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CONTENTS бахчисарайцева .doc
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Active Words and Expressions


blade, boiler, consumption, to feel, for want of, to grow, to hold out, in this manner, a lot of, man-made, radiation, to receive, sunbeam, space, spaceship, thermal power plant (station), wonderful


/. Translate the following sentences and define the func­tion of the words in bold type:

1. The measurement performed brought unexpected results. 2. The information received helped to study plasma proper­ties. 3. The institute laboratories are equipped with electronic computers produced in the Soviet Union. 4. The data received formed the basis for the further laser investigations. 5. The engineers were asked to show the results obtained. 6. Designed

and created by the Soviet scientists, the instruments will be operated by solar heat and light. 7. After the boiling point has been reached the temperature of the water cannot be increased.

//. Translate the following sentences and define the func­tions of the -word it:

1. It is not difficult to distinguish the properties of a solid from those of a gas. 2.- It takes more heat to warm a large container than it is required to warm a small one. 3. When a vapour becomes completely evaporated it is said to be dry. 4. If vapour is superheated, it behaves as a gas. 5. The flow of current interested scientists for a long time; at first they thought it to be a liquid. 6. It is the sun that is an unlimited source of energy. 7. A wind-driven rotor is constructed in such a way that the wind blowing upon it makes it rotate.

///. Translate the following questions and ask your com­rades to answer them:

1. Какова температура поверхности солнца? 2. Сколько солнечной энергии получает человечество? 3. Можно ли непосредственно использовать энергию солнца? 4. Как мож­но получить электричество от солнца? 5. Как можно создать искусственное море? 6. Где устанавливают солнечные батареи? 7. Над какой проблемой работают ученые всего мира?

IV. Translate the following words and word-combinations:

the effect, to effect, in effect; the letter, the latter, later on; to rest, at rest, the rest of; to close, close to; to want, want, for want of; on the way, by way of, in the same way, by the way

V. Answer the following questions:

1. There is black coal—the coal from the mines. Where is it used? 2. There is "white coal"—the energy of the water­falls. Where is it used? 3. There is "sky blue coal"—the energy of the wind. Where is it used? 4. There is "blue coal" ' —the energy of the tides of the sea. Where is it used? 5. There is "yellow coal"—the energy of the sun. Where is it used?

  1. Put questions to Fig. 16.

  2. Compose a story based on Fig. 16.

VIII. Speak on the possible uses of solar energy.

IX. Read and retell the following story;


Two men were arguing one day about the sun and the moon and which of the two was more useful. At last, one of them said: "Oh! I know. The moon is quite worth two suns, for it shines at night when it is needed but the sun shines in the daytime when nobody wants it."

Additional Grammar Exercises


1. This brief description of some methods used in our work covers only a few of the problems encountered. 2. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit is low. 3. The test referred to above can be easily made. 4. There is always water vapour in the air, the amount depending upon various conditions. 5. Until now we have been discuss­ing reactors from which no power is being taken. 6. The region of highest resistance is the point of contact between the pieces being welded. 7. Some of the effects produced by , an electric current are discussed in the following chapter. 8. The filament heated, the electrons leave its surface and travel to the plate. 9. Multiplying the mass of a moving body by its velocity, we shall get its momentum. 10. In many instances an apparatus designed for quite a different purpose was adopted, certain changes being made when re­quired. 11. The problem having excited a great deal of discus­sion, a series of tests had to be carried out. 12. The oil having been exhausted, the engine stopped. 13. There are two dia­grams in this figure, one of them showing the relation between volume and temperature. 14. Working at his new device, the inventor made numerous improvements, the latter re­sulting from his own experiments.


4L They went on Studying the nature of the new phenom­enon. 2. There are different means of producing an electric current. 3. We heard of that experiment having been started last week. 4. Radioisotopes may be used in measuring the diffusion of metals.;5. Before discussing the future develop­ment in isotope utilization, let us trace the events leading to its discovery. 6. In addition to its being used as a wide-range voltmeter, the instrument can serve as an ammeter. 7. Comparing the performance of these instruments is the only means of solving the problem under discussion. 8. The trouble was due to the fact that the engine was put into oper­ation without testing it beforehand. 9. Laboratory testing will expand rapidly at our Institute. 10. The value of the ac­celerating torque determines the time taken by the motor to reach full speed from the moment of switching on. 11. Some types of motors are not suitable for braking duty and the re­quirement must be specified at the time of ordering. 12. One cannot appreciate the marked improvement achieved without comparing tables II and III. 13. The machine broke on ac­count of its having been made of poor material. 14. We have learned of his starting a series of new laboratory experiments.


