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The concept of monitoring and its elements

Environmental monitoring is a comprehensive system of monitoring the state of the environment, and the assessment and forecast of environmental changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors.

Environmental monitoring should be distinguished from environmental control. Environmental control is a system of measures aimed at prevention, detection and suppression of violations of environmental laws, ensuring compliance of business entities and other agents with all requirements including standards and regulations for protection of the environment.

The term "monitoring" was officially introduced to science at the Stockholm UN Conference on the Environment in 1972. After two years in the Kenyan capital of  Nairobi the first governmental meeting on monitoring took place. The meeting decided to give priority to monitoring of environmental pollution at three levels - local, regional and global. Since 1974, the term "monitoring" was introduced into Russian literature by Yu. A. Izrael. From the beginning, in the interpretation of monitoring there are two points of view.

Many foreign researchers proposed to implement a system of continuous observation of one or more environmental elements with a determined purpose and under a specially developed program. Another view was expressed by Yu. A. Izrael. Under monitoring he offered to understand only a comprehensive system of supervision, assessment and forecasting that studies only individual changes of the condition of biosphere, occurring only under the influence of human activities (ie, monitoring of anthropogenic changes).

Alternative concept was proposed in 1975 by I. P. Gerasimov. He also attached to monitoring the control functions. But it was not appropriate because usually governmental and local authorities have control functions.  That's why the concept offered by Yuriy Izrael became more used in everyday life.

According to all concepts, objects of monitoring are ecosystems under the influence of anthropogenic factors. Ecosystems not subject to anthropogenic influences are also of interest. They are a point of reference or a standard for comparison with ecosystems modified by human activity.

The most important part of environmental monitoring is monitoring of anthropogenic pollution. It is in the center of attention.

The main purpose of monitoring is monitoring of the state of the environment and the level of pollution, as well as information support of environmental management and environmental safety. The impact of human activity must also be timely assessed.  Monitoring is not only observation and evaluation of factors, but experimental modeling, forecasting and recommendations for environmental management. Thus, the purpose of monitoring is summarized to the following:

- Monitoring of the state of the environment;

- Forecasting on the environment;

              - Delivery of information to appropriate services and agencies.

              Monitoring tasks:

              - Organization of systematic observations of changes in the biosphere;

              - Evaluation of the observed changes, identification of anthropogenic effects;

              - forecasting and determining trends in changes in the biosphere.


$$$003-015-001$ Методические указания к практическому занятию №15

{Цель занятия, методические указания к выполнению практического задания, примеры расчетов и задач}

Questions for self-control


1. The concept of monitoring and its elements

2. What is the difference between monitoring of the environment and control?

3.  Classification of monitoring systems

4. What is the objective of monitoring?

5. Main tasks of monitoring


$$$003-015-002$ Задания или тестовые вопросы контроля к занятию №15

{Задания или тесты (при необходимости указать ключ для выбора варианта)}

Explain this figure 1. Block diagram of the monitoring system.

According to the system proposed by Yury Izrael, monitoring structure consists of four parts: observation, evaluation of the actual condition, condition forecast and assessment of the projected state (Fig.1).



Information system (monitoring) [ Management

Observations - Evaluation of the actual condition ] Regulation of the quality of the environment

Condition forecast - Assessment of the projected state

Direct communication – Feedback


$$$004-000-000$3.4 Лабораторный практикум

Не предусмотрено по учебному плану.



$$$006-000-000$3.6 Курсовая работа

Не предусмотрено по учебному плану.



$$$006-001-000$3.6.1 Методические указания



$$$006-001-001$3.6.2 Темы курсовых работ

{Список с указанием ключа для выбора темы}

Не предусмотрено по учебному плану.



$$$007-000-000$3.7 Блок контроля знаний



$$$007-001-000$3.7.1 Задание по 1-модулю

{Методические указания к выполнению, задание}

Exercise I

Give Russian equivalents of the following expressions:

one of the major problems; to subdue nature; to come in contact; nucleic acids; therefore; to define; descriptive studies of plants; to have impact on; observations; abuse of chemicals; to destroy wildlife; cell; to harm the human environment; pedology; to raise public interest in; distribution and abundance of living organisms; to inhabit; abiotic; solar insolation; drones; pollination; to consume; habitat; consequences of environmental change; to intertwine; survival; to be worried about something.

