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Divisions of ecology: autecology, demecology, synecology, global ecology


In accordance with the above levels of organization of life, ecology is divided into autecology, demecology and synecology. If an individual organism is studied, its individual relations with the environment, vital functions and behavior, it is taken as if isolated from other components of the system and is considered to be out of the system (aut means out).Thus, autecology studies interaction of a particular organism with the environment. Sometimes autecology is given a somewhat broader view, including into its objectives the study of particular groups of organisms of the same species. An integrated study of 'groups of organisms that make up certain unity" is the subject of synecology, (from Greek. syn means together) and demecology is a population ecology.

In addition, ecology is classified by particular objects and environments of study. For example, there are human ecology and ecology of animals, plant ecology, microbial ecology, etc. (See Figure 1.).



Figure 1: Classification of branches of ecology

In its turn, all these groups can be studied at the level of an individual or the population or can be studied in water, soil, atmosphere, in outer space. Living organisms inhabit tropical, temperate and polar zones, they live in natural, altered or man-made communities, and in contaminated environments. Currently the environmental studies which relate to pollution of the environment are significantly evolving. Figure 2 shows another classification of branches of ecology.

     Currently, the following new branches of ecology have become widespread

Global Ecology - the study of interaction with the environment of the biosphere (complex of natural communities).

Human ecology - the study of interaction of the natural and social environment. In other words, human ecology is a complex discipline that studies general laws of interrelations of the biosphere and anthropogenic system (structural levels of humanity, its groups and individuals), the influence of the environment (in some cases the social environment as well) on individuals and groups of people.

Social ecology - the study of the interaction of human society with the natural environment.

Urban ecology (Ecology of the city) - the study of the structure and functioning of urban ecosystems and the interaction of humans and the urban environment.

Engineering ecology - the study of the ways and means to overcome the destruction of the natural environment by public production.

All branches of ecology are based on general (classic) ecology. Ecology as a science is based on different branches of biology (physiology, genetics, biophysics), is connected with non-biological sciences (physics, chemistry, geology, geography, mathematics, etc.), and which methods, concepts and terms serve as a basement for environmental studies. Therefore, in the recent years new ecological concepts have appeared such as "geographical ecology", "global ecology" (or ecology as applied to the biosphere of the Earth), "Chemical Ecology", "Mathematical Ecology", etc.

At present people have exploited not only the near Earth space, but also sufficiently far outer space. This fact raises a number of entirely new problems that are the subject of anthropology of space, closely related to medical ecology.

Humans and machines also have complex and diversified relations in the conditions of industrial plants, where peculiar modes of temperature, noise, light and other ecological factors take place. The science of interaction between a man and machines is called ergonomics, and it is a part of occupational safety.

It is obvious from the above definitions, that objectives of ecology as a science are diversified:

1. Study of patterns of organization of life, including their relation to anthropogenic impacts on natural ecosystems and biosphere as a whole;

2. Establishing a scientific basis for the rational use of biological resources, forecasting environmental changes by human activities and management processes in the biosphere, and preservation of the human environment;

3. Regulation of populations;

4. Development of measures to ensure a minimum use of chemical control agents against harmful species;

5. Environmental indication in determining the properties of landscape components and elements, including the indication of environmental pollution;

6. Restoration of damaged natural systems, including reclamation of obsolete agricultural lands, restoration of grasslands, fertility of depleted soils, productivity of water reservoirs, etc.;

7. Transition from hunting to farming;

8. Preservation (conservation) of standard natural zones of the biosphere.

In recent years a new concept of the environmental security has been formed that combines ecological security of the society and environmental security of a person in the presence of environmental pollution that affects health and gene pool of both society and an individual.

It should be emphasized that ecology as a whole including biological (classical), global, social, and human ecology, is a worldview, synthetic field of study that integrates natural sciences and the humanities knowledge, human behavior in relation to nature and their health is largely determined by economic and religious considerations and interests.

              Thus, ecology is a science that studies the laws of behavior of organic life (in all its forms, at all levels of integration) in their natural habitat subject to any changes made ​​to the environment by human activities.


$$$003-009-001$ Методические указания к практическому занятию №9

{Цель занятия, методические указания к выполнению практического задания, примеры расчетов и задач}

questions for self-control

 1.       Who is the author of the term "ecology"?

2.In what year the term "ecology" was offered

3. What divisions of ecology do you know?

4.  What division of ecology has a task to study the structure and dynamics of populations of individual species?


$$$003-009-002$ Задания или тестовые вопросы для контроля к занятию №9

{Задания или тесты (при необходимости указать ключ для выбора варианта)}

Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and expressions. Translate the sentences which contain them.

  1. Аутэкология; 2. Антропогенный фактор; 3. Биоресурсы; 4. Направления экологии; 5. Поведение; 6. Окружающая среда.


$$$003-010-000$3.3.10 Практическое занятие №10

{Тема, план занятия}