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Методичні вказівки



Київ КПІ 1993

Редактор Л.К.Литвинова



Методичні вказівки до вивчення курсу англійської мови

Для студентів ІІ курсу

Факульткету єлектроенерготехніки і автоматики


На засіданні кафедри

Іноземних мов№1

Протокол №4 від 16.12.92

Киів КПІ 1993

Медодичні вказівки до вивчення курсу англійскої мови для студентів ІІ курсу факультету електроенерготехніки і автоматики / Укл.:

С.Ф.Павлова, Е.І.Степаньковска. –К.: КПІ, 1993. – 76 с.

Укладачі: С.Ф.Павлова


Відповідалний за випуск Ж.М. Малиновська

Рецензенти: Л.М.Захарова


Навчальне видання

Методичні вказіввки до

вивчення курсу англійської мови

для студентів ІІ курсу

факультету електроенерготехніки і автоматики

Укладачі: Павлова Світлана Федорівна

Степаньковска Енеліна Іванівна


Методичні вказівки укладено відповідно до програми і спрямовано на розвиток навичок читання і перекладу науково-технічних текстів за профілем електроенерготехнічних спеціальностей.

Цю роботу належіть викристовувати як перехідну ланку від стабільного підручника з англійскої мови до читання оригінальної літератури за фахом.

Видання складається з ІІ основних текстів з вправами. Система вправ відповідно до конкретних учбових цілей має на меті як розвиток навичок точного і загального розуміння, так і розвиток навичок з усної мови. Пропонуються також вправи, що мають прфесійну спрямованість.

Виконання студентами методичних вказівок сприяє інтенсифікації прцесу навчання іноземній мові і створює умови для правільного і нацбільш доцільного тренування, яке забезпечуе тривалі навички розуміння структури науково-технічного тексту.




The purpose of this lesson is to deal with energy. The word “energy” comes from two Greek words, namely, ''an'' meaning "in" and “ergon” meaning "work".

What is energy from the point of view of science? Scientifically speaking, energy is the capacity for doing work. There are various forms of energy, such as heat, mechanical, electrical, chemical, atomic, etc. One might also mention the two kinds of mechanical energy-kinetic and potential, the former being the energy of a body it possesses by virtue of its motion, while the latter being the energy of a body it possesses because of its position. It is well known that one form of energy can be changed into another. For example, when water is falling from its raised position, energy changes from potential to kinetic. If there is a hydroelectric station at the waterfall, the energy of falling water is used to drive the turbines. The turbines driven by the kinetic energy of the running water turn electric generators, these generators producing electric energy. Thus, the mechanical energy of falling water is turned into electric energy. The electric energy, in its turn, may be transformed into any other necessary form of energy.

Heat and other forms of energy are interchangeable. Heat can be converted into mechanical energy and vice versa.

That it is possible to convert heat to mechanical energy and mechanical energy back to heat can be demonstrated in a number of ways. A savage rubs two sticks together and the heat of the friction starts his fire. He is converting the energy that he puts into the rubbing, into heat. In a steam engine the heat of the fire is used to generate the steam that drives the engine, and it is the heat of the fuel burning in the furnace that provides the mechanical energy. Fuel burnt in the furnaces of a generating station supplies the heat that raises the steam



Answer the following questions:

1. What is the higher scientific, institution in our country?

2. By whom was the Academy founded?

3. Who laid the foundation of the atomic might of our country?

  1. Where was the fire atomic power station put into operation?

5. Who was the first to prove possibility of interplanetary communication?

  1. When was the first sputnik launched?

7. What was S. P.. Korolev?


for the turbines. These drive the dynamos, which generate electricity, thus converting the heat of the flaming fuel into electric energy.

Unfortunately, in the interchange between heat and other types of energy something is always lost, for if it were not so, perpetual motion would be a practical proposition. When a kettle is placed on a gas jet some of the heat escapes round the sides of the kettle. The same phenomenon is observed in the steamgenerating units. However carefully boiler casing and steampipes are sealed, some heat escapes and is lost. In the engine itself we can see the re-conversion of some of the energy to wasteful heat. The friction of the bearings causes them and the lubricating oil which is circulating through them to warm up. Thus, friction takes away some power.

Energy is widely used in our everyday life by means of various machines. A machine is a device for applying energy for various purposes. On account of friction we always get less useful work out of a machine that we put into it. According to the Law of Conservation of Energy the energy input is equal to the energy output plus energy wasted.

We can do nothing without using energy. For example, we use heat energy for doing a lot of useful things, namely, for heating our homes, for cleaning, washing and ironing our clothes, and so on. Automobiles, trams, trains, airplanes are moved by changing heat energy to other forms of energy.

Electrical energy does many things for us. It is changed to other forms, such as light, mechanical, heat, chemical, and others. When we watch television, we hear the sound and see the picture. The television /TV/ set gets warm. Thus, electrical energy changes to heat, light and sound.

We have already seen that energy of some kind must be employed to generate the electric current. The sources of energy usually employed to produce current are either chemical, as in the battery, or mechanical, as in the electromagnetic generator. Chemical sources of current having a limited application, the great quantities of electric energy generated today come from various forms of mechanical energy.


Now a new form of energy-atomic energy – is put to the service of mankind. Atomic energy is the most concentrated source of power known to man.

I.Прочитайте наступні слова:

purpose, to deal with, Greek, capacity, mechanical, chemical, might, kinetic, hydroelectric, waterfall, savage, dynamo, to seal, to circulate, civilisation, equal, to change, warm, sound, kind.

II. Запам’ятайте наступні слова і словосполучення:

burn /v/, capacity /n/, convert /v/, deal /with/ /v/, drive /v/, engine /n/, interchangeable /adj/, input /n/, means /n/, output /n/, provide /v/, source /n/, turn /into/ /v/.

ІІІ. Дайте англійські еквіваленти:

горіти, місткість, здатність; перетворювати; мати справу з; управляти, обертати; вихід, вивід; забеспечувати; подавати, постачати; джерело; перетворювати в.

ІV. Прочитайте та перекладить словосполучення:

a point, point of view, to point out; capacity, capability, capable; variety, various; to move, moveless, movement, mover; to change, changeability, changeable, changeless, changeful; to produce, production, productive, productivity; to turn into, in its turn; to transform, transformation, transformer; possible, impossible, possibility; a number of, a number, to number, a great number, numberless; to supply, supplement, supplementary; to generate, generation, generative; to use, usage, useless, useful.

V. Перекладіть англійською мовою:

  1. Здатність виконувати роботу. 2. Різні форми енергії. 3. Теплова, механічна, електрична, хімічна, атомна енергія. 4. Енергія, яку має тепло завдяки руху. 5. Тепло може бути перетворено в механічну енергію. 6. Енергія використову-ється у побуті. 7. Обертати турбіну. 8. Виробляти енергію. 9. Перетворювати теплову енергію в електричну. 10. Необхідний стан енергії. 11. Паливо, що спалюється в печі. 12. За допомогою різних машин . 13. Джерело енергії.


14. to point out

15. to bring up

16. to dream of

17. welding

18. to allot






19. to acquire

20. to put an end to

21. to bind hand and foot

22. on a large scale disposal


покласти кінець

зв’язати порукам і ногах

мати у розпорядженні

Give English equivalents to:

1. галузі народного господарстіва

2. громадянська війна

3. виконувати плани

4. забеспечити всім необхідним

5. покласти кінець

6. вищий учбовий заклад

7. спеціальни школи

8. проводити наукові дослідження

9. робити внесок в науку

10. видатні вчені

11. конструктор ракет

12. зробити велике відкриття

13. керовані ядерні реакції

14. закласти основи будь- чого

15. електрозварювання

16. науково-технічна революція

Translate from English into Ukrainian:

1. Cur country needed a great number of qualified specialists.

2. The Academy conducts the research promoting advancement of a11 branches of science.

3. Academician I. V. Kurchatov made a major discovery in nuclear physics.

4. Tsiolkovsky was the first to prove scientifically tile possibility of interplanetary communication.

  1. S.P.Krolv is the eminent Ukrainian scientist and designer of rockets and space systems.

  2. 6. The development of science acquires especially great significance in the period of scientific and technical revolution.


dustry, agriculture and medicine.

The rapid development of rocketry became possible due to Tsiolkovsky who laid the foundation of the theory of rocket motion. K.Tsiolkovsky was the first to prove scientifically the possibility of interplanetary communication.

A series of outstanding developments in the history of space exploration is associated with the name of the eminent scientist and designer of rockets and space systems S.P. Korolyev. He made a great contribution to space science and technology, he put Tsiolkovsky’s principles into practice.

The launching of the first artificial satellite of the earth, the first space flight by Yuri Gagarin were events of greet historical significance.

Ukrainian scientists have contributed much to the development of science: they have discovered the way of manufacturing artificial diamonds and developed the methods of electric welding, made considerable progress in nuclear physics, chemistry and other branches of science. The development of science acquires especially great significance in the period of scientific and technical revolution.

Words and word combinations to the topic "The Development of science in our country"

1. to need.

2. to inherit

3. backwardness

4. ignorance

5. Illiteracy






6. to overcome

7. to fulfil

8. to draw into

9. to secure

10. to promote

11. to assign

12. to convene

13. to attach






тут: доручати




VІ. До кожного слова зліва доберіть його синонім справа.

1. in no way 1. to transform

2. less 2. to provide

3. a great quantity 3. good for

4. to produce 4. machine

5. engine 5. a great number

6. various 6. by no means

7. useful 7. more

8. output 8. to generate

9. to supply 9. different

10. changeable 10. input

11. to convert 11. unsteady

VII. Дайте відповідь на запитання:

1. What is the purpose of this lesson? 2. What is energy from the point of view of science? 3. What form of energy do you know?

4. How many kinds of mechanical energy might one mention? What are they? 5. What is kinetic energy? Give some examples of it. 6. What is potential energy? Give some examples of it.

7. How is the mechanical energy of the falling water turned into the electric one? 8. In what ways can the conversion of heat into mechanical energy be demonstrated? 9. What is a machine?

10. Why do we always get less useful work out of a machine than we put into it? 11. What is the energy input equal to according to the Law of Conservation of Energy? 12. Where is energy used?

VIII. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на посилювальні конструкції it is . . . that:

1. It is atomic energy that is the most concentrated source of power known to man. 2. It is electric energy that changes into heat, light and sound. 3. It was at the Beloyarsk Power Station that superheating of steam directly in the reactor was first

achieved on an industrial scale. 4. It is the mechanical energy that changes into electrical one. 5. It is our great M.V. Lomonosov who first discovered the Law of Conservation of Energy.


6. It is electric energy that made it possible for people to operate various devices such as vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, washing machines. 7. It was radio and television that made it possible for scientists to photograph the reverse side of the Moon, and watch the first cosmonauts through their flight in space.

ІX. Виділіть підкреслені члени речення, застосовуючи звороти it is ... that, it was ... who:

1. The Russian scientist Ladygin invented the electric lamp.

2. The great Russian scientist Mitchurin was given the opportunity to put his ideas into practice. 3. His brother brought me the letter yesterday. 4. The equipment was to be delivered in April.

