration in seconds

Ts = 0.01; % Frame width in seconds

Tsh = 0.005; % Frame shift in seconds

Fs = 16000; % Sampling Frequency

counter1 = 0;

counter2 = 0;

counter3 = 0;

counter4 = 0;

ZCRCountf = 0; % Stores forward count of crossing rate > IZCT

ZCRCountb = 0; % As above, for backward count

ZTh = 40; % Zero crossing comparison rate for threshold

w_sam = fix(Ts*Fs); % No of Samples/window

o_sam = fix(Tsh*Fs); % No of samples/overlap

lengthX = length(x);

segs = fix((lengthX-w_sam)/o_sam)+1; % Number of segments in speech signal

sil = fix((Ini-Ts)/Tsh)+1; % Number of segments in silent period

win = hamming(w_sam);

Limit = o_sam*(segs-1)+1; % Start index of last segment

FrmIndex = 1:o_sam:Limit; % Vector containing starting index for each segment

ZCR_Vector = zeros(1,segs); % Vector to hold zero crossing rate for all segments

% Below code computes and returns zero crossing rates for all segments in

% speech sample

for t = 1:segs

ZCRCounter = 0;

nextIndex = (t-1)*o_sam+1;

for r = nextIndex+1:(nextIndex+w_sam-1)

if (x(r) >= 0) && (x(r-1) >= 0)

elseif (x(r) >= 0) && (x(r-1) < 0)

ZCRCounter = ZCRCounter + 1;

elseif (x(r) < 0) && (x(r-1) < 0)

elseif (x(r) < 0) && (x(r-1) >= 0)

ZCRCounter = ZCRCounter + 1;



ZCR_Vector(t) = ZCRCounter;


% Below code computes and returns frame energy for all segments in speech

% sample

Erg_Vector = zeros(1,segs);

for u = 1:segs

nextIndex = (u-1)*o_sam+1;

Energy = x(nextIndex:nextIndex+w_sam-1).*win;

Erg_Vector(u) = sum(abs(Energy));


IMN = mean(Erg_Vector(1:sil)); % Mean silence energy (noise energy)

IMX = max(Erg_Vector); % Maximum energy for entire utterance

I1 = 0.03 * (IMX-IMN) + IMN; % I1 & I2 are Initial thresholds

I2 = 4 * IMN;

ITL = min(I1,I2); % Lower energy threshold

ITU = 5 * ITL; % Upper energy threshold

IZC = mean(ZCR_Vector(1:sil)); % mean zero crossing rate for silence region

stdev = std(ZCR_Vector(1:sil)); % standard deviation of crossing rate for

% silence region

IZCT = min(ZTh,IZC+2*stdev); % Zero crossing rate threshold

indexi = zeros(1,lengthX); % Four single-row vectors are created

indexj = indexi; % in these lines to facilitate computation below

indexk = indexi;

indexl = indexi;

% Search forward for frame with energy greater than ITU

for i = 1:length(Erg_Vector)

if (Erg_Vector(i) > ITU)

counter1 = counter1 + 1;

indexi(counter1) = i;



ITUs = indexi(1);

% Search further forward for frame with energy greater than ITL

for j = ITUs:-1:1

if (Erg_Vector(j) < ITL)

counter2 = counter2 + 1;

indexj(counter2) = j;



start = indexj(1)+1;

Erg_Vectorf = fliplr(Erg_Vector);% Flips round the energy vector

% Search forward for frame with energy greater than ITU

% This is equivalent to searching backward from last sample for energy > ITU

for k = 1:length(Erg_Vectorf)

if (Erg_Vectorf(k) > ITU)

counter3 = counter3 + 1;

indexk(counter3) = k;



ITUf = indexk(1);

% Search further forward for frame with energy greater than ITL

for l = ITUf:-1:1

if (Erg_Vectorf(l) < ITL)

counter4 = counter4 + 1;

indexl(counter4) = l;



finish = length(Erg_Vector)-indexl(1)+1;% Tentative finish index

% Search back from start index for crossing rates higher than IZCT

BackSearch = min(start,25);

for m = start:-1:start-BackSearch+1

rate = ZCR_Vector(m);

if rate > IZCT

ZCRCountb = ZCRCountb + 1;

realstart = m;



if ZCRCountb > 3

start = realstart; % If IZCT is exceeded in more than 3 frames

% set start to last index where IZCT is exceeded


% Search forward from finish index for crossing rates higher than IZCT

FwdSearch = min(length(Erg_Vector)-finish,25);

for n = finish+1:finish+FwdSearch

rate = ZCR_Vector(n);

if rate > IZCT

ZCRCountf = ZCRCountf + 1;

realfinish = n;



if ZCRCountf > 3

finish = realfinish; % If IZCT is exceeded in more than 3 frames

% set finish to last index where IZCT is exceeded


x_start = FrmIndex(start); % actual sample index for frame 'start'

x_finish = FrmIndex(finish-1); % actual sample index for frame 'finish'

trimmedX = x(x_start:x_finish); %T rim speech sample by start and finish indices

    1. Листинг mfsscf.m

function FMatrix=mfccf(num,s,Fs)

