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Organism and the environment


     No living organism can exist without certain factors of the surrounding environment. Therefore it is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as "natural habitat" and "living conditions."                                   

Under the habitat it is usually meant natural bodies and phenomena with which the organism (organisms) is in direct or indirect interaction. The habitat of each organism is composed of a number of elements of inorganic and organic nature, and of the elements brought by a man, his productive activity. Moreover, some elements of the environment may be necessary for the organism, while others are indifferent to him, for example, each of us needs air and food, and it's not obligatory to have a cabinet at the wall.

The definition of "living conditions", or the conditions of life follows from this example - this is a collection of essential life elements that make up a dialectical unity with the organism.

Conclusion: The components of the environment necessary for life are air, food, energy and they make the living conditions, all other elements form the habitat.

Habitat -this is that part of nature that surrounds a living organism, and with which it is directly interacting. Components and properties of the environment are various and changeable. Any living being lives in a complex, changing world, constantly adapting to it and adjusting its living activity to its changes. Along with the term "habitat" some other terms can be used such as "ecological environment", "habitat area", "natural environment", "surrounding nature', etc. There are no clear distinctions between these terms.

Individual properties or elements of the environment influencing organisms are called environmental factors. There are various environmental factors. They may be necessary or, conversely, harmful to living organisms, they can facilitate or hinder their survival and reproduction.

Individual properties or elements of the environment effecting organisms are called ecological factors. There are various environmental factors. They may be necessary or, conversely, harmful to living things, facilitate or hinder the survival and reproduction.

Environmental factors are of different nature and specificity of action. Among them are the abiotic and biotic, anthropogenic.


$$$003-010-001$ Методические указания к практическому занятию №10

{Цель занятия, методические указания к выполнению практического задания, примеры расчетов и задач}

Questions for self-control

  1. What is the habitat?

  2. How are Individual properties or elements called?

  3. How can you tell about the abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors.


$$$003-010-002$ Задания или тестовые вопросы для контроля к занятию №10

{Задания или тесты (при необходимости указать ключ для выбора варианта)}

Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

1. air, 2. food, 3. energy; 4. ecological environment, 5.habitat area, 6.natural environment, 7.surrounding nature,


$$$003-011-000$3.3.11 Практическое занятие №11

{Тема, план занятия}