5. The interests of people determine the policy of the Ukraine.

X. Перекладить українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на підметові підрядні речення /subject clauses/:

1. Why this devise is installed here is not yet clear. 2. That he has made a mistake is strange. 3. When we shall start is uncertain. 4. That Lomonosov is a great scientist is well known to everybody. 5. Where this machine will be installed has not yet been decided. 6. Which of the boilers was installed earlier is not known. 7. How this happened is not clear to anyone. 8. What І want to tell you about this experiment is of grant importance.

XІ. Прочитайте вірш:

I am energy and motion,

I can fly across the ocean,

I can hear and I can speak,

I can see and even seek.

I eat neither bread nor gruel,

I eat energy and fuel,

Better say: I never eat

I am transformated heat.


ХІІ. Перекажіть текст:



Science plays en important pert in the life of modern civilisation. A lot of secondary and, specialised schools, higher educational institutions were opened to secure the training of specialists and scientists.

The most important part in the development of science and in training scientists is assigned to the Academy of Sciences, the higher scientific institution of Ukraine. The was founded by Peter the 1st more than 250 years ago in 1725. In tsarist Russia its role was limited as it couldn't carry out research on a large scale, it had only some small laboratories and a museum at its disposal. There were no research institutions. The development of science depended on individual names of scientists and their individual contributions.

At present the Academy of Sciences is the largest leading scientific centre which unites the most outstanding scientists of the country. It conducts the research-promoting advance of a1l branches of science in our country. The Academy convenes scientific sessions, congresses, conferences and meetings to discuss scientific problems and co-ordinates research work. It trains scientific personnel through postgraduate courses attached to its institutions.

In the former USSR an army of scientists has been brought up. Among distinguished scientists first place belongs by right to academician I.V. Kurchatov who made a major discovery in nuclear physics. He was the senior scientific director responsible for the development of atomic industry in our country. It was he who laid the foundation of the atomic might of the land of Soviets. With a group of scientists I.V. Kurchatov carried on research on controlled nuclear reactions. He dreamed of using atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

It was the former USSR that began using atomic energy for peaceful purposes. The first atomic power station in the world was put into operation in Obninsk near Moscow in 1954, the construction of reactors made it possible to organise the production of radioactive isotopes which have found a varied application in in-


2. By whom the chair headed at that time?

  1. What has the word “cybernetics” originated from?

  2. How was cybernetics defined by Wiener?

  1. What does cybernetics provide?

  1. At what problems does the chair work at present?

  2. Whom does the teaching staff of the chair consist of?

  1. What is the annual enrolment of the student?

  2. What subjects does the curriculum include?

  3. What chairs are engaged in training students of this speciality?

  4. How many young specialists of the chair have graduated from the KPI since 1979?

  5. Where do the graduates of this chair work?

ІІ. Translate from Russian into Ukrainian:

  1. Слово кібернетика походить від грецького слова “управління”.

  2. Однією з функцій кібернетики є навчання нової необхідної техніки для того, щоб надати можливість вченим подолати назрілі комплексні проблеми.

  3. Викладацький склад кафедри складається з висококваліфікованих викладачів, кандидатів технічних наук та професора.

  4. Кафедра була заснована у 1965 році.

  5. До 1978 року на кафедрі було дві спеціальності: перша – автоматизація промисловості та розподіл енергії, друга – кібернетика електричних систем.

  6. Щоричний прийом студентів становить 25 чоловік.

  7. Учбовий план складається з загальноосвітних та спеціальних предметів.

  8. Усі студенти кафедриприймають активну участь в науково-дослідницькій роботі.

  9. Після закінчення навчання молоді спеціалісти працюють у інформаційно-обчислювальних центрах, науково-дослідних інститутах та інститутах Академії Наук, в інших галузях народного господарства.

  10. Більш як 200 спеціалістів закінчило КПІ з даної спеціальності.

  11. Сьогодні кафедра працює над проблемами алгорітмізації завдань енерго-техніки, збору, управління та передачі інформації для оперативного контролю процесів розрахунку енергетичного режиму.



Grammar. The Subjective Infinitive Construction. The Objective Infinitive Construction

The Subjective Infinitive Construction

1. He is supposed to work at this plant. – Гадають, що він працює на цьому заводі.

2. He seems to know English well.

Здається, він непогано володіє англійською мовою.

The Objective Infinitive Construction

1. We suppose him to work at this

plant. – Ми гадаємо, що він працює на цьому заводі.

2. I saw the water boil. – Я бачив, що вода кипить.


І. Choose the sentences with a/ the Subjective Infinitive Construction. b/ the Objective Infinitive Construction. Translate them into Ukrainian

1.Lightning proved to be a discharge of electricity.

2. The student is certain to know that alternating voltage can be increased and decreased. 3. Heat is known to be a form of energy. 4. We know the electrons to flow from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive one. 5. This scientist seems to have been working on the problem of splitting the atom. 6. The students saw the thermometer mercury fall to the fixed point. 7. Coal is considered to be a valuable fuel. 8. We expected many articles to have a1ready been written on that subject. 9. The electrolytes appear to change greatly when the current passes through them. 10. The induced voltage causes the current to flow and the rotor to revolve.



Ever since Volta first produced a source of continuous current, men of science have been forming theories on this subject. For some time they could see no real difference between the newly discovered phenomenon and the former understanding of static charges. Then the famous French scientist Ampere /after whom the unit of current was named /determined the difference between the current and the static charges. In addition to it, Ampere gave the current direction: he supposed the current to flow from the positive pole of the source round the circuit and back again to the negative pole.

We consider Ampere to be right in his first statement but he was certainly wrong in the second, as to the direction of the current. The student is certain to remember that the flow of current is in a direction opposite to what he thought.

Let us turn our attention now to the electric current itself. The current, which flows along wires, consists of moving electrons. What can we say about the electron? We know the electron to be a minute particle having an electric charge. We also know that this charge is negative. As these minute charges travel along a wire, that wire is said to carry an electric current.

In addition to travelling through solids, however, the electric current can flow through liquids as well and even through gases. In both cases it produces some most important effects to meet industrial requirements.

Some liquids, such as melted metals, for example, conduct current without any change to themselves. Others, called electrolytes, are found to change greatly when the current passes through them.

When the electrons flow in one direction only, the current is known to be d.c., that is, direct current. The simplest source of power for the direct current is a battery, for a battery pushes the electrons in the same direction all the time /i. e., from the negatively charged terminal to the positively charged terminal/.

The letters a.c. stands for alternating current. The current


chair is Yandulsky A.S.

The annual enrolment of students is 25 persons. The curriculum includes the subjects of general education and special subjects.

First of all, Mathematical problems of energetics, algorythmization and programming of energetica1 tasks, bases and means of transference of information, electrical systems simulation, relaying and automation of electrical systems dispatching.

To give the students of this speciality all-round education in the field of electrical engineering other chairs of the Department are engaged in their training. All tee students of the chair take an active part in scientific research work. More than 200 specialists have graduated from the KPI.

After graduation young specialists work at informative computation centres of power systems and power complexes, at scientific research institutions and institutes of the Academy of Sciences and other fields of national economy.

New words and expressions from the text:

1. Electric power – електрична система

2. design process – процес розрахунку

3. ernergetical mode – енергетичний режим

4. a relaying device – пристррій релейного захисту

5. antifailure automation – протиаварійна автоматика

6. annual enrolment –щоричне прийняття

7. curriculum – учбовий план

8. subjects of general education – загальноосвітні предмети

9. mathematical problems – математичні задачі

10. electrical systems simulation- моделювання електричних систем

11. to be engaged in – брати участь

12. to effect an economy – дати економію

13. power system - енергосистема

14. power complex – енергооб’єднання

15. to cope with - справлятися

16. informative computation centre – інформаційно-обчислювальний центр

Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the chair of electrical systems founder?


special - speciality - specialist - especially;

to operate operation - operator.,

to create creator creation - creative - creatively;

to research researcher - research;

to construct - constructor - construction - constructive,

to produce - producer - production - productive - productivity;

to carry - to carry out - to carry on;

to develop - development;

to direct - director - direction - directly – directive;

Cybernetics of electrical systems

"Cybernetics of electrical systems “ is the youngest speciality at the Power Engineering Department of the Kiev Polytechnical Institute.

The chair was founded in 1965 and was headed by Professor Cizila E.P. At first it was called "The chair of relaying and automation of electric power systems. In 1975 it was renamed into "The chair of automation of electric power systems”. Up to 1978 there were two specialities: the first - automation of industry and distribution of electric energy and the second-cybernetics of electrical systems. Since 1979 there remained the latter that is "Cybernetics of electrical systems”.

The word "cybernetics" has originated from a Greek ward meaning “control”. Cybernetics was defined by Wiener as "the science of control and communication, in the animal and machine". Cybernetics provides effective methods for the study and control of systems that are intrinsically extremely complex, one of the functions of cybernetics is to study the new techniques that are needed in order to enable the scientists to cope with the increasingly complex problems.

At present the chair works at the problems of algorythmization of the tasks of power energetics, collection, handling and transference of information for the operative control of the design processes of energetical mode, working out relaying devices and antifailure automation. The teaching staff of the chair consists of highly qualified specialists of which 10 are candidates of technical sciences and two professors.Now the head of the


under consideration flows first in one direction and then in the opposite one . The a.c. used for power and lighting purposes is assumed to go through 50 cycles in one second. One of the great advantages of a.c. is the ease with which power at low voltage can be changed into an almost similar amount of power at high voltage and vice versa. Hence, on the one hand alternating voltage is increased when it is necessary for long-distance transmission and, on the other hand, one can decrease it to meet industrial requirements as well as to operate various devices at home.

Although there are numerous cases when d.c. is required, at least 90 percent of electrical energy to be generated at present is a.c. In fact, it finds wide application for lighting, heating, industrial and some other purposes.

One cannot help mentioning, here that Yablochkov, Russian scientist and inventor, was the first to apply a.c. in practice.


1. According to the models given below form sentences combining suitable parts of the sentence given in columns I-IV.

Model a/: The current is known to consist of moving



1. Professor 1. was ob- 1. to have 1. by man 25

Rihman served started centuries ago.

2. Amber 2. is said 2. to have 2. for Moscow

been ob- on foot.


3. Lomonosov 3. is known 3. to have 3. minute

been killed light ob-

jects after


4. Electrical 4. are cer- 4. to attract 4. in English-

effects tain and to hold speaking



5.The Fah- 5. to be used 5.by a stroke

renheit of light-

skale ning.

Model b/: We know lightning to be a discharge of



1.We know 1. Galileo 1. to be 1. positive

and negative.

2.the char- 2.to have in- 2. important

ges vented effects.

3.the electric 3.to flow 3.an air ther-

current mometer.

4.the alter- 4. to produce 4.first in

nating one direc-

current tion and

then in


5.the Ukrainian 5.to have 5.to the

scientists been science of


6.static 6.to have 6.the only

electricity greatly electrical

contribu- phenomenon

ted observed

by man of

the past.

  1. Translate the following sentences using the Infinitive.


round specialists for all branches of our economy to secure reliable operation of insulation of highvoltage transmission lines, transformers and electrical apparatus and so on.