Exercise II

Translate the given words and word combinations into English:

глобальное потепление живая материя

физические свойства приманивать

почвоведение углекислый газ

освещение лучами солнца (инсоляция) глюкоза

трутень калий

покорять природу воздушный поток

распределение организмов относительно размера земли

последствия изменений выделять

быть обеспокоенным чем-либо многоклеточный

нуклеиновая кислота обеспечивать стабильность

Exercise III

Place these sentences in the correct order by referring to the information in the text.

1. Evolutionary diversity has given rise to all the different species of

2. Because there are so many possible niches in all the vast inhabitable areas of the Earth, millions of species have evolved to fill them.

3. Living organisms express their diversity in hundreds of different ways — both external or visible and internal or invisible.

4. Many of the world's different plants and animals are under severe threat of extinction.

5. Cultural diversity helps the survival process by binding groups together and passing on traditions which help people live in their local environment.

Exercise IV

Give the author's definition of the ecological niche. Mention the comparison of the author and your opinion on the reasons.


$$$007-001-001$3.7.2 Задание по 2-модулю

{Методические указания к выполнению, задание}

Exercise I

Answer these questions.

1. What organisms can be classified as ecosystem engineers?

2. How many types of ecosystem engineers exist? Characterize each one.

3. What type of ecosystem engineers does the beaver refer to? Why?

4. What foods are its preferred ones? What does this preference lead to?

5. How many trees can a family of six can consume in one year?

6.How does dam-building change the flow of water through the stream?

Exercise II

Translate the given phrases into English.

количество осадков третичный консумент

использованная теплота. пруд, искусственныйводоем

луг хищничество

грибки (грибок) морская водоросль

проточная вода взаимодействовать

пищевая цепь разложение, гниение

стоячая вода понятие, концепция

предпочитать измерять устойчивость экосистемы

состояние окружающей среды паразитизм

Exercise III

Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and expressions. Translate the sentences which contain them.

1)морской; 2)производство сырых материалов; 3)пресноводный; 4)хлор; 5)обитающий на дне (бентический); 6)прилив и отлив (на море и океане) 7)коралловые рифы; 8)сода; 9) нероциональное использование морских ресурсов; 10) чрезмерный промысел (перелов); 11) отдаленный от берега; 12) прибережный; 13) органические отложения; 14) область водосбора; 15) растворенный кислород; 16) растительный покров; 17) сосудистое растение; 18) болото, трясина; 19) осока; 20) солёность; 21) эвригалинный (выносящий различную солёность); 22) скорость, быстрота; 23) зарастание водоема

Exercise IV

Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

to argue mining to reject

logging recent to take into account

equilibrium perception to reject

controversial ensemble advocacy

on a worldwide scale objective mutuall relationship


$$$007-001-002$3.7.3 Задание по 3-модулю

{Методические указания к выполнению, задание}

Exercise I

Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

  1. division of ecology

  2. the environmental factors

  3. the levels of the organism

  4. abiotic factors

  5. biotic factors

  6. antropogenic factors

Exercise II

Translate the given phrases into English.

  1. Абиотические факторы включают свет, температуру, влажность, давление.

  2. Уровни организации живых организмов зависят от условий среды

  3. Различают абиотические, биотические и антропогенные факторы.

  4. На окружающую среду влияет антропогенный фактор.

Exercise III

Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and expressions. Translate the sentences which contain them.

1)свет; 2)эврибатные организмы; 3)закон действия экологического фактора Шелфорда; 4)ксенобиотик; 5)растения; 6)животные; 7)микроорганизмы; 8) почва; 9) стенотермный; 10) экологическая валентность; 11) вид.

Exercise IV

Answer these questions.

1 What divisions of ecology do you know?

2.  What division of ecology has a task to study the structure and dynamics of populations of individual species?

3.What is the habitat?

  1. How are Individual properties or elements called?

  2. What is the basic mechanisms of adaptation?

  3. Which are the levels of the organism do you know?

  4. When do the adaptations develop?

  5. Into what groups can we classify the environmental factors?

  6. Which factor is called edaphic?


$$$007-001-003$3.7.4 Задание по 4-модулю

{Методические указания к выполнению, задание}

Exercise I

Translate the given phrases into Russia

  1. environmental capacity

  2. birth, death, moving in and out of individuals (migration).

