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Модальные глаголы (The Modal Verbs)

Модальные глаголы обозначают отношение к действию, а не само действие и выступают в паре со смысловым глаголом.

Модальные глаголы называют недостаточными, так как они не имеют следующих глагольных форм и признаков:

-s в 3 л. ед. ч., наст. вр.;

формы инфинитива;

формы причастия;

формы герундия;

временных форм, кроме Present Simple / Past Simple;

to после себя, кроме used to, ought to, have to, be to;

форм Future, которое передается эквивалентами.

Модальные глаголы







Умение, способ-ность, разрешение

или просьба в вежливой форме.

You can do it.

You could do it.

You will be able to do it.


Разрешение, при not – запрещение, сомнение.

We may go.

We might go.

We will be allowed to go.


Обязанность, долженствование, твердая необходимость.

We must do it.

We need not do it.

We had to do it.

We were not to come here.

We will have to do it.


Намерение, предположение.

I shall do it.

You should read it.


Желание, твердое намерение, уверенность в будущем.

I will go there.

I would go there.

Ought to

Моральный долг, настоятельный совет, строгая рекомендация.

You ought to write this letter.


Отсутствие необходимости, необязательность.

Need he work so late?

We need not have hurried.


Сметь, посметь, ( в вопросе и отрицании: не сметь), дерзнуть, осмелиться.

How dare you speak to me?

He dare not tell it to me.


Обязанность (менее сильная, чем must), совет, рекомендация, упрек, сожаление.

He shouldn't smoke so much.

You should not cut your hair.


Желание, вежливая просьба.

Would you like to come again?

Have to

Вынужденность, обязанность.

I have to read this book.

I had to read this book yesterday.

I'll have to read this book tomorrow.

Be to

Долженствование в силу догово- ренности или пла- на.

I am to study English.

I was to study English.

I'll be to study English.


  1. Переведите на русский язык предложения.

1)Can he read? 2) I can read English very well since my childhood. 3) May I come in? 4) You need not sit here too late. 5) You ought to be very attentive. 6) You shouldn’t smoke so much. 7) He dare not come here. 8) Dare he tell me it? 9) I ought to write a letter to my mother today. 10) Should I cut my hair? 11) He shall be polite with you. 12) Had he to read? 13) My mother can cook tasty cakes. 14) My brother can drive a car. 15) He may open the window. 16) You must do your homework carefully. 17) I must phone. Can I use your telephone?

  1. Вставьте по смыслу модальные глаголы. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

  1. can / could

1)Leonardo was