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II. Questions to the text:

1. Which of the following sentences best describes what this passage is about:

(A) Prince Charles rejected the proposal to join the trade union for writers.

(B) The Prince of Wales first rejected the proposal to join the trade union for writers but then changed his mind.

(C) The Prince of Wales applied for membership and joined the trade union for writers.

(D) Prince Charles even doesn't think of joining a trade union.

2. Which of the following is true?

(A) The Prince is modest about his own literary talents.

(B) The Prince thinks highly of his own literary talents.

(C) The Prince is sure he is one of the most famous writers in the world.

(D) The Prince has never tried to estimate his own literary talents.

3. Which of the following was not mentioned in the text?

(A) The Prince's children are happy that the Prince has joined the trade union.

(B) It's unlikely that the Prince will ever need to take advantage of the Union's legal services.

(C) Mark le Fanu is happy to welcome the Prince to his membership in the Society.

(D) The Prince has become a member of the Society of Authors.

4. As a member of the Society of Authors the Prince can expect:

(A) advertising of his books.

(B) meetings with his readers arranged by the Union.

(C) legal services, such as checking his contracts with publishers.

(D) regular salary as a writer and member of the Union.

5. The book entitled A Vision of Britain has caused a lot of controversy because:

(A) Prince Charles has a strong distaste for classical architecture.

(B) Prince Charles is an advocate of classical architecture and would like to see a return to its principles.

(C) Prince Charles likes very much modern architecture and shares views of architectural establishment.

(D) Prince Charles supports every idea of modern architects.

6. The critics say that

(A) there is a group of writers who help the Prince to create his books.

(B) his wife and his mother help him to write his books.

(C) he copied works of some not very well known writers and used his

name to promote the books.

(D) he wrote every word of his books himself.


I. Read the text and answer the questions following it: the piligrims

The Pilgrims were puritans, that is to say, people of England who objected to the form of religious feelings shown to God and religious services used in the Church of England. King James punished all who refused to follow laws and traditions of the Church of England and to give money to support it. These people had to leave their country and went to Holland trying to find religious freedom there. But they were not allowed to own land in Holland and, besides, they did not want their children to grow up and become Dutch speaking people. They wanted to remain English; so, they soon returned to England with the idea of leaving for America. There, where the lands were still wild, they hoped to build homes for themselves and start a new life based on their own ideals of religious and civil rights. Pilgrim Fathers decided to form a colony that should be governed by just and equal laws, established by common agreement.

With the idea of a New England in America some of the strongest English people crossed the broad Atlantic on the little ship known as "The Mayflower". These people were independent and God-fearing. Some of them were also learned.

The departure of the Pilgrims from England marks a period in history. Towards the end of November in 1620, this company of about a hundred persons, with Captain Miles Standish as their leader, landed on Cape Cod, not far from where Boston now is. A short time after landing, they found a suitable place to live and, about Christmas, began to cut trees and build houses. Winter came on, and they were not prepared for difficult times. Many of them got ill and about half of them died. But those who survived did not give up; they were not easily discouraged by the difficulties.

In the spring and summer following that hard winter, their crops grew, and the colony became rich. They made friends with the Indians and were not afraid of them. At last, they felt sure that they had found the land that they had hoped to find so long. In the autumn, they decided to have a great holiday and to unite in giving thanks to God for everything they had received. They also invited the Indians, and all sat down together to celebrate the first Thanksgiving Day in America.