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3. Meals - Еда:

meals in the open air - еда на свежем воздухе;

cooking utensils [′ju:′tensəlz] - кухонные принадлежности;

frying-pan - сковорода;

saucepan - кастрюля;

pot - котелок;

kettle - 1) чайник (для кипячения воды); 2) котелок;

tea-pot - чайник для заварки;

to get a kettle to boil - вскипятить чайник;

tin - консервная банка;

tinned food - консервы;

tin opener - консервный нож;

pocket knife - складной нож;

gas-burner - газовая горелка;

water-container - емкость для воды;

eggs and bacon - яичница с беконом;

scrambled eggs - 1) яичница-болтунья; 2) омлет;

plain, nourishing breakfast - простой, сытный завтрак;

to peel potatoes - чистить картошку (срезая кожуру);

to scrape potatoes - чистить картошку (соскабливая ножом

верхнюю кожицу);

to stir - мешать, помешивать;

to mix - смешивать;

to crack - раскалывать, колоть (орехи и т.п.);

to squash [skwᴐʃ] - 1) раздавливать(ся), расплющиваться),

разминать; 2) выжимать сок;

to smash - разбить вдребезги;

to clean (to scrape out) a frying-pan - отчистить (отскоб-

лить) сковородку;

to spill - проливать(ся);

odds and ends - остатки (пищи и т.п.), всякая всячина;

flavour - аромат; букет (вина, чая и т.п.), приятный запах

или вкус;

good stuff - хорошая еда (хорошие вещи и т.п.);

like nothing else on earth - ни с чем не сравнимо;

to make a fire - развести костер (огонь);

to put out the fire - потушить огонь (костер);

to light a gas-stove - зажечь газовую плитку;

to settle oneself for a meal - усесться (расположиться),

чтобы поесть;

to squat [skwᴐt] down to supper - присесть на корточки,

чтобы поужинать;

burnt and unappetizing-looking mess - подгоревшее, неаппетитно

выглядящее месиво;

to give smb. a good appetite - вызвать у кого-л. (хороший)


to wash up - мыть посуду.

4. Sleep - Сон:

to camp out - жить в палатках;

to sleep out - спать на открытом воздухе или в палатке;

a picnic site - место для пикника (пикников);

to fix (to pitch) a tent - поставить палатку;

to strike a tent - снять палатку;

sleeping-bag - спальный мешок;

to be fast asleep - крепко спать;

not to sleep a wink - всю ночь глаз не сомкнуть;

torch - (ручной) фонарик.

5. Bathing and Boating - Купание и катание

на лодках:

to look down at the river and shiver - (по)смотреть с берега

на реку и (за)дрожать;

to throw water over oneself - обливаться водой;

a tremendous splash - 1) оглушительный всплеск; 2) огромный

фонтан брызг;

to dive - нырять;

to swim - плавать;

to have a swim - искупаться, поплавать;

to run one’s boat into a quiet nook - причалить к берегу

в тихом уголке;

to hire a boat - взять лодку напрокат;

to get upset - перевернуться (о лодке и т.п.);

to row [гəw] up (down) the river (stream) - грести вверх

(вниз) по реке (течению);

to steer - 1) править, управлять рулем; 2) слушаться руля,


bow [bau] - нос (лодки, корабля и т.п.);

stern - корма;

canoe [кə'nu: ] - байдарка, каноэ;

rowing-boat - весельная лодка;

motor-boat - моторная лодка;

yacht [jᴐ:t] - яхта;

to land - высаживать(ся) на берег;

to get out - выходить (из лодки, машины и т.п.);

to scull - 1) грести парными веслами; 2) грести кормовыми


to tow [tau] - тянуть на буксире;

to punt - 1) плыть, отталкиваясь шестом; 2) плыть на


raft [ra:ft] - плот;

to raft - сплавляться (плыть) на плоту, заниматься рафтингом;

strong current - сильное течение;

a refreshing bathe - освежающее купание.


Exercise 1, p. 38

Possible variants

1. It was a silly rather than a witty remark. 2. The officer is

stubborn rather than stupid. 3. The family suffered for lack of

money. 4. If 1 were invited to the concert, I would dress in my very

best (I would dress appropriately for the occasion). 5. What you

need is courage. 6. The article has nothing to do with art. 7. She is

known for her complete lack oftaste. 8. What you need is to go

and see for yourself. 9. She is an experienced secretary rather

than a good office manager. 10. Your remark has nothing to do

with the problem under discussion. 11. She should be interested

in tennis rather than volleyball. 12. He spoke ungraciously rather

than amiably. 13. She is poor and always feels a lack o f

money/funds. 14. If Pete had many friends, he wouldn't say that

he was lonely. 15. What he needs is discretion. 16. My low spirits

have nothing to do with Adam’s arrival. 17. I liked Maurice in

away until I got to know him. 18. The children were noisy for

lack ofdiscipline. 19. I f he said this dress was tasteless, I would say

he was right.

Exercise 2, p. 38

1. He has nothing to do with their accommodation. 2. I think

the room was damp rather than cold. 3. The girl said she liked

hiking in a way. 4. I can understand her explanation rather than

accept it. 5. If I were you, I wouldn’t have made an appointment

with the lady. 6. The girl was clumsy rather than plain. 7. I have

nothing to do with the papers. 8. He showed a lack of words

with which to express his thanks. 9. I think what the group

needs is some extra help. 10. He is boring rather than amusing.

11. She has nothing to do with the Browns.. 12. Everybody

knows about her lack of wisdom. 13- What she needs/requires is

a good rest. 14. The family’s lack of money (The lack of money in

the family) did not prevent the good-natured March girls from

leading interesting lives. (Despite the lack of funds in the family

the good-natured March girls managed to lead interesting lives.)

15. What I need is for you, Jo, to tell me everything.

Exercise 3, p. 38

1. He is rather wise than sly (cunning). (He is rather a wise

man than a sly/cunning one.) 2. To be sure/Surely/Of course

your proposals are important/significant/meaningful in a way,

but they have nothing to do with the essence of the matter/the

crux of the m atter/the main point. 3. His speech is characterized

by lack of tact. (His speech lacks tact.) 4. If it is not stifling hot (If

there is no suffocating/stifling heat), we will set out on a journey/

on our journey as early as tomorrow morning. 5. What you

need is a complete lack of gossip. 6. It has nothing to do with me.

7. We agree that it is an acceptable solution to/of the problem

rather than a sensible way out. 8. This artist is talented in a way

but I don’t like his pictures. 9- A lack of time prevented the young

scientist from completing the experiment. 10. Your remarks

have nothing to do with the essence of her work. 11. What they

need is a calm, reliable person to head the department. 12. If you

hadn’t put so much salt into the water, the cucumbers wouldn’t

taste bitter. 13. I would describe/characterize him as an experienced

rather than a talented teacher. 14. The family’s lack of

money did not prevent her from going through college/from

obtaining higher education (formal).


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