  3. Specific intra-species relations

  4. territory,

  5. relations of groups in gender,

  6. morphological, physiological, behavioral, and genetic characteristics

  7. Statistical indicators

Exercise II

Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

1.структура популяции

2. оптимальный размер популяции

3. характеристики популяции

4. виды экологического мониторинга

5. классификация систем мониторинга

Exercise III

Answer these questions.

  1. What from does the population density depend?

  2. What is the maintaining optimal size?

  3. What is the biological potential?

  4. The concept of monitoring and its elements

  5. What is the difference between monitoring of the environment and control?

  6. Classification of monitoring systems

  7. What is the objective of monitoring?

  8. Main tasks of monitoring

  9. What is the effect of living in groups?

  10. What is polymorphism of the population?

Exercise IV

Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and expressions. Translate the sentences which contain them.

1.Statistical indicators; 2. size of the population, 3. Density, 4. performance structure; 5. birth and death ratio; 6. Biomass; 7. homogeneous environment,8. reproduction the type of expansion; 9. prey by predators, 10. impact of parasites on life of hosts, 11. cold winters, 12. dry summer


$$$007-001-004$3.7.5 Тесты для 1 рубежного контроля

1. Choose the correct answer: атмосфера






2.Choose the correct answer: воздействие на окружающую среду

{~assessment environment

~abuse of fertilizers


~area environmentally

=affecting environment}

3. Choose the correct answer: химическая безопасность

{= chemical safety

~ chemical explosion

~ chemical control

~ chemical contamination

~ chemical pollution}

4. Choose the correct answer: состав воды

{~makeup of water

~personnel of water

=composition of water


~temper of water}

5.Choose the correct answer: экология – экология






6. Choose the correct answer: окружающая среда






7. Choose the correct answer: экологический кризис

{~ecological system

~ecological threat

=ecological crisis

~ecological balance

~ecological risk}

8. Choose the correct answer: ecological offence

{~экологическое качество

=экологическое правонарушение

~экологический ущерб

~экологические требования

~экологические интересы общества}

9. Choose the correct answer: физический взрыв – физикалық жарылыс



~population explosion


=physical explosions}

10. Choose the correct answer: scale of safety


=шкала безопасности




11. Choose the correct answer: pollution






12.Choose the correct answer: система экологического обслуживания

{~ecological contract

~ecological science

=ecological services

~ecological equals

~ecological cleanliness}

13. Choose the correct answer: вид






14.Choose the correct answer: water relation

{~водные ресурсы

~водный объект

~водный режим

=водные отношения


15. Choose the correct answer : питьевая вода



=water drinkable

~water quality

~water recourses}

16. Choose the correct answer: загрязнение атмосферного воздуха

{~water pollution

~secondary pollution

~space pollution

~radio contamination

=air pollution}

17. Choose the correct answer: законы «экологии» - «экология» заңдары

{~the act of the “ecology”

~the bill of the “ecology”

~the lex of the “ecology”

~the code of the “ecology”