New word and expressions from the text:

1. heavy industry – важка промисловість

2. branch scientific research institutions – галузеві науково-дослідні інститути

3. curriculum – учбовий план

4. to secure reliable operation – забезпечити надійну роботу

5. in connection with – у зв’язку з

6. in addition to – крім того, у додаток

7. to lay the foundation – закласти основу

8. multilayer dielectrics – багатошаровий діелектрик

9. liberation of gases – виділення газів

10. partial discharge – частковий розряд

11. method of recording effects – методика реєстрації впливу

Answer the following questions:

1. When was the first School of High Voltage Technique founded?

2. What problems do the High Voltage scientists work at?

3. When was the chair of High Voltage Technique founded in the KPI.

4. What is the main task of the chair?

5. What scientific research have the specialists of the chair carried on?

6. Where do the graduates of the chair introduce the latest achievements of science on electricity?

7. In what fields of national economy do the graduates of the chair work?

8. Why do the students of the speciality "High Voltage Technique" take active pert in student scientific societies?

9. Is the teaching staff of the chair doing its best to train all-round specialists?

Translate the following groups of words:

to found - founder - foundation;

to install – installation;


Technique'' was founded at first in 1954 on the basis of the chair of "Electrical Networks and Electric Systems” at the Power Engineering Department.

But in 1969 it became the leading and independent chair at the Power Engineering Department. Since that time it has developed rapidly. The main task of the chair is training electrical- engineers who can introduce the latest achievements of science on electricity into intensively developing branches of industry such as high voltage transforming and construction of electrical apparatus.

The teaching staff of the chair along with the improvement of curriculum and training specialists carries on great scientific research in designs, construction and maintenance of high voltage insulating installations. Thus at the chair headed by Prof. Brzhe-sitsky V.A.a new device for measuring electrophysical polarity characteristics of multilayer dielectrics was designed and constructed. Then automatic devices for analysis of high sensitive gases liberating during transformer operation as well as a new method of recording partial discharges effects on high voltage insulation were developed and greeted at the chair.

At present the chair is working at the problem of creation of a new powerful accelerator of hydrogen ions for thermonuclear synthesis. Graduates of this speciality are qualified electrical engineers who are working in different fields of our industry and national economy on the whole. Many of them are working in heavy industry, at the academic and branch scientific research institutions, they are also serving in the Army as technical specialists.

For example, the engineers and scientific personnel of the Zaporozhsky transformer plant which is the largest in the country and Europe are graduates of the chair.

In addition to the fundamental training in their speciality the students must have profound knowledge in some branches of applied physics and physical chemistry. They must be able to carry on scientific research to work in design construction and technological manufacture of many articles. That is why they take an active part in student scientific societies where they begin to do independent research work.

The teaching staff of the chair is doing its best to train all-


1.Щоб отримати постійний струм, необхідно мати его джерело.

2.Пірометр застосовується до вимірювання температури гарячих матеріалів. 3. Людина навчилася озщеплювати атом для того, щоб отримувати велику кількість енергії. 4. Вчені намагаються роз'вязати проблему, пов'язану з новими явищами в галузі електроники. 5. Громо-відвід – це металевий пристрій для захисту будинків від блискавки.

6. В ті часи було дуже небезпечно проводити досліди з атмосферною електрикою. 7. Намагнітити предмет - це означає розташувати його в полі магніту.

III. Form six sentences combining suitable parts of the sentence given in columns I and II.


l. The electric current is 1. the energy of position.

2. Kinetic energy is 2. electricity at rest.

3. Static electricity is 3. the flow of moving elect-


4. Potential energy is 4. the energy of motion.

5. The direct current is 5. a discharge of electricity

6. Lightning is 6. the f1ow of e1ectrons in

one direction.

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. Who first produced a source of continuous current? 2. After whom was the unit of current named? 3. Who determined the difference between the current and the static charges? 4. What did Ampere suppose? 5. What can you say about an electron? 6. What charges do you know? 7. When does a wire carry an electric current? 8. Do liquids conduct current? 9. What can you say about the electrolytes? 10. What do you call d.c.? 11. What is the advantage of a.c.? 12. Where is a.c. used? 13. Who first applied a.c.


V. Ask your groupmates the following questions. Let him/her answer them:

  1. if electricity is a form of energy. 2. if there are two types of electricity. 3. if alternating voltage can be increased and decreased. 4. if Franklin made an important contribution to the science of electricity. 5.if Ampere determined the difference between the current and the static charges. 6.if the electric current can flow through liquids and through gases. 7.if the electrolytes change greatly when the current passes through then. 8. if a negatively charged electron will move to the positive and of the wire.

VI. Put two questions to each paragraph of the text. Ask your groupmates to answer them.

VII. Find the wrong statements and correct them.

1. Electrons flow from the positively charged terminal of battery to the negatively charged terminal. 2. Ampere supposed the current to flow from the negative pole to the positive one. 3.Static electricity is used for practical purposes. 4. Static electricity is not very high in voltage and it is easy to control it. 5. To show that the charges are unlike and opposite Franklin decided to call the charge on the rubber positive and that on the glass negative. 6. Galvanic thought that electricity was generated because of the contact of the two dissimilar metals used. 7. Volta took great interest in atmospheric electricity and began to carry on experiments. 8. The direct current used for power and lighting purposes is assumed to go through 50 cycles a second.

VIII. Explain why

1. static electricity cannot be used to light lamps, to boil water to run electric trains and so on. 2. voltage is increased an decreased. 3. the unit of electric pressure is called the volt 4.students mast learn English. 5. Ampere was wrong as to the current direction. 6. the current Is said to flow from the positive end of the wire to its negative end.


2. When was the chair of Central Power Plants founded?

3. What scientists were among the first to contribute to it's formation and further development?

4. How many specialists have graduated from KPI since the formation of the chair?

5. What role did they play in different periods of our country?

6. Why did our government pay great attention to the development of power energetics?

7. Why did our country need more and more energy?

8. Where does the generation of electric energy for the network take place?

9. What problems is the scientific activity of the chair connected with?

10. To what problems were the scientific works of the chair mainly directed during the last decade?

11. What subjects does the curriculum of the speciality "central Power Plants" include?

12. Who is the head of the chair ''Central Power Plants" at present?

13. What contribution did the chair make to the training of specialists for the developing countries?

14. In what work do the students take part?

High Voltage Technique

The history of the speciality “High Voltage Technique” is connected with the electrification of developed countries and the wide production of electrical apparatus in the first of the 20th century.

In 1930 Prof. Smurovikh founded the first Soviet school of High Voltage Technique which laid the foundation of the speciality. The work and traditions of this school followed by many other schools of this kind which were opened in many cities of Ukraine. These schools worked at the problems connected with the intensive development of energetic system of Ukraine and providing special physical experiments.

At the Kiev Polytechnical Institute the chair of “High Voltage


The chair has made great contribution to the training of specialists for developing countries of Asia, Latin America and other European countries.

The students of this speciality take an active part in the scientific research work of the chair. Students scientific paper are presented for participation in the competitions. Some of them receive the diplomas of the first and second degree and the diplomas of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Words and word combinations from the text

  1. to be founded – бути заснованим

  2. a number of - ряд

3. to contribute to – внесок /у науку/

4. to make contribution to - внесок

  1. to do one’s best – робити все можливе

  2. to provide with - забеспечувати

  3. to squire knowledge – набувати знання

8. to graduate from – кінчати вищій учбовий заклад

9. to pay a role – грати роль

10. from the very first years – з самих перших літ

11. to play great attention to –звертати увагу

12. along with – поряд з чимось

13. to set a task – ставити завдання

14. to take place – відбуватися

15. consumption – споживання

16. to amount – складати

17. to be connected with - бути зв’язаним

18. methods and means of controling – методи і засоби управління

19. power plant’s mode of operation – режим роботи електростанцій

20. to take part – брати участь

21. to effect an economy – дати економію

22. curriculum – учбовий план


Exercises I. Answer the following questions:

  1. What speciality is one of the oldest among the specialities of the KPI?


IX. Define the following terms:

battery, alternating current, direct current, static electricity, electric current, wire, laboratory, terminal, electron.

X. Give a short summary of the Text.


Grammar. The Infinitive /Revision/


I. Choose the sentences with a/ the Subjective Infinitive Construction: b/ the Objective Infinitive Construction. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1. The current is known to flow when the circuit is closed. 2. To atop the current flow is to break the circuit in some point. 3. To stop the current flow you must open the circuit. 4. A fuse is expected to melt and break the circuit. 5. Much more heat is required for the water to boil in the kettle than for the needle to become white-hot. 6. Various switches are used to open or to close a circuit. 8. We know the circuit to be a path of an electric current. 9. We may expect a short circuit to result from wire fault. 10. The overloading of the line is likely to produce a short circuit. 11. Electromotive force is necessary for the current to flow along the circuit. 12. Ampere supposed the current, to flow from the positive pole of the source to the negative pole.


The electric circuit is the subject to be dealt with in the present article. But what does the above term really mean? We know the circuit to be a complete path, which carries the current from the source of supply to the load and then carries it again from the load back to the source.


The purpose of the electrical source is to produce the necessary electromotive force required for the flow of current through the circuit.

The path along which the electrons travel must be complete otherwise no electric power can be supplied from the source to the load. Thus we close the circuit when we switch on our electric lamp.

If the circuit is broken or, as we generally say, "open" anywhere, the current is known to stop everywhere. Hence, we break the circuit when we switch off our electrical devices. Generally speaking the current may pass through solid conductors, liquids, gases, vacuum, or any combination of these. It may flow in its turn over transmission lines from the power stations through transformers, cables and switches, through lamps, heaters, motors and so on.

There are various kinds of electric circuits such as: open circuits, closed circuits, series circuits, parallel circuits and shores circuits.

To understand the difference between the following circuit connection is not difficult at all. When electrical devices are connected so that the current flows from one device to another, they are said to be connected in series. Under such conditions the current flow is the same in all parts of the circuit, as there is only a single path along which it may flow. The electrical bell circuit is considered to be a typical example of a series circuit. The parallel circuit provides two or more paths for the passage of current. The circuit is divided in such a way that part of the current flows through one path, and part through another. The lamps in your room and your house are genera1ly connected in parallel.

Now we shall turn our attention to the short circuit sometimes called "the short". The short circuit is produced when the current is allowed to return to the source of supply without control and without doing the work that we want it to do. The short circuit often results from cable fault or wire fault. Under certain conditions, the short circuit may cause fire because the current flows where it was not supposed to flow. If the current flow is too great a fuse is to be used as a safety devise to


Central Power Plants

The Chair of Central Power Plants is one of the oldest in the Kiev Polytechnical Institute. It was founded in 1930 and was one of the first in the country.

A number of famous Ukrainian scientists greatly contributed to the formation end further development, of the chair. Among them were professors Domansky B.I., Greben I.I., Orlovsky A.B. and in recent years Kalnibolotsky M.L.

At present the teaching staff of the chair consists of highly qualified teachers who do their best to provide our students with an all-round scientific and technical education.

The curriculum of the speciality "Central Power Plants" includes many special subjects which give the possibility to acquire a wide knowledge in this field.