1. The following precautions should be observed to in­sure better results in our experiment. 2. To find an instrument suitable for our testing was the next problem to be solved. 3. We know the strength of a current to depend upon the re­sistance of the circuit. 4. For a long time the atom was thought to be indivisible. 5. The oscillograph to be used for testing purposes is similar to that used in our laboratory. 6. If con­sidered from this point of view, the problem seems to be rather complicated. 7. Radium is said to be one and a half million times more radioactive than uranium. 8. Tests have shown the thermometer to be very sensitive. 9. The oscilla­tor referred to above seems to deliver only a small amount of power. 10. The instrument to be described here was de­signed several years ago. 11. To analyse this effect is to take into consideration all the elements of the circuit. .12. To analyse this effect we shall consider all the circuit elements.

  1. We expected the discovery to produce great changes.

  2. To explain that the formulas given here are correct, it is necessary to study them first. 15. To explain why the formulas given here are correct would require considerable time. 16. The apparatus to be designed is to be used at the power station. 17. This type of engine is said to have some advantages. 18. To find out the state of a mass of a gas is quite possible. 19. To find out the state of a mass of a gas one should know its volume, its pressure and its temperature.

20. The ammeter is the very instrument to measure the elec­tric current. 21. To heat a body we place.it in contact with another body at a higher temperature. 22. We expect most bodies to expand when heated. 23. Under such conditions laboratory testing is assumed to expand rapidly.


1. Such difficulties are often met with. 2. Three scales of 50, 100 and 250 volts have been decided upon. 3. It is necessary to point out that only a brief description will be given here. 4. These capacitances are known to be inter-elec­trode capacitances. 5. The above possibility was not given due consideration at first. 6. It is evident that the best shield­ing is obtained at 0.65 wave length. 7. One could not obtain a good knowledge of the results without repeating the test.

  1. It has been established that this voltage was sufficient.

  2. One should keep in mind all the above-mentioned disad­vantages. 10. The device is said to have been described in some earlier papers. 11. One must always be careful when operating this machine. 12. The assistant was asked to com­plete the experiment. 13. He was supposed to look after the machine. 14. They employ new devices to obtain better re­sults. 15. This machine is often made use of. 16. It is quite possible that the device under consideration will work well. 17. A new power plant is reported to have gone into opera­tion. 18. This mechanism is believed to be the best for con­verting heat into work. 19. They say that the problem in question was not given due attention.


1. The problem of converting rotary motion to linear motion is an extremely difficult one due to the conditions just mentioned. 2. The engineer made some remarks with reference to the problem under consideration. 3. The above phenomenon may be due to two causes. 4. The usual method of producing high-frequenc'y waves is by means of vacuum tubes. 5. In view of the various sources of supply no attempt at standardizing power-station equipment was possible. 6. Owing to two opposing effects, the pressure in the gas tube can be either high or low. 7. In effect, what is said with regard to one device will apply to the other, as well. 8. According to the data obtained, the test was successful in spite of unfa­vourable conditions. 9. Galvanized iron is often used instead of aluminium because of its cheapness. 10. Great progress has been made in science due to the discovery of the law of grav­ity. 11. In order to classify the elements, they are arranged in a table in the order of increasing atomic weights and each one is assigned a number by means of which we find its position in this table. 12. Silver stands out among the tested materials thanks to its low resistance and stability. 13. Every atom is composed of at least an electron in addition to a central nucleus. 14. The apparatus in question broke on account of its having been made of poor material.