=the laws of the “ecology”}

18. Choose the correct answer: In what part of our Republic are huge reserves of oil?

{~in the east

~in the north

~in the south

=in the west

~in the center}

19. Choose the correct answer: экологический контроль

{~Environmental Code

~Environmental auditing

=Environmental control

~Environmental monitoring

~Environmental law}

20. Choose the correct answer: нефть






21.Choose the correct answer: hydrothermal






22. Choose the correct answer: чистая вода

{~fresh water

=clear water

~dirty water

~dark water

~sweet water}

23. Choose the correct answer: взрывчатое вещество




~blow up


24. Choose the correct answer: высококачественный

{=high quality

~highly skilled




25. Choose the correct answer: водопотребитель


~water pollution

=water users

~air pollution

~air user}


$$$007-001-005$3.7.6 Тесты для 2 рубежного контроля


Choose the correct answer: животное

A) animal

B) bird

C) forest

D) adaptation

E) area


Choose the correct answer: адаптация

A) adaptation

B) agroecosistem

C) adsorption

D) agronomy

E) area

$$$3DChoose the correct answer: air

A) вода

B) лес

C) экология

D) воздух

E) горы


Choose the correct answer: состав воды

A) makeup of water

B) personnel of water

C) composition of water

D) water

E) temper of water


Choose the correct answer: grass

A) цветы

B) листья

C) трава

D) ёль

E) дерево


Choose the correct answer: ecological safety

A) шторм

B) экологическая безопасность

C) море

D) пустыня

E) осадки


Choose the correct answer: pollution

A) явление

B) сосна

C) загрязнение

D) овраг

E) водоём


Choose the correct answer: вид

A) see

B) look

C) watch

D) view

E) visit


Choose the correct answer: water relation

A) водные ресурсы

B) водный объект

C) водный режим

D) водные отношения

E) водозабор


Choose the correct answer: законы «экологии»

A) act

B) bill

C) lex

D) code

E) laws


Choose the correct answer : находить, открывать

A) think

B) see

C) find

D) meet with

E) pick up


Choose the correct answer: антропогенные изменения в природе

A) anthropogenic pressures

B) anthropogenic changes in the nature

C) anthropogenic energy

D) anthropogenic succession

E) anthropogenic factor


Choose the correct answer: приспособление экобиотическое

A) adaptation ecobiotic

B) adaptation ecoclimatic

C) affluent

D) action systemic

E) adaptation ecobioticy


Choose the correct answer: Who is coined the term «ecology»: A) Aristotle

B) Ernest Haeckel

C) Charles Darwin

D) V.I.Vernadsky

E) N.M. Belodedov


Choose the correct answer: What do you call the outer shell of the earth?

A) biosphere

B) hydrosphere

C) atmosphere

D) lithosphere

E) ecosphere


Choose the correct answer: General patterns of organization of life studies:

A) applied ecology

B) industrial ecology

C) social ecology

D) theoretical ecology

E) global ecology


Choose the correct answer: When the environment has taken shape as an independent science? A) in early 19th century;

B) in the middle of the 19th century;

C)at the end of the nineteenth century;

D) in the early twentieth century;

E) at the end of the twentieth century.


Choose the correct answer: All population occupying this territory is … .

A) biosphere;

B) ecosystem;

C) community;

D) biome;

E) biotope.


Choose the correct answer: For non-periodic factors include:

A) day and night;

B) solar energy;

C) soil and air;

D) tsunami;

E) snow and rain.


Choose the correct answer: System of long-term observation of the environment and the processes occurring in ecosystems and the biosphere, is called:

A) model

B) modification

C) monitoring

D) management



Choose the correct answer: Who coined the term «biosphere» in the scientific literature?

A) V.I. Vernadsky

B) E. Suess

C) Sukachev

D) G.F. Morosov

E) Ernst Heackel


Choose the correct answer: How many reserves in Kazakhstan at this stage?

A) 10

B) 11

C) 7

D) 8

E) 9


Choose the correct answer: Organisms that feed on organic materials are called:

A) autotrophic

B) heterotrophic

C) producers

D) destructors

E) hemotrophamy


Choose the correct answer: That studies sinecologiya?

A) population

B) community

C) an Idividual

D) phytocoenosis

E) zooctnosis


Choose the correct answer: The scope of the mind is:

A) noosphere

B) atmosphere

C) biosphere

D) hydrosphere

E) lithosphere


Choose the correct answer: Which group of organisms is a man?

a) to producers

B) to consumers

C) to the decomposers

D) to saprophytes

E) halophytes


Choose the correct answer: Biotic factors are called:

A) factors inanimate

B) factors of wildlife

C) physical environmental factors

D) the amount of impact that each other living beings

E) the sum of influences that have on each other living beings and physical factors


Choose the correct answer: Living environment of the Earth is:

A) the hydrosphere

B) the lithosphere

C) hydrosphere and lithosphere

D) biosphere

E) atmosphere


Choose the correct answer: 21% of air is:

A) carbon dioxide

B) nitrogen

C) inert gases

D) oxygen

E) hydrogen


Choose the correct answer: Usually able to appear on:

A) forests

B) Antarctica

C) mountains

D) major cities

E) above the rural settlements


$$$007-001-007$3.7.7 Вопросы к экзамену или примеры экзаменационных тестов



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