More then 3000 highly qualified engineers of this speciality have graduated from the KPI since 1930.

They played an important role and made great contribution in the period of restoration and development of national economy.

As a result of rising standards of civilisation and growing industrial application of the electric current along increasing economic and cultural levels of our people our country needed more and more energy.

The generation of electric energy for the network takes place at the power plants, the basis of which constitute powerful and superpowerful thermal (ThPS) atomic (APS) and hydro (HPS) power stations.

The scientific activity of the chair is connected with working out the theory, methods and means of controlling the energetical projects.

During the last decade the scientific works of the chair were directed mainly to the problems of optimal control of power plants mode of operation, the creation of highly effective algorithms and the programmes for the analysis of transient processes in energetical projects.

Among the graduates of the chair there are many well-known people not only in our country but abroad as well.


New words and expressions from the text:

1. engineering progress – технічний прогрес

2. amazing - дивний

3. miracle – диво

4. due to – завдяки тому що

5. imagine - уявляти

6. to defend diploma – захистити диплом

7. computation-calculation - обчислення

8. to reach - досягати

9. to decide - вирішити

10. to divide - поділяти

11. to join – вступити, приєднатися

1 2. existence – існувати

13. improvement - поліпшення

14. to do one’s best – робити все можливе

15. design - npoeкт

16. compulsory course – обов’язковий курс

17. special course – спеціальний курс

18. optional course – факультативний курс

19. under supervision – під керівництвом

Answer the following questions:

1. What famous scientists in the field of electricity made great contribution to the development of the computation theory of electric systems and electrical networks?

2. In what main directions does the Chair work?

3. What is the main task for the teaching staff of the Chair?

4. What number of specialists has the Chair trained far the period of its existence?

5. Whom can one find among graduates of our Chair?

6. What is curriculum for the students of the Chair of Electrical Networks and Electric Systems?

7. Do the students of this speciality do independent research work in student scientific societies?


stop the current flow.

The fuse must be placed in every circuit where there is a danger of overloading the line. Then all the current to be sent will pass through the fuse.

When a short circuit or an overload causes more current to flow than the carring capacity of the wire, the wire becomes hot and sets fire to the insulation. If the flow of current is greater than the carring capacity of the fuse, the fuse melts and opens the circuit.

A simple electric circuit is illustrated in Fig.l. In this figure a 4-cell battery has been used, the switch being in an open position. If the switch is in a closed position, the current will flow around the circuit in the direction shown by the arrows.

Fig.1. A simple electric circuits.


I. 1.Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions given below as, as well, as well as

1. It is necessary to remember the term “circuit” … it is impossible to work with electricity without circuits. 2. A short circuit may cause wire fault ... cable fault. 3. Travelling thro-


ugh solids, the electric current can flow through liquids and gases ... . 4. The magnitude of the current ... the voltage and resistance may vary from a small amount to a very large quantity. 5. ... a cold object and a hot one are brought into contact, the former gets warmer and the latter gets colder. 6. Fuses are used ... safety devices. 7. ... a cold conductor becomes warmer it is unable to pass charges ... it did before.

  1. Translate the following questions and answer them:

1.Do you want to translate this article? 2. Do you want me to translate this article? 3. Do you know this scientist? 4. Do you know this scientist to hare worked in the field of physics? 5. Did you hear my report? 6. Did you hear my friend make a report? 7. Did you see our teacher? 8. Did you see our teacher enter the room?

  1. Ask your group mate the following questions. Let him/her answer them.

1. if a circuit is a complete path. 2. if there are different kinds of circuit. 3. if the current can pass through liquids.

4. if we open the circuit when we switch on the light. 5. if the lamps in the room are connected in series. 6. if the fuse is a safety device. 7. if the fuse must be pieced in every circuit. 8. if the current flows when the circuit is closed.

  1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is discussed in the present article? 2. What do we call an electric circuit? 3. What kinds of circuits do you know? 4. When is a "short" produced? 5. What does a short circuit often result from? 6. What safety device is used in the circuit when the current is too great? 7. What do we mean by the term "short circuit"? 8. What does the term "closed circuit" mean? 9. Why does the current flow when the circuit is closed? 10. What do you call a fuse? 11. Dose the current flow when the switch is in the open position?


chair. Thus in l972 such a speciality as cybernetics of systems was joined the chair of automation of electrical systems and in 1974 the speciality of electric supply of national economy was joined the faculty of mining electric mechanics. During its existence the chair has worked in 2 main directions. On the one band it is the improvement of educational process and on the other - the development of material basis for scientific research.

The teaching, staff which consists of highly qualified instructors, lecturers, professors do their beet be train all-round qualified specialists. Many books and scientific monograms have been written and published by the teachers of the chair.

The scientific research on the actual problem of energetics is being carried out at our chair. It was one of the first, which began using computers for calculations of electric networks – this tendency is continued until now.

More than 200 highly qualified specialists who work in the fields of construction, design and operation of systems of power supply of national economy have trained at the chair.

Among graduates of this chair we can find academicians and doctors of science, state prize winners and wellknown state leaders as well as the common honest workers who by their labour contribute much to economic and military might of our Motherland.

Training future electrical engineers is a matter of great importance.

The students are lectured on compulsory course, special course and optical one. They are to attend lectures, seminars and to do their laboratory assignments under supervision of highly qualified teaching personnel. The students also have to present their assays on different aspects of speciality. The have to read special literature in different foreign languages to acquire the latest information on their speciality.

Many students do independent research work in student scientific societies. I am completely captivated by this speciality. It is very important for the development of all branches of national economy.


My Speciality

(Electrical Networks and Electrical Systems)

The 20th century is the age of rapid engineering progress and of amazing scientific discoveries. And all the modern miracles of scientific end engineering progress became possible due to electricity. Electric current plays an important part in everyday life as well as in industry and agriculture.

At present nobody can imagine our civilization without electricity.

Great progress has been made in electric engineering since Volta constructed the first continuous source of electric current. The scientists in electrical engineering have contributed much to all branches of modern technology.

I am a student of the KPI of power engineering department. Our department is one of the oldest in our Institute. It trains specialists in Electrical Networks and Electric Systems, Central Power Plants. High Voltage Technique, Cybernetics of electrical systems. The Speciality on Electrical Networks and Electric Systems is one of the oldest at the Kiev Polytechnical Institute. In 1924 only 3 persons who were engaged in this speciality graduated from the Institute. One of them defended his diploma on electrical networks and the others - on power stations. It was the first graduation of specialists in this speciality.

The first head of the chair was Professor G.M. Gorodetsky who got education at the Higher Technical School in Dermstand (now FRG).

In 1955 Professor V.G. Kholmsky a famous Soviet specialist in science of electricity headed the chair. He made great contribution to the development of the computation theory of electric systems and electrical networks.

After his death in 1975 the chair was headed by the Assistant Professor V.N. Sulejmanov.

The chair has been developed rapidly and the number of graduates has been increased constantly, reaching 120 - 140 persons a year. In 1960 - 1970 the chair trained specialists on such specialities as networks and systems, electric power supply of industrial enterprises and agriculture, cybernetics of electrical systems.

Twice the administration of the Institute intended to divide the


V.Speak on the difference between:

1. Closed circuits and open circuits. 2. Series circuits and parallel circuits. 3. Fuses and switches.

VI. Retell Text "Electric Circuit".

VII. Find the wrong statement and correct it in several sentences:

1. The wires carrying the current are connected to earth. 2. Water provides a path for the current to flow. 3. The electric power can serve us well if it is used wisely.


Grammar. The Attribute. Attributive Clauses.


I. a/ Apply suitable attributes to the following nouns.

Model: electric charge

wire, engineering, conductor, difference, opposition matrial, line, insulator, light, cord

b/ Form sentences using the above nouns qualified by adjectives.

Translate the following sentences paying attention to the attribute and attributive clauses:

1. The methods of solving the problem were discussed at the lesson. 2. The problem solved opened up new possibilities of nuclear energy application. 3. The devices Ukraine produces are known all over the world. 4. The data obtained helped the students in their research work. 5. The measuring instruments we use in the laboratory were produced in Ukraine. 6. The power generated was supplied to a number of factories. 7. The teacher spoke about the device to be tested and the motor to be started. 8. The material the conductors are made of must with-


stand high temperatures. 9. The data obtained are of great importance.


All substances have some ability of conducting the electric current, however, they differ greatly in the ease with which the current can pass through them. Metals, for example, conduct electricity with ease while rubber does not allow it to flow freely. Thus, we have conductors and insulators.

What do the terms "conductors" and "insulators" mean? Substances through which electricity is easily transmitted are called conductors. Any material that strongly resists the electric current flow is known as an insulator.

Let us first turn our attention to the conductance, that is the conductor’s ability of passing electric charges. The four-factor conductance depends on are: the size of the wire used, its length and temperature as well as the kind of material to be employed.

It in not difficult to understand that a large water pipe can pass more water then a small one. In the same manner, a large conductor will carry the current more readily than a thinner one. Fig. 4. illustrates this fact better than words alone.

It is quite understandable, too, that to flow through a short conductor is certainly easier for the current than through a long one in spite of their being made of similar material. Hence, the longer the wire, the greater is its opposition, that is resistance, to the passage of current.

As mentioned above, there is a great difference in the conducting ability of various substances. For example, almost all metals are good electric current conductors. Nevertheless, copper carries the current more freely than iron; and silver, in its turn, is a better conductor than copper.

Generally speaking, copper is the most widely used conductor. That is why the electrically operated devices in your home are connected to the wall socket by copper wires. Indeed, if you are reading this book by an electric lamp light and somebody pulls the metal wire out of the socket, the light will go out at once.


II. Find in the text synonyms to the following words:

branch, apparatus, basis, to provide, to take into account

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a basis of all electrical production processes?

2. What is the operation of a power plant provided by?

3. Whom are electrical machines controlled by?

4. What must electrical engineers be aware of?

5. What does the electrical machine design require?

6. How many billion kWh a year do electrical machines, hydro and turbogenerators produce?

7. The operation of what vehicle do electric motors provide?

8. Can we imagine modern civilisation without electric motors?

9. When was the Chair of Electrical Machines founded?

10. Who is the head of the Chair at present?

IV. Translate into Ukrainian:

  1. Електричнi машини становлять головну частину усіх електричних виробничих процесів.

  2. Вони управляються інженерами електромеханіками.

  3. Інженери-електрики вирішують комплексні проблеми проектування та використання електричних машин.

  4. Вони повинні ураховувати сучасні методи математичного аналізу.

  5. Наукові досліди з електричних машин мають велике значення для загального розвитку електротехніки.


different types. Electric motors provide the operation of ships, planes, rockets, satellites. We are quite familiar with electrical machines at our homes; refrigerators, washing machines, fans, mixers, etc. All they need cheap, economic and reliable electrical motors. We cannot imagine modem agricultural complexes without electric drives.

Electrical machines are controlled by electromechanical engineers whose speciality is "electrical machines".

This speciality requires wide knowledge in different fields. Electrical engineers must be aware of the latest achievements in technology to solve different engineering problems. It is due to the fact that each electrical machine is a complex electromechanical system. While developing this system it is necessary to take into account electrical and magnetic circuits, electromagnetic fields and their interconnection, heat and airdynamicprocesses, the production of reliable mechanical construction being of great importance.

