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Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут»

Методичні вказівки до практичних занять з дисципліни «Англійська мова загально-технічного спрямування»

для студентів 2-го курсу ФЕЛ напрямів підготовки «Акустотехніка» і «Телекомунікації»

частина I

Затверджено Методичною радою НТУУ «КПІ»

Київ «Політехніка»


Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут»

Методичні вказівки до практичних занять з дисципліни «Англійська мова загально-технічного спрямування»

для студентів 2-го курсу ФЕЛ напрямів підготовки «Акустотехніка» і «Телекомунікації»

частина I

Затверджено Методичною радою НТУУ ”КПІ”

Затверджено на методичному засіданні кафедри англійської мови № Протокол № від

Київ «Політехніка»


Методичні вказівки до практичних занять з дисципліни «Англійська мова загально-технічного спрямування» для студентів 2-го курсу ФЕЛ напрямів підготовки «Акустотехніка» і «Телекомунікації». /Уклад. Н.Е. Доронкина. – К. Видавництво «Політехніка», 2012. – 62 с.





Unit 1 Sound Waves Motion…………….……….………………………5

Unit 2 Reflection………………………………….…………………….13

Unit 3 Refraction………………………………….…………………….21

Unit 4 Echo and Reverberation……..…………….…………………….29

Unit 5 Echo and reverberation (continuation)…….…………………….37

Unit 6 Psychoacoustics………………………………………………….45

Appendix 1 Irregular Verbs……………………………………….…….54

Appendix 2 English Prefixes .……………………………….………….58

Appendix 3 English Suffixes………………………….………………..60

References ……………………………………...………………………62


Методичні вказівки до практичних занять з дисципліни «Англійська мова загально-технічного спрямування» для студентів 2-го курсу ФЕЛ напрямів підготовки «Акустотехніка» і «Телекомунікації» частина I

побудовані відповідно до програми, яка передбачає навчання студентів всім видам мовленнєвої діяльності.

Кожен розділ включає в себе тексти за спеціальністю, доповнені лексичними та граматичними завданнями для відпрацьовування граматичних структур, які часто використовуються в технічній літературі.

Крім того кожен розділ містить завдання творчого характеру: складання діалогів,написання анотацій тощо. Додатки містять довідкову інформацію у формі таблиць.

Вміщений у даних вказівках матеріал навчає студентів не лише англійській мові, але й знайомить із досягненнями у галузі їх спеціальності.

Методичні вказівки розраховані для роботи зі студентами в аудиторії.

Unit 1

I. Memorize the following words: absorb поглинати

anechoic – безлунний audible – чутний dissemination - розсіювання

disturb – збурювати, порушувати, непокоїти hinder – перешкоджати

in-between – посередині obstacle перешкода pond – ставок

propagation розповсюдження ratio – співвідношення

reverberant – той, що звучить, звучний ripple – брижі (на воді)

reflect – відбивати (промінь, хвилю) term – називати

transmit – проводити, пропускати.

II. Talk to your partner and try to find out if he/she knows the answers to

these questions:

1.What is hearing range of the human ear?

2.How do we hear sound?

3.What does the velocity of sound depend on?

4.How does hearing ability depend on human age?

5.Do sound waves travel faster in air than in water?

6.What kind of sound waves is inaudible for human ears?

7.What creatures can hear them?

8.What is the difference between musical sounds and others?

9.What does the loudness of sound depend on?

10. What characteristics of sound wave do you know?

III. Read the text quickly to find the words which mean:

1.a number of cycles per unit of time

2.an audible vibration of material medium

3.the process of determining the ratio of a physical quantity, such as a length, time, temperature etc.

4.taking something in through pores

5.a still body of water smaller than a lake

6.the process of spreading to a larger area or greater number; dissemination

7.person or thing that opposes or hinders something

8.a mistake, an incorrect action

9.a small wave or a wavelike motion

10.throwing or bending back (light, for example) from a surface

III. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Sound Waves Motion.