% Syntax: M=mfccf(num,s, Fs);

% Computes and returns the mfcc coefficients for a speech signal s

% where num is the required number of MFCC coefficients. It utilises the

% function 'melbankm' from the toolbox 'Voicebox' by Mike Brooks

n=512; % Number of FFT points

Tf=0.025; % Frame duration in seconds

N=floor(Fs*Tf); % Number of samples per frame

fn=24; % Number of mel filters

l=length(s); % total number of samples in speech

Ts=0.01; % Frame step in seconds

FrameStep=Fs*Ts; % Frame step in samples


b=[1, -0.97]; % a and b are high pass filter coefficients

noFrames=floor(l/FrameStep); % Maximum no of frames in speech sample

FMatrix=zeros(noFrames-2, num); % Matrix to hold cepstral coefficients

lifter=1:num; % Lifter vector index

lifter=1+floor((num)/2)*(sin(lifter*pi/num));% raised sine lifter version

if mean(abs(s)) > 0.01

s=s/max(s); % Normalises to compensate for mic vol differences


% Segment the signal into overlapping frames and compute MFCC coefficients

for i=1:noFrames-2

frame=s((i-1)*FrameStep+1:(i-1)*FrameStep+N); % Holds individual frames

Ce1=sum(frame.^2); % Frame energy

Ce2=max(Ce1,2e-22); % floors to 2 X 10 raised to power -22


framef=filter(b,a,frame); % High pass pre-emphasis filter

F=framef.*hamming(N); % multiplies each frame with hamming window

FFTo=fft(F,N); % computes the fft

melf=melbankm(fn,n,Fs); % creates 24 filter, mel filter bank


spectr1=log10(melf*abs(FFTo(1:halfn)).^2);% result is mel-scale filtered


c=dct(spectr); % obtains DCT, changes to cepstral domain

c(1)=Ce; % replaces first coefficient

coeffs=c(1:num); % retains first num coefficients

ncoeffs=coeffs.*lifter'; % Multiplies coefficients by lifter value

FMatrix(i, :)=ncoeffs'; % assigns mfcc coeffs to succesive rows i


% Call the deltacoeff function to compute derivatives of MFCC

% coefficients; add all together to yield a matrix with 3*num columns

d=(deltacoeff(FMatrix)).*0.6; % Computes delta-mfcc

d1=(deltacoeff(d)).*0.4; % as above for delta-delta-mfcc

FMatrix=[FMatrix,d,d1]; % concatenates all together

    1. Листинг melbankm.m

function [x,mn,mx]=melbankm(p,n,fs,fl,fh,w)

% MELBANKM determine matrix for a mel-spaced filterbank [X,MN,MX]=(P,N,FS,FL,FH,W)


% Inputs: p number of filters in filterbank

% n length of fft

% fs sample rate in Hz

% fl low end of the lowest filter as a fraction of fs (default = 0)

% fh high end of highest filter as a fraction of fs (default = 0.5)

% w any sensible combination of the following:

% 't' triangular shaped filters in mel domain (default)

% 'n' hanning shaped filters in mel domain

% 'm' hamming shaped filters in mel domain


% 'z' highest and lowest filters taper down to zero (default)

% 'y' lowest filter remains at 1 down to 0 frequency and

% highest filter remains at 1 up to nyquist freqency


% If 'ty' or 'ny' is specified, the total power in the fft is preserved.


% Outputs: x a sparse matrix containing the filterbank amplitudes

% If x is the only output argument then size(x)=[p,1+floor(n/2)]

% otherwise size(x)=[p,mx-mn+1]

% mn the lowest fft bin with a non-zero coefficient

% mx the highest fft bin with a non-zero coefficient


% Usage: f=fft(s); f=fft(s);

% x=melbankm(p,n,fs); [x,na,nb]=melbankm(p,n,fs);

% n2=1+floor(n/2); z=log(x*(f(na:nb)).*conj(f(na:nb)));

% z=log(x*abs(f(1:n2)).^2);

% c=dct(z); c(1)=[];


% To plot filterbanks e.g. plot(melbankm(20,256,8000)')


% % Version: $Id: melbankm.m,v 1.3 2005/02/21 15:22:13 dmb Exp $


% VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.

% Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html


if nargin < 6


if nargin < 5


if nargin < 4








% convert to fft bin numbers with 0 for DC term

bl=n*((f0+fl)*exp([0 1 p p+1]*lr)-f0);



if any(w=='y')



r=[ones(1,b2) fp fp+1 p*ones(1,fn2-b3)];

c=[1:b3+1 b2+1:fn2+1];

v=2*[0.5 ones(1,b2-1) 1-pf+fp pf-fp ones(1,fn2-b3-1) 0.5];












r=[fp(k2:k4) 1+fp(1:k3)];

c=[k2:k4 1:k3];

v=2*[1-pm(k2:k4) pm(1:k3)];




if any(w=='n')


elseif any(w=='m')



if nargout > 1





    1. Листинг Deltacoeff.m

function diff = deltacoeff(x)

%Author: Olutope Foluso Omogbenigun

%Email: olutopeomogbenigun at hotmail.com

%University: London Metropolitan University

%Date: 12/07/07

%Syntax: diff = deltacoeff(Matrix);

%Calculates the time derivative of the MFCC

%coefficients matrix x and returns the result as a new matrix.

[nr,nc] = size(x);

K = 3; %Number of frame span(backward and forward span equal)

b = K:-1:-K; %Vector of filter coefficients

%pads cepstral coefficients matrix by repeating first and last rows K times

px = [repmat(x(1,:),K,1);x;repmat(x(end,:),K,1)];

diff = filter(b, 1, px, [], 1); % filter data vector along each column

diff = diff/sum(b.^2); %Divide by sum of square of all span values

% Trim off upper and lower K rows to make input and output matrix equal

diff = diff(K + [1:nr],:);

  1. Код программы DiagSound на языке C#

    1. Листинг файла Form1.cs

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility;

using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays;

using MatLab;

namespace DiagSound


public partial class Form1 : Form


string FileName;

Class1 obj = new Class1();//MatLab

MWNumericArray MW ;

int res = 0;

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application ObjExcel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Sheets ObjSheet;

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ObjWorkSheet;

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook ObjWorkBook;

public int srav(double Vect, double Norma, double dx)


int res = 0;

if (Math.Abs(Vect - Norma) <= dx)


return res;


public int readMat(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range Norma, double Vect, int i, int j)


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range N;

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range D;

N = Norma.get_Offset(i, j);

D = Norma.get_Offset(i + 18, j);

if (Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(N.Value2.ToString()) - Vect)

<= 2*Convert.ToDouble(D.Value2.ToString())) return 1;

else return 0;


public Form1()




private void выходToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




private void wavфаToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK &&

openFileDialog1.FileName.Length > 0)

FileName = openFileDialog1.FileName;

else MessageBox.Show("Error");

MW = (MWNumericArray)obj.Diag(FileName);





button1.Enabled = true;

if (openFileDialog2.FileName.Length > 0) button2.Enabled = true;


private void DataToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (openFileDialog2.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK &&

openFileDialog2.FileName.Length > 0)



listBox1.Items.Add("База дефектов:");



if (openFileDialog1.FileName.Length > 0) button2.Enabled = true;



private void оПрограммеToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


MessageBox.Show("Программа разработана для курсовой работе\n по теме \"Автоматизированная система диагностики дефектов\nв конструкции электронных устройств\nс помощью акустических сигналов\"\nАвтор программы студент 3-го курса\nСургутского государственного университета \nВолков Александр\nкафедра АСОиУ\n2012г.","О программе");


private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


ObjWorkBook = ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open(@openFileDialog2.FileName,

Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,

Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,

Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,

Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

ObjSheet = ObjWorkBook.Sheets;


listBox1.Items.Add("Начала диагностики");

for (int sample = 0; sample < (MW.NumberOfElements / 39) - 16; sample=sample+17)


res = 0;

ObjWorkSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)ObjSheet.get_Item(1);

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range ObjRanges;

ObjRanges = ObjWorkSheet.get_Range("B2", Type.Missing);

// if (readMat(ObjRanges, (double)MW[ 1 + sample, 1], 0, 0) > 0)

for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++)


for (int j = 0; j < 39; j++)

res = res + readMat(ObjRanges, (double)MW[i + 1 + sample, j + 1], i, j);


if (res / 6.63 > 85)


listBox1.Items.Add("Стук " + Math.Round(res / 6.63, 2) + "% [" + (sample / 17) * 0.2 + " ; " + Math.Round((sample / 17) * 0.2 + 0.2, 2) + "] сек");

//sample = sample + 17;




res = 0;

ObjWorkSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)ObjSheet.get_Item(2);

ObjRanges = ObjWorkSheet.get_Range("B2", Type.Missing);

// if (readMat(ObjRanges, (double)MW[1 + sample, 1], 0, 0) > 0)

for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++)


for (int j = 0; j < 39; j++)

res = res + readMat(ObjRanges, (double)MW[i + 1 + sample, j + 1], i, j);


if (res / 6.63 > 85)


listBox1.Items.Add("Треск " + Math.Round(res / 6.63, 2) + "% [" + Math.Round((sample / 17) * 0.2, 2) + " ; " + Math.Round((sample / 17) * 0.2 + 0.2, 2) + "] сек");

//sample = sample + 17;




listBox1.Items.Add("Диагностика завершина");



private void добавитьToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


MessageBox.Show("Для диагностики сигнала необходимо сначала\nзагрузить Базу Дефектов и wave-файл содержащий\nсигнал, который нужно продиагностировать, после\nчего нажать кнопку Диагностика. После этого\nпрограмма начнет диагностировать сигнал и\nв случае обнаружения признаков дефекта\nвыводить в список наименование\nдефекта, процент схожести и отрезок времени\nна котором он обнаружил (в секундах)","Help");