The electrical machine design requires the application of mathematical calculation methods together with modern computing technique. The wide range of knowledge causes the specialists on electrical machines to solve non-standard tasks-production and development of magnetohydrodynamic generators and motors, super-conducting systems, motors with non-standard kinematics, pumps, etc.

Wide scientific researches are required for development and improvement of electrical machine production, new constructive solutions being of vital importance.

All these tasks are known to be solved by the engineers of my speciality - "Electrical Machines".

I. Word-combinations:

  1. to have an effect – впливати

  2. to be familiar with – бути знайомим з чимось

  3. to be aware of – бути обізнаним на чомусь

  4. to take into account – взяти до відома, до уваги

5. to be of great importance – мати велике значиння


The electricity has not been turned off but it has no path to

travel from the socket to your electric lamp. The flowing electrons cannot travel through space and get into an electrically operated device when the circuit is broken. If we use a piece of string instead of a metal wire, we shall also find that the current stops flowing.

A material like string which resists the flow of the electric current is called an insulator.

There are many kinds of insulation used to cover the wires. The kind used depends upon the purposes the wire or cord is meant for. The insulating materials we generally use to cover the wires are rubber, asbestos, glass, plastic, and others.

Rubber covered with cotton, or rubber alone is the insulating material usually used to cover desk lamp cords and radio cords.

Glass is the insulator to be often seen on the poles that carry the telephone wires in city streets. Glass insulator strings are usually suspended from the towers of high voltage transmission lines. One of the best insulators of all, however, is air. That is why power transmission line wires are bare wires depending on air to keep the current from leaking off.

Conducting materials are by no means the only materials to play an important part in electrical engineering. There must certainly be a conductor, that is a path, along which electricity is to travel and there must be insulators keeping it from leaking off the conductor.

Fig. 2. comparing water flow

current flow.



I.Complete sentences according to the model given below.

M o d e l: The method used ... . = The method used is described in the present article.

1. The device tested … . 2. The results obtained … .

3. The temperature measured … . 4.The phenomenon studied … . 5.The conductors used ... . 6. The substance mentioned … . 7. The method proposed … .

II. Translate the following groups of words:

research work-- research work plan; water pipe-- water pipe material--water pipe material quality; power supply--power supply increase--power supply increase problem; transmission line--transmission line wire--transmission line wire insulation; space investigation--space investigation program--space investigation program discussion.

  1. For the words given in /a/ find the Ukrainian equivalents in /b/.

a/ 1. wire; 2. statement; 3. to cause; 4. collision, 5. to

control; 6. feature; 7. similar; 8. direction; 9. opposition;

10. positive; 11. path; 12. to consider; 13. as well; 14. to

expect; to place.

b/ 1. позитивний. 2.також. 3. poзглядати. 4. нanpямoк.

5. oчікувaти, pозраховувати. 6. приміщати. 7. шлях, контур. 8. пpoтодія. 9. особливість. 10. nодібний. 11. зiткнeння. 12.кepyвaти. 13. ствepджeння. 14. викликати, примушивати. 15. дрот.

IV. Answer the following questions.

1.What is discussed in the present article? 2. Do all sub-

stances conduct the electric current easily? 3.What is a conductor? 4. What does conductance depend upon? 5.What materials are the best conductors of electricity? 6. Does temperature influence the conductor’s resistance? 7.What feature of the conductor is illustrated in Fig. 2? 8.What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator? 9.What insulators do you


13. the skill of a research engineer – кваліфікація інженера



Exercises 1.

Answer the following questions:

1. What speciality is one of the oldest among the specialities of the KPI?

2. When was it founded?

3. By whom was it founded?

4. How many specialists in electric drive have graduated from the KPI since that time?

5. Where are they working?

6. Do they serve in the Ukrainian Army?

7. What does the curriculum give?

8. What parts does the course of electrical drive and automation of industrial installations include?

9. What graduates of this speciality do you know?

10. How many doctors and candidates of sciences are there among the graduates?

11. What have scientific workers of this chair got?

12. What economy did their inventions effect?

13. In what work do the students take part?

Electrical machines

In our rapid scientific progress and amazing scientific discoveries electrical engineering is becoming a branch of economy serving as the foundation of economic and engineering progress. The achievements of electrical engineering have had a great effect upon the acceleration of economy. Electrical machines and different apparatus are the main part, a basis of all electrical production processes. Electrical machines, hydro and turbogenerators at power plants produce almost 1,5 billion kWh a year. The operation of a power plant is provided by hundreds of auxiliary mechanisms - pumps; mills, etc. driven by electrical motors. Various machine tools are driven by electric motors of


The course of electrical drive and automation of industrial installations includes the following special subjects: the theory of automatic contro1, the theory of electrical drive, automated electrical drive control, automated electrical drive of industrial machinery, the designing of automatic electrical drives and some others.

Among the graduates specialists in electrical drive there are many well-known people. Among them are B. Paton, the President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the director of the Institute of Electric Welding, who defended his diploma design in l941.

Among the graduates there are more than 10 doctors and more than 70 candidates of sciences.

The scientific workers of the chair have got more than 100 author’s certificates and have taken out foreign patents on inventions which have been put into operation and effected an economy of 1.5 million roubles.

The students of this speciality take an active part in the scientific research work of the chair and acquire the skill of a research engineer.

Words and word combinations from the text:

1. heavy-industry- важка промисловість

2. in addition to- крім того, у додаток

3. branch scientific research institutions- галузеві науково-

дослідні інститути

4. defence industry – оборонна промисловість

  1. curriculum – учбовий план

6. electrical equipment operation – експлуатація елект-

ричного обладнання

7. urgent problems – актуальні питання

8. automated electrical drive control – автоматизоване

управління електроприводу

9. industrial machinery – промислові механізми

10. author's certificate – авторське свідоцтво

11. to take out a patent – одержати патент

12. to effect an economy – дати економію


know? 10. Why are power transmission line wires bare? ll. What insulation is used on the cords of your electrical devices? 12. Can we do without insulators?

  1. Explain why:

  1. we need conductors and insulators. 2. we compare water flow and current flow. 3. we mostly use copper conductors. 4. the current flows when you turn on the light. 5. lightning strikes the nearest conductor. 6. there must be a difference of potential in the circuit.

VI. Retell text "Conductors and Insulators".

VII. Point out the sentences containing information from the text.

1.There is a great difference in the conducting ability of various substances. 2. The heat generated on the insulator surface evaporates the moisture until a dry non-conducting band is formed around the insulator. 3. The conductance depends on four factors. 4. Insulators play an important role in electrical engineering.


Grammar. Conditional Sentences. Emphatic Constructions.

  1. If atomic energy replaces the present sources of energy, we shall get more energy than we produce at present.

2. If atomic energy replaced the present sources of energy, we should get more energy.

3. If professor Rihman had tho-

Якщо атомна енергія замінить існуючі джерела енергії, ми отримаємо більше енергії, ніж виробляемо сьогодні.

Якщо б атомна енергія замінила існуючі джерела енергії, ми отримали б більше енергії.

Якщо б професор Ріхман поду-


ught of the possible danger, lightning would not have killed him.

мав про можливу небезпеку, блискавка не вбила б його.


I. Choose the sentences which can be translated with “ “.

1. Were the resistance lower, the current would be larger.

2. In case the material offers a high resistance we consider it to be a good insulator. 3. There will be no electron flow between the two charged bodies provided they are connected by a glass rod. 4. Unless they apply new devices, they will be unable to obtain good results. 5. Had the laboratory test been successful, the electric machine would have been put into operation. 6. If we change the e. m. f., the electric current changes as well.

II. Translate the following words paying attention to prefixes:

disorder, interaction, impossible, unequal, misunderstanding, reread, unbalanced, immaterial, dissimilar, interplanetary, mispronounce, rearrange, reconstruct.


As was previously stated, there is always a disorderly movement of free electrons within all substances, especially metals.

Let us assume that there is a movement of electrons through the wire, say, from point A to point B. What does it mean? It means that there is an excess of electrons at point A. Unless there were a flow of electric current between A and B in any direction, it would mean that both the former and the latter were at the same potential. Of course, the greater the potential difference, the greater is the electron flow.

The electromotive force /e.m.f./ is the very force that moves the electrons from one point in an electric circuit towards another. In case this e.m.f. is direct the current is direct. On the other hand, were the electromotive force alternating the current would be alternating too. The e.m.f. is measurable and it is the volt that is the unit used for measuring it.


power plant? 7. What are the three possible ways of using atomic fission?

III. Transform the following sentences into one word:

1. A new form of energy put to the service of mankind. 2. The first country in the world to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes. 3. A pump by means of which the condensed steam is pumped out of the condenser. 4. A device which raises pressure of atmospheric air and discharges it to combustion chamber.

My Speciality

/Electrical Drive/

"Electrical Drive and Automation of industrial installations" is one of the oldest specialities at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Kiev Polytechnical Institute.

It was founded in 1936 by the first head of the chair, Professor N.N. Vasiliyev.

More than 35000 highly qualified specialists in the field of electrical drive and automation of industrial installations have graduated from the KPI since that time.

Graduates of this speciality are qualified electrical engineers who are working practically in all fields of industry.

These are heavy industry enterprises, metalworking, instrument building, and automobile building, chemical and chemical machine bui1ding industries.

In addition, many of the graduates are working in the academic and branch scientific research institutions, enterprises of defence industry; they are serving in the Ukrainian Army as technical specialists. The curriculum of the speciality "electric drive and automation of industrial installations" gives the graduates a possibility to work successfully in the field of electrical equipment operation of industrial enterprises, to create new technique on the basis of automated electrical drive systems, in the field of scientific research in solving urgent problems up-to-date electrical drive and automation.


similar equipment in a conventional steam power plant. In other words, the nuclear reactor and heat exchanger replace the fuel-burning equipment and the steam generator of the conventional steam power plant.

Uranium as the fuel, graphite as the moderator, and carbon dioxide gas as the coolant are usually used in the nuclear reactor. The basic structure of a nuclear power plant is very simple.

The splitting of the atom can either destroy all the achievements of mankind all over the world or it can serve economic and cultural development of the peoples. And the other countries want the atomic energy to serve the peoples living on our planet.

There are three possible ways of using atomic fission, the most outstanding discovery of physics. These are: the use of radioactive isotopes, which are formed in nuclear processes, the use of powerful radioactive radiation, mainly in certain processes in organic chemistry, and the use of the energy released during the fission of uranium and plutonium nuclei. All these three ways are being successfully developed in Ukraine.

Ukrainian scientists do their best to make the atom serve peace and progress and further develop the peaceful uses of atomic energy.

I. Read the next words and remember them:

purpose; peaceful; kilowatt; operation;

plant; capacity; range; region; transmission;

nuclear; release; furnace; liquid;

absord; generate; exchanger; burn; equipment;

fission; carbon; serve; schedule; reliable;


II. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the first atomic power station put into operation? 2. What is one of the great advantages of atomic power stations? 3. Where is energy released in the nuclear power plant? 4. What is a reactor? 5. What is the function of a coolant? 6. What is the difference between the steam power blunt plant the nuclear


One need not explain to the reader that a current is unable to flow in a circuit consisting of metallic wires alone. A source of an e.m.f. should be provided as well. The source under consideration may be a cell or a battery, a generator, a thermocouple or a photocell, etc.