1. It is an increase in temperature that increases the speed of the molecules. 2. The chief requirements for silent and vibrationless running of small motors may be found in any standard text-book on mechanical design. 3. Such condi­tions can and do occur due to a shortage of generating plants in this area. 4. It was in our laboratory that the device in question was first tested. 5. If this system is to serve as a volt­meter, a resistor has to be added in series. 6. In 1870Mende-leyev arranged the elements in the form of a table and of the periodic law. 7. Provided the magnetic field is produced by a coil of several turns, its intensity is much greater than if only one turn were used. 8. Naturally, this circuit can be modified, if necessary. 9. Evidently, the frequency could be varied to meet different conditions. 10. It is impossible to say whether future improvements may not depend on the results of researches. 11. The decision had to be made as to whether the uranium should be in the form of long rods. 12. Unless they apply new devices, it will be necessary to proceed as follows. 13. It was the diameter of the wire that we did change to obtain the above results. 14. There will be no transfer of electricity between the two charged bodies provided they are joined by a glass rod. 15. Had we carried out the test further 3 weeks ago, the instrument in­dication would have been quite different. 16. Were that liq­uid heated, it would greatly expand.


1. Having been used for a long time, the instrument partly lost its former efficiency. 2. The pressure range being beyond the limits of the existing diagram, data have been calculated by other means. 3. Drawing curves gives us a means of showing the relation existing between the two constants. 4. Wishing to find out the cause of the fault, they examined the device in all its details. 5. The charge due to the presence of these electrons is called space charge. 6. By raising the filament temperature, we increase the num­ber of electrons emitted. 7. In order to design the contri­vance in question, one should take into consideration the following factors. 8. Some 100 years ago steam engines were first introduced, the valves being hand-operated. 9. The next point to be studied is the geometry of the parts to be welded. 10. The stored energy can be dissipated in various ways, these ways having been dealt with in the previous article. 11. Phototransistors are capable of transforming the infrared solar radiations into electric current. 12. The current flow being reduced, the speed of the motor is correspond­ingly decreased. 13. It is evident that these curves are sim­ilar to those shown in Figs. 5 and 6. 14. As for the mecha­nism referred to above, it should be made as small as possible. 15. All heat loss was assumed to take place during combus­tion and expansion, the total loss amounting to 35 per cent of the available heat in every instance. 16. It is on the above basis that all our power plants are constructed at present. 17. It should be noted that this analysis differs considerably from a recently published paper. 18. One might expect the temperature to rise to some extent if no precautions were taken. 19. Further tests have shown the receiver to be very sensitive. 20. The instrument to be used for testing purposes is similar to that widely applied in the research laboratories. 21. We know of copper having been used as a conductor owing to its suitable characteristics. 22. Copper being a good con­ductor, we were recommended to use it when carrying on our research work. 23. In spite of all difficulties encountered the research laboratory succeeded in mastering the method under consideration. 24. At the end of the last century Popov transmitted and received electromagnetic energy over a con­siderable distance without using any conductors. 25. Apart from giving mankind a powerful means of communication, Popov's work laid the foundation for further inventions lead­ing to the creation of the modern systems of broadcasting, radiolocation and the like. 26. Although he was not the first to invent radio communication, Marconi nevertheless played an important part in developing it. 27. We know heat to pass from each particle to adjacent particles at a lower tempera-

ture. 28. As previously stated, to construct such an apparatus is not difficult at all. 29. To master new methods of production is the aim of our research laboratory. 30. The parts to be used in the apparatus are to be previously tested. 31. These series of tests were followed by others, no satisfactory results being obtained. 32. The two-way nature of force (i.e., action and reaction) holds true even though one of the objects in­volved moves so little that it does not seem to move at all. 33. As mentioned above, some improvements have been done for the sake of obtaining the least possible size and weight. 34. These conditions permitted oil to be forced by a pump before starting operation. 35. On studying the nature of the new phenomenon, they were not satisfied with the re­sults obtained and started testing various engines. 36. The amount of heat energy added as the result of agitation was found to be negligible, no rise in temperature being observed. 37. On leaving the oil separator, the exhaust steam is diverted into two parts, part of it entering the feedwater heater and the remainder flowing to the heating system. 38. These ma­terials being unsuitable for many reasons, some others must be found to replace them. 39. Maxwell's equation led to Hertz discovering radio waves which, in turn, resulted in Popov's inventing wireless telegraphy and all the subsequent brilliant developments in radio engineering. 40. To observe is the primary rule of any experiment. 41. To prevent rust the exposed parts of the mechanism under consideration should be covered with a thick coat of paint.

Supplementary Reading

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