Like ripples on a pond sound waves spread out uniformly in all directions. Their amplitude decreases as they move further from the source. When the distance doubles, the amplitude drops by half -which is a drop of 6 dB. Thus, if you are at a position one meter from the source and move one meter further away from the source, the sound pressure level will drop by 6 dB. If you move to 4 meters, it will drop by 12 dB. However, this is only true when there is no reflecting or blocking objects in the sound path. Such ideal conditions are termed free-field conditions. With an in the sound path, part of the sound will be reflected, part will be absorbed and the remainder will be transmitted through the object. How much sound is reflected, absorbed or transmitted depends on the properties of the object, its size and the wavelength of the sound. Generally, the object must be larger than one wavelength in order to significantly disturb the sound. For example, at 10 kHz the wavelength is 3,4 cm and even a small object will disturb the sound field, so sound absorption and insulation are readily achieved. But at 100 Hz sound insulation becomes more difficult. In practice the

majority of sound measurements are made in rooms that are neither anechoic nor reverberant - but somewhere in-between. This makes it difficult to find the correct measuring positions. When determining emission from a single source, several errors are possible. If measurements are made too close to the machine, the sound pressure level may vary significantly with a small change in sound level meter position. This will occur at a distance less than the wavelength of the lowest frequency emitted from the machine, or at less than twice the greatest dimension of the machine, whichever distance is the greater. This area is termed the near-field of the machine, and measurements in this region should be avoided if possible. Other errors may arise if you measure too far away from the machine because of reflection from walls and other objects. This region is termed the reverberant-field. Between the reverberant and near-field is the free-field. Sound pressure level measurements should be made in this region. However, it is quite possible, that the conditions are so reverberant or the room is so small that no free-field exists. In such cases some standards suggest an environmental connection to account for the effect of reflected sound.

Vocabulary, Comprehension and Summary Writing

I. Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text:

1.Suppose you are at a position 16 meters from the sound source in free-field conditions, what will the sound pressure level drop by?

2.Why is it difficult to measure the sound pressure level in near-field of the machine in neither anechoic nor reverberant room?

3.What region is considered to be the best for sound pressure level measurements?

4.When do we say, that the object is in free-field conditions?

5.What region is called reverberant-field?

6.What errors are possible in measuring the sound pressure level too far away from the machine?

7.What objects in the sound path can significantly disturb the sound?

8.What happens if there is an obstacle in the sound path?

9.When do we say, that no free-field exists?

10.How does the amplitude of sound change as the waves move further from the source?

II. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1.The further from the source of sound the more its amplitude.

2.The amount of sound reflected from an obstacle depends on its size.

3.The amount of sound absorbed by an obstacle isn’t influenced by the


4.The most accurate measurements are made in the near-field of machines.

5.Reflection from the walls usually distorts sound pressure level measurements.

6.The best region for measurements of sound pressure level is reverberant-field.

7.Between the reverberant and the free-field is the near-field.

8.Sound loudness is usually measured in decibels.

9.If the wavelength is 3,4 cm, the frequency is 10 kHz.

10.Practically the majority of sound measurements are made in anechoic rooms .

III. Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations.

pond, disturbance, absorb, transmits, reflect, emission, ripples, receiving, in-

between, wave length.

1.The radio ______ on several different frequencies.

2.Some ______ plants grow entirely underwater or have parts that extend above the surface.

3.An antenna can be used for both transmitting and ______.

4.The ocean ability to ______ carbon is being reduced because of global warming.

5.It is necessary to study physical aspects of black hole ______ of particles.

6.The experiment is at ______ stage.

7.The more the ______, the less the frequency.

8.This tutorial will teach you how to create a realistic look flag ______ effect against wind.

9.The basic result is the gravitational ______ produced by a collapsing star.

10. A perfect black body would absorb all energy,______ none at all.

IV. Match the beginning of each sentence with the end.





In physics propagation is known as

a. the result can be got.




the process by which a disturbance,








I have the honour to transmit

b. data to

be transmitted by cellular


herewith the statement








Sound field ensures an even








distribution of sound


electromagnetic or sound waves, is




transmitted through a medium such




as air or water.





When two separate molecules react,

d. governing the emission of a y-ray.



An anechoic chamber is a room

e. thrown into the center of a still pond.


The movement widen and spread,

f. sound absorbing materials are used to


like a ripple from a stone thrown into


reduce reverberant noise levels



the center of a still pond.








They must overcome a number of

g. designed to stop reflections of either


obstacles before


sound or electromagnetic waves.



The technology allows

h. the


is termed









For many rooms where the exact

i. from the teacher, the students and any


behavior of the sound must be


multimedia equipment.











10. It is important to set up the

j.. made

by the spokesman of the


selection rules


Ministry of Foreign Relations.


Grammar Structure in Scientific English

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite

1. I’m not going to publish any results until my scientific project _____ (to be


2. The conference _____ next month. (to begin)

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