In addition to the electromotive force and the potential difference reference should be made here to another important factor that greatly influences electrical flow, namely, resistance. So, to resistance shall we turn our attention now. The student probably remembers that all substances offer a certain amount of opposition, that is to say resistance, to the passage of current. This resistance may be high or low depending on the type of circuit and the material employed. Take glass and rubber as an example. They offer a very high resistance and, hence, they are considered as good insulators. Nevertheless, one must not forget that all substances do allow the passage of some current provided the potential difference is high enough.

Imagine two oppositely charged balls suspended far apart in the air. In spite of our having a difference of potential, no current flows. How can we explain this strange behaviour? The simple reason is that the air between the balls offers too great resistance to current flow. However, the electrons could certainly flow from the negatively charged ball towards the positively charged one provided we connected them by a metal wire. As a matter of fact, it is not necessary at all to connect both balls in the manner described in order to obtain a similar result. All that we have to do is to increase the charges. If the potential difference becomes great enough, the electrons will jump through the air forming an electric spark.

One should mention in this connection that certain factors can greatly influence the resistance of an electric circuit. Among them we find the size of the wire, its length, and type. In short, the thinner or longer the wire, the greater is the resistance offered. Besides, could we use a silver wire, it would offer less resistance than an iron one.



I. Translate the following sentences:

a/ 1. If an e.m.f. is applied to a path, the electrons will move toward the point of higher potential. 2. If people of the past had known that lightning was atmospheric electricity, they would not have invented numerous stories about it. 3. If a wire were held against an electrified body, electricity would flow along the wire to its other and. 4. If coal were not used as fuel, we should get more valuable products.

b/ 1. Were that liquid heated, it would greatly expand. 2.Were there no flow of current between A and B in any direction, than A and B would be at the same potential. 3. Were the electromotive force alternating, the current would be alternating as well. 4. Should you break the circuit, no current would flow. 5. Had they used a larger water pipe for their last experiment, more water would have passed through that pipe. 6. The current will flow around the circuit unless we break the circuit in some point.

II. Translate the following sentences and define the function of the word PROVIDED:

1.These electrical devices are provided with rubber insulators. 2. These electrical devices provided with rubber insulators were produced at a large factory. 3. These electrical devices can work for a long time provided they are made of high-quality material. 4. The electric current flows provided there is a complete circuit. 5. Lightning did not strike the house so it was provided with a lightning conductor. 6. Ohm’s law provided the possibility of determining resistance provided the voltage and current were known. 7. The electrons will jump through the air forming an electric spark provided the potential difference becomes great enough. 8. The students will be able to translate difficult articles provided they have dictionaries.

III. Complete the following sentences:

a/ 1. If my friend comes to Moscow we … .2. If I had time tomorrow, I … . 3. If my friend lied not entered the




Now a new form of energy - atomic energy - is put to the service of mankind.

Atomic energy is the most concentrated source of power known to man. The world first atomic power station was put into operation in Obninsk in 1954.

Ukraine has plans for nuclear power plants in progress and it is scheduled to build different types of reactors. The total capacity of atomic power plants to be constructed under this program will range from two to two and a half million kilowatts.

One of the great advantages of atomic power stations is the fact that they can be built in the very region where power is to be used. As a result long electric transmission lines become unnecessary.

In the nuclear power plant energy is released in a reactor by nuclear fission. The nuclear reactor will possibly be one of the most reliable "furnaces" producing atomic energy. Being used to produce energy, the reactor produces it in the form of heat. In other words, heat is developed by the splitting of atoms in the reactor. A coolant /gas, water, melted metals, and some other liquids/ is pumped through the reactor to absorb and remove that heat energy and thereby prevent an excessive temperature in the reactor. The heat may be carried to the pipes of the steam-generator containing water. In the more common types of nuclear power plants, the high-temperature coolant that leaves the reactor flows through a heat-exchanger /steam-generator/ in which steam is generated. The heat exchanger serves as a steam boiler. The resulting steam drives a turbine, in its turn driving an electric generator. So, we see that a nuclear power plant is like any other power plant but the familiar coal-burning furnace is replaced by a nuclear one. The steam flows through a turbine and associated equipment that are identical in design and arrangement with



3. An MHD generator combines

3. the consumption of electricity will be ten times an great as it is today.

4. An MHD generator consists.

4. the right combination of

electrical conductivity, velocity and the magnetic field.

5. The first problem was

5. electromagnetic induction.

6. In the third approach

6. of a nozzle, a channel with electrodes and insulators.

7. By the end of the present

7. a field of fluid mechanics.


V. Answer the following questions:

1. What does fluid mechanics deal with? 2. Why are gases considered as liquids? 3. Who discovered electromagnetic induction? 4. What experiment does every schoolchild know? 5. When do the atoms of gases break down into electrically charged particles? 6. What particles interact with the magnetic field? 7. What functions does an MHD generator combine? 8. Why is an MHD generator a much simpler devise than the turbogenerator? 9 What does an MHD generator consist of ? 10. Why is a porter plant with an MHD generator more efficient than a turbine power plant? 11. What is the first approach to MHD power generation? 12. What can you say about the first MHD power installation? 13. What is its capacity?

VI. Retell the Text.

VII. Point out which of the sentences contains the information from the Text.

1. MHD energy conversion becomes possible only with the right combination of gas velocity, electrical conductivity and magnetic field induction. 2. A power plant with MHD generator is more efficient than a turbine power plant. 3. The problem of the extraction of the electric current at electrodes is important for MHD.


institute last year, he ... . 4. If I were you I ... . 5. If the teacher had given me the dictionary at the last lesson, I … . 6. If my brother goes to England, he … .

b/ 1. He would have done it unless ... . 2. We should have gone to the country yesterday provided … . 3. I should finish my work in time tomorrow unless … . 4. She will answer all the teacher's questions provided … .

IV. Translate the following sentences:

1. It was in 1800 that Volta first produced a continuous

current. 2. It is the thermometer that measures the temperature of a substance. 3. It was Lomonosov who stated that heat phenomena were due to molecular notion. 4. It is the ampere that is the unit of current. 5. It is Yury Gagarin that made the first apace flight. 6. It was Popov who was the inventor of the radio. 7. It is the difference of potential that causes the free electrons to flow from one point of the conductor to another.

V. a/ Fill in the blanks with propositions:

b/ Retell the following extract.

The great French physicist Ampere was an absent-minded man. One day he was waiting ... his friend. The appointed hour arrived, passed and his friend did not come. As Ampere had to go … he took a piece ... chalk and wrote ... his door: “I have gone … . I shall return … two hours”. And he went ... .

He returned two hours later. While he was going upstairs he worked out a very difficult program.

“If my friend had come ... the appointed time," he said ... himself, “ I should have told him ... this problem. I shall speak ... him ... it now. Perhaps he will be able to solve it.

“So when Ampere came ... his own door and saw the words written ... it, ha decided that tie was ... his friend’s door. “Oh”, said he, “he has gone ... I am very sorry! Were he ... home, we should discuss my problem”. And he wrote the following words: “ Very sorry that I have not found you … home.” Then he went downstairs again.


VI. For the words and expressions given in /a/ find the

Ukrainian equivalent given in /b/.

a/ 1. in the same manner; 2. generally speaking; 3.to turn one's attention; 4. on the basis of; 5. electrical engineering; 6. for this reason; 7. to meet requirements; 8. by means of; 9. nevertheless; 10. on the contrary; ll. to offer resistance 12. under such conditions; 13. as well as; 14. as a result; 15. in spite of;

16. under consideration.

b/ 1. в peзультаті; 2. рoзглядати; 3. за допомогою 4. зa такими умовами; 5.чинити опір; 6. кажучи взагалі; 7, npотe; 8. таким же чином; 9. звертаючи yвary; 10. eлeктротехнікa; 11. зaдовольняти вимогам; 12. незважаючи на; 13. нa nідставі ч.-н.; I4. навпаки; I5. тaкoж; I6. зa цiєю причиною.

VII. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:

1. The excess of electrons will flow towards the point of deficiency. 2. The parallel circuit provides two or more path for the current flow.

VII. Answer the following questions:

1.What force moves the electrons from one point to another? 2.What is an electromotive force? 3. Is the electromotive force measurable? 4. What unit is used for measuring an e.m.f.? 5. What devices may be used as a source of e.m.f.? 6. What factors greatly influence the current flow in the circuit? 7. What does resistance depend on? 8. What materials are good insulators? 9. What is shown in Fig.2? 10. What factors can influence the resistance of an electrical circuit?

11. Does silver wire offer less resistance than an iron wire?

IX. Speak on:

1. Electromotive force. 2. Resistance.


Grammar. The Complex Sentence /Revision/


I have not been there SINCE. 4. Automatic control in the simplest form has been known SINCE the beginning of the steam age. 5. Silver is the best conductor known SINCE it offers the least resistance to the current flow.

II. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions given below. Translate the sentences.

1. with the result; 2. as a result; 3. results; 4. resulted in; 5. the results; 6. resulted from.

1. We nave discussed ... obtained. 2. When the electric current flows along the conductor, heat ... . 3. Faraday’s experiments ... a great discovery. 4. Almost all bodies expand ... of heating. 5. Faraday carried on different experiments with coils, wire and magnetic needles with varying ... . 6. In a cell the potential difference is maintained by the chemical action; copper is at a higher potential than zinc ... that a current of positive electricity flows from the copper to the zinc. 7. The possibility of designing first MHD power plants ... the investigation of MHD energy conversion.

III. Arrange the following words in the pairs of synonyms:

a/ 1. feasible; 2. flux; 3. to transform; 4. liquid; 5. to investigate; 6. speed; 7. to build; 8. wire; 9. change; 10. conventional.

b/ 1. velocity; 2. to construct; 3. possible; 4. to research; 5. conductor; 6. transformation; 7. usual; B. to convert; 9.fluid; 10. flow.

IV. Form seven sentences combining suitable parts of the sentences given in column I and II.


1. Magnetohydrodynamics is 1. the functions of a steam

turbine and an electrical


2. Faraday discovered 2. a liquid metal is used

instead of a plasma in



Fig.8 /for Unit 13/. Construction of a nuclear

power plant


I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:

a/ 1. The fourth state of matter is known AS plasma. 2. AS the devices were out of date it was decided not to install them. 3. The gas cools AS it flows through the generator. 4. AS a charged particle is called an ion, we may consider the free electrons AS negative ions. 5. The term “hydrodynamics” is used AS a synonym for fluid dynamics. 6. AS heat, is absorbed by a body, the temperature of the latter rises.

b/ 1. The physical properties of plasma have been a problem SINCE the discovery of that state of matter. 2. SINCE the steam gives up its heat energy to drive the turbine its temperature and pressure fall. 3. I worked at the power plant last year and



I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the subordinate clauses.

1.The plants which supply electricity over long distances are equipped with large alternators. 2. When asked about the dynamo the student mentioned its inventor. 3. The experiments of Oersted attracted Ampere’s attention. 4. The armature and the electromagnet are the principal parts the generator consists of. 5.That the electromagnets are controllable is very important thing, since they can attract and repel magnetic materials. 6. The alternator is a machine that generates a.c. 7. A bar of iron becomes strongly magnetised if inserted into the solenoid while the current is flowing.

II. Read the following abbreviations and give their full forms: i.e., a.c., d.c., r.p.m., e.m.f., m.m.f., 3170F, 450C, etc.


The Dynamo invented by Faraday in 1831 is certainly a primitive apparatus compared with the powerful, highly efficient generators and alternators that are in the use today. Nevertheless, these machines operate on the same principle as the one invented by the great English scientist. When asked what use his new invention had, Faraday asked in his turn: “What is the use of a new-born child?" As a matter of fact, "the new-born child" soon became an irreplaceable device we cannot do without.

Although used to operate certain devices requiring small current for their operation, batteries and cells are unlikely to supply light, heat and power on a large scale. Indeed, we need electricity to light up millions of lamps, to lift things, to run trains, and to drive the machines. Batteries could not supply electricity enough to do all this work.

That Dynamo-electric machines are used for this purpose is a well-known fact. These are the machines by means of which mechanical energy is turned directly into electrical energy with a loss of only a few per cent. It is calculated that they produce more then 99,99 per cent of all the world’s


electric power.

There are two types of dynamos, namely, the generator and the alternator. The former supplies d.c. which is similar to the current from a battery and the latter, as its name implies provides a.c.

To generate electricity both of them must be continuously provided with energy from some outside source of mechanical energy such as steam engines, steam turbines or water turbines, for example.

Both generators and alternators consist of the following principal parts: an armature and an electromagnet. The electromagnet of a d.c. generator is usually called a stator for it is in a static condition while the armature /the rotor/ is rotating. Fig.3 shows the principles the construction of an elementary d.c. generator is based upon. We see the armature, the electromagnet, the shunt winding, the commutator and the load. Alternators may be divided into two types: 1. alternators that have a stationary armature and a rotating electromagnet; alternators whose armature serves as a rotor but this is seldom done - 2. In order to get a strong e.m.f., the rotors in a large machines rotate at a speed of thousands of revolutions per minute /r.p.m./. The faster they rotate the greater the output voltage the machine will produce.

I n order to produce electricity under the most economical conditions, the generators must be as large as possible. In addition to it, they should be kept as fully loaded as possible all the time. The Bratskaya hydroelectric station is equipped with 225,000 kilowatt /kW/ generators. Our scientists constructed more powerful generators, which are installed at the Krasnoyarskaya station. The Konakovskaya, the Zaporozhskaya and the Uglegorskaya steam power station have large rated capacity. Our industry produces even greater power installations of 1,200 MW for the steam power plants, which play such an important part In electrification plan of our state.


As a result of high temperature operation a power plant with an MHD generator is more efficient than a turbine power plant. Studies show that an MHD power plant can reach 50% efficiency, and 55-60% in the future, the highest obtainable efficiency of a thermal power plant being 40%.

MHD energy conversion becomes possible only with the right combination of gas velocity, electrical conductivity and magnetic field induction.

It is the study of the above-mentioned combination that has led to the development of three approaches to the MHD power generation. The first one is the open cycle generator where the ionized gas flux is injected into the nozzle of the channel. The second approach is the closed cycle generator in which plasma circulates inside the MHD generator itself. In the third, a liquid metal is used instead of a plasma in the channel. All three approaches are investigated at present. So far, the open cycle generator seems to be the most feasible of them.

The first experimental industrial MHD installation "U-25" was constructed in Moscow. The above installation is known to have been put into operation in 1971. Its capacity is 20,000 kW. The U-25 operates on natural gas and has a magnet about 10 metres long.

By the end of the present century the consumption of electricity is expected to be ten times as great as it is today. To increase power production rapidly we shall not only have to built giant thermal power plants but also to develop principally new power generation methods. There is every reason to believe that large MHD stations will be operating in our country in the near future.

Fig.7. Magnetohydrodynamic generator


new device one should study all its parts. 5. The next problem the professor dealt with was connected with the application of semiconductor lasers. 6, The work the students deal with is difficult but interesting. 7. Under ordinary conditions the only current one could deal with a.c.


Magnetohydrodynamics /MHD/ is a field of fluid mechanics. The latter deals with the flow of the fluid or gas conducting electricity in the magnetic field. As gases can flow too they are considered as liquids.

More than a hundred years ago in 1831, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction. Today every schoolchild knows the experiment from school physics laboratory. If a conductor connected to an electric circuit crosses the space between poles of a magnet an electric current is induced in it. But the metal conductor can be replaced by any other conductor. For example, it may

be a flow of electroconducting liquid or gas.

If gases are heated to some thousands of degrees the atoms that make them up are broken down into electrically charged particles, the latter interacting with the magnetic field.

A high temperature gas in an MHD generator gives the same result as a copper armature in a conventional d.c. generator. By means of suitable electrodes part of the energy of the ionized gas passing through the magnetic field is converted directly into electricity. It is this conversion that we are mostly interested in.

An MHD generator combines the function of both a steam turbine and an electrical generators. As the energy of the gas is converted directly into electrical energy, an MHD generator is in principle a much simpler device than a turbogenerator.

As shown in Fig. 7 it consists of a nozzle, a channel with electrodes and insulators, located in the magnetic field. The generator under consideration has no moving parts that cause energy losses. Thus it can withstand much higher temperatures than those of the turbines.



I. Translate the following sentences:

1.There is a great number of engineering problems the Ukrainian scientists work at. 2. It is quite impossible to name a scientific problem Lomonosov did not turn his attention to. 3. There are many electric appliances we cannot do without. 4. The experiment I told you about will take much time. 5. The direction the needle points in changed several times. 6. The speed a given molecule travels with is a greatly increased when a gas is heated.

Fig.3. A simple type of elementary

direct current generator /dynamo/

II. Translate the following sentences paying attention to

the construction THE FORMER ... THE LATTER.

1.There are two kinds of current: a.c. and. d.c. The former changes its direction, the latter does not. 2. I have two friends, Nick and Pete. The former studies at the university, the latter works at the factory. 3. He has a book on electrical engineering and a book on nuclear physics. The former


is in Russian and the latter is in English. 4. I spoke to professors G. and W. The former delivers lectures on chemistry, the latter on semiconductors.

III. Form five sentences combining suitable parts of the

sentences given in columns I and II.


1. The electric circuit

1. is a temporary magnet provided by electricity.

2. The e.m.f.

2. is an electrical appliance used in daily life.

3. The heat engine

3. is a path to be followed by the current from the source and back to the source.

4. The iron

4. is the force that makes electrons move along a conductor

5.The electromagnet

5. is a device by means of

which heat is turned into work.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. When did Faraday invent the dynamo? 2. Was Faraday an American scientist? 3. Can batteries supply power on a large scale? 4. What do we need electricity for? 5. What are dynamo electric machines used for? 6. What types of dynamos do you know? 7. What types of dynamos do you know? 8. What are the principal parts of a generator? 9. In what condition is the stator of an electromagnet? 10. What generator is the Bratsk hydroelectric station equipped with? 11. How many generators are installed at the Konakovskaya steam power plant? 12. What is their rated capacity? 13. What are the largest steams plants in Europe? 14.What does Fig.3 show?

V. Ask your groupmate the following questions. Let him/her answer them:


which ... ; a battery is a device which ...; a switch is a device which … ; an engine is a machine which …; a thermometer is a device which ...; a motor is a device which ...; a generator is a machine which … .

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. Whist device is discussed in the present article? 2. What

is a motor employed for? What kind of motors do you know? 4. Does the generator convert electrical energy into mechanical energy? 5. What parts of a motor do you know? 6. What is a very strong magnetic field needed for? 7. What does the shunt field winding provide? 8. What does a motor do in our homes? 9. Do motors serve you every day? 10. Where does a motor find its wide application?

VII. Speak on:

1.The use of electric motors in industry. 2. The use of electric motors in everyday life.

VIII. Point out which of the sentences contains the information from the text.

1. A very strong magnetic field is achieved by adding a series winding to the magnetic coil. 2. The power-station of this kind supplied power to the mill a short distance away. 3. The device under consideration will not work on direct current but it is employed in direct current circuits.



I. Translate the following sentences.

1. After studying the properties of solids we shall deal with the properties of liquids. 2. The problem to be dealt with will require much time. 3. Thermodynamics is the subject the scientist will deal with in the next article. 4. Before dealing with this


we were asked to use it when carrying on our research work. 5. By changing the value of the resistance we can increase the current. 6. Having been used for a long time, the instrument lost its former quality. 7. Were that so1id substance heated, it would greatly expand. 8. To observe is the primary rule of any experiment. 9. The professor wants us to turn our attention to the problem of semiconductors. 10. The new invention proved to be of great practical importance.

II. Translate the following sentences using, the Passive Voice:

1. Прилади мають бути отримані завтра. 2. Студенти отримали нові інструкції. 3. Про ці досягненя багато говорять. 4. Мене прохали провести дослідження. 5. Приклад надійшов за правилом. 6. Нам були показані нові матеріали. 7. Їх навчають іноземних мов. 8. На ці листи відповіли вчора. 9. На це запитання важко відповісти. 10. На ваші статті часто посилаються.

III. Define the function of the words in bold type:

1. The methods APPLIED IMPROVFD the quality of production. 2. The machine USED SHOWED good results. 3. The experiment DESCRIBED ATTRACTED everybody’s attention. 4.The appliance RECEIVED REQUIRED some improvement. 5. The substances UTILIZED NEUTRALIZED each other. 6. The amount of electricity GENERATED DEPENDED on the quality of the coal. 7. The scientists MENTIONED CONTRIBUTED greatly to the development of science.

IV. Translate the sentences and define the function of the word ONE:

1. One hundred years ago there were neither electric lamp nor electric motors. 2. One might mention many more well-known facts and names. 3. The motor in question is more powerful than the one you spoke about yesterday. 4. There was only one problem to be solved. 5. The first student gave more correct answers that the last one. 6. One can reduce heat losses in a transmission line. 7. One of you can compare the results obtained.

V. Define the following terms:

a transformer is a device which …; a dynamo is a machine


1.if batteries can supply light, heat and power on a large scale. 2. if the electromagnet is a temporary magnet provided by electricity. 3. if the electromagnet is lifeless unless the electric current flows through the coil. 4. if the iron will act as a magnet as long as the current continues to pass along the winding. 5. if the alternator provides a.c. 6. if the generator must be turned by some outside source of mechanical energy.

VI. Define the following terms.

electromotive force, electric circuit, heating effect of an electric current, magnetic effect of an electric current, electromagnet, generator.


Grammar. Impersonal Constructions


I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Impersonal Constructions:

a/1. It is easy to understand Ampere’s rule. 2. It was desirable to compare the results obtained. 3. It is necessary to find new sources of energy. 4. It was difficult for Oersted to find out why the compass needle was deflected.

b/1. One can say that there are unlimited sources of energy. 2. One could not obtain good results without repeating the test. 3. There are so many atoms in a water drop that if one could count one atom a second, day and night, it would take one hundred milliard years. 3. One may mention here that the first industrial nuclear power plant in the world was constructed in this country.

c/1.They employ different methods to obtain better results. 2. They produce modern machines at our plant. 3. They say that lasers will be widely used in the near future.

d/1. It is supposed that people learnt to protect their houses from thunderstorms years ago. 2. It is said that these substances have similar properties. 3. It is well known that one form of energy can be converted into another form.


II. Give all the meanings of the following words consulting a dictionary:

s cale, generation, armature, revolution, commutator, amplitude, iron, needle, second.


They say that about a hundred years ago, power was never carried far away from its source. Later on, the range of transmission was expanded to a few miles. And now, in a comparatively short period of time, electrical engineering has achieved so much that it is quite possible, at will, to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and transmit the latter over hundreds of kilometres and more in any direction required. Then in a suitable locality the electric energy can be reconverted into mechanical energy whenever it is desirable. It is not difficult to understand that the above process has been made possible owing to generators, transformers and motors as well as to other necessary electrical equipment. In this connection one cannot but mention the growth of electrical power generation in this country. The longest transmission line in pre-Revolutionary Russia was that connecting the Klasson power station with Moscow. It is said to have been but 70 km long, while the present Volgograd-Moscow high-tension transmission line is over 1000 kilometres long. /The reader is asked to note that the English terms "high-tension" and "high-voltage" are interchangeable./

It goes without saying that as soon as the electric energy is produced at the power station, it is to be transmitted over wires to the substation and then to the consumer. However, the longer the wire, the greater is its resistance to current flow. On the other hand, the higher the offered resistance, the greater are the heating losses in electric wires. One can reduce these undesirable losses in two ways, namely, one can reduce either the resistance or the current.

It is easy for us to see how we can reduce resistance: it is necessary to make use of a better conducting material and as thick wires as possible. However, such wires are calculated to


kinds of smallsized and even minute motors which are able to power various complex machines and operate equally well under any conditions.

Fig. 6. Shunt and series windings of armature and field coils.

So far nothing was said of what a motor does in our homes. In a modern home there are many different electric motors in machines and devices utilised to meet our daily requirements: to tell the time, to wash clothes, to cool the refrigerators, to clean or brush various things, to shave, to circulate air in a warm room on a hot summer day, and so on. In effect, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and modern refrigerators do work thanks to electric motors. It follow that in the electric motor we have a valuable and powerful appliance capable of fulfilling the required operations exactly and with just the desirable power and rate of motion. It is readily switched on, at will, and it continues running until we switch it off. There are often cases when it is simply impossible to replace it by any other means. In short, the motor finds application in industry and engineering, in agriculture and transport, in medicine and our homes.


I. Translate the following sentences:

1. The flow of current being reduced, the speed of the motor is decreased. 2. It is an above basis that our power plants are constructed at present. 3. We know of this substance having been used owing to its high quality. 4. Copper being a good conductor,


1. ... known him to … . 2. ... wanted us to … . 3. … expected you to … . 4. … is supposed to … . 5. … was considered to … . 6. … is known to … .


The electric motor is a device employed for transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy. We know it to turn machinery and various appliances.

We have already seen the generator converts mechanical energy into electric energy. Now, the process is reversed. It is electricity that is supplied to the machine and it is motion that we obtain. From all that has been said in the previous articles about our getting magnetism from electricity and about the generation of electric current by using magnetism, it is obvious that generators and motors are similar in certain respect. There is certainly some difference in detail but in both of them we find an armature with windings, a commutator and brushes combined with an electromagnet for producing the magnetic field.

However, in an electric motor one shunt winding is not sufficient and a second one called a series winding should be added. "Why is it necessary?" one might ask. The fact is that the motor should have a powerful effect at the very moment when the current is switched on, as for instance, in an electric tram or a train. A very strong magnetic field is needed to obtain a so-called powerful starting torque. This is achieved by adding a series winding to the magnetic coils /Fig. 6/. It is connected not in shunt with the armature but in series with it. Thus, all the heavy starting current, passing through the armature winding, now passes through the series field coil and provides a strong field necessary for starting, the shunt field winding providing the running conditions.

No appliance ever created by man has probably such a wide range of size and such a variety of application as a motor. In fact, on the one hand, there are all kinds of mighty giants in the motor world. These giants are known to perform innumerable operations wherever required. On the other hand, there exist all


require too much material and, hence, they will be too expensive. Can the current be reduced? Yes, it is quite possible to reduce the current in the transmission system by employing transformers. In effect, the waste of useful energy has been greatly decreased due to high-voltage lines. It is well known that high voltage means low current, low current in its turn results in reduced beating losses in electrical wires. It is dangerous, however, to use power at very high voltages for anything but transmission and distribution. For that reason, the voltage is always reduced again before the power is made use of.

LASERS. The Ukrainian scientists are successfully developing quantum generators, called lasers, for emitting light amplitude radio waves. Theoretical calculations have shown that lasers are very likely to transform the energy of light radio waves into electrical energy with efficiency amounting to about 100 per cent. It means that electrical power might be transmitted over considerable distances with negligible losses and what is very important without the use of transmission lines.


I. Translate the following sentences into English using the Impersonal Constructions:

1. Кажуть,що цей винахід збільшить к.к.д. машини. 2. Тепер можна вважати наше дослідження завершеним. 3. Вважають, що результати знову підтвердили теоретичні розрахунки. 4. Слід нагадати, що радянські вчені вже давно вирішують проблему передачі енергії за допомогою лазеру. 5. Дуже важливо, що нове обладнення не дороге. 6. Робітникові було важко збагнути причину ушкодження приладу. 7. Бажано використати всі види енергії для отримання електрики.

II. Complete the following sentences.

1. Owing to the transformer is become possible … . 2. It was Ampere who ... . 3. The dynamo-electric machines are used for ... . 4. In order to reduce resistance in a wire, it is necessary ... . 5. The waste of useful energy can be decreased … . 6. Coal is


burned in order to … . 7. Lasers are used for … .

III. Translate the following sentences:

1. Чим сильніше магнітне поле, тим більший струм. 2. Чим більше струм, що тече по проводнику, тим вища температура провідника. 3. Чим меньше труба, тим меньше води проходить крізь неї. 4. Чим вище швідкість руху між магнитним полем і провідником, тим більший струм.

IV. For the terms given in /a/ find the Ukrainian equivents in /b/.

a/ 1. power plant; 2. power generation; 4. power source; 5. power transmission; 6. power unit; 7. power installation; 8. power substation; 9. power transformer; 10. power factor; 11. power engineering 12. power capacity; 13. power distribution; 14. power loss.

b/ 1. виробіток електроенергії; 2. збиток енергії; 3. eле-ктропідстанція; 4. силовий трансформатор; 5. коефіцієнт потужності; 6. продуктівність; 7. джерело енергії; 8. pозподіл енергії; 9. електростанція; 10. передача електроенергії; 11. силовий прилад; 12. джерело живлення; 13. енергетика; 14. енергоблок.

V. Choose the right term; explain the statements:

  1. The coil of wire that rotates in a dynamo or motor is known as: a/ a turbine, b/ a stator, c/ an armature, d/ a generator. 2. Running water is an illustration of: a/ potential energy, b/ kinetic energy, c/ electric energy, d/ heat energy. 2. Steam generators produce electrical energy from. a/ potential energy, b/ chemical energy, c/ light energy, d/ mechanical energy.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What made it possible to transmit electric energy over hundreds of kilometres? 2. Can electric energy be reconverted into mechanical energy? 3. What are transformers used for? 4. What do you know about the longest transmission line in pre-Revolutionary Russia? 5. How long is the VOLGOGRAD-MOSKOW high-tension transmission line? 6. It what way can the heating losses be reduced


physics but Comrade Novikov. 6. A simple transformer is but a kind of induction coil.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a transformer? 2. What is a transformer used for? 3. Are there any moving parts in a transformer? 4. Can a transformer be damaged by lightning? 5. What are the principal parts of a transformer? 6. How many windings are there in a transformer? 7. What winding is connected to a load? 8. What is a purpose of a step-up transformer? 9. What is known as a step-down transformer? 10. Does a transformer work on d.c.? 11. In what circuit is the transformer used? 12. For what purpose are step-down transformers used? 13. Is your radio set equipped with a transformer? 14. Can we do without transformers? 15. Are transformers used both in industry and in our home?

VII. Retell the text "Transformers".

VIII. Find the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian word combinations:

небажані струми, що виникають в осерді трансформатора; утворює змінний магнітний потік; виготовлення осердя трансформатра.

UNIT 10.


1. a/ Form sentences using the following word combinations:

the very device to be employed, the problem to be solved, the temperature to be measured, the story o be told, the research work to be finished, the apparatus to be designed;

b/ Complete the following sentences, using the Infinitive Construction:

Model: ... is expected to ... . The scientist is expected to

deliver an interesting lecture.


1. This substance was supposed to have some important properties. 2. This device is expected to be the best for converting heat into work. 3. The new power plant is known to have been put into operation. 4. This invention was considered to be of great practical importance. 5. A magnetic flux is assumed to consist of magnetic lines of force taken as a whole.

II. Translate the following sentences:

1. Кажуть, що цей прилад описано в попередній статті. 2. Вважали, що струм тече від позитивного потенціала до негативного. 3. Кажуть, що мій друг- досвідчений математик. 4. Відомо, що Ломоносов заснував Московський

університет. 5. Здається, ця рідина має інші властивості. 6. Відомо, що змінний струм міняє свій напрям.

III. Form nouns from the following words using suitable suffixes.

construct, develop, consider, distribute, deflect, equip, connect, require, produce, state, suit.

IV. For the word combinations given in /a/ find the Ukrainian equivalents in /b/

a/ l. a number of; 2. as a matter of fact; 3. on the basis of; 4. for this reason; 5. it goes without saying; 6. at last; 7. on the whole; 8. to step up; 9. to increase current; 10. to offer resistance; 11. electrical engineering; 12. to step down;

b/ 1. врешті-решт; 2. підвищувати /напругу/; 3. чинити опір; 4. знижувати/напругу/; 5. ряд; 6. збільшити струм; 7. на основі б.-чого; 8. з ціеї причини; 9. в цілому; 10. електротехніка; 11. дійсно; 12. зрозуміло.

V. Translate the following sentences and defines the function of the word BUT:

1.The Fahrenheit scale is mainly used in English-speaking countries but it is not used in Ukraine. 2. His scientific activity lasted but twenty years, but in these twenty years he did very much. 3. Motors are widely employed not only in industry but also in everyday life. 4. There is but one measuring scale in the instrument. 5. Everyone took an examination in


in transmission lines? 7. How can resistance be reduced in electric wires? 8. Why are high-voltage lines used for power transmission? 9. Is it possible to use quantum generators for power transmission? 10. What have theoretical calculations shown?

VII. Define the following terms.

power-station; nuclear reactor; transmission line; solenoid; electromagnet; heat losses; rotor.

VIII. Retell the text "Power transmission".

IX. Read the text above in a minute and find the definition of "secondary cells".


Grammar. The Passive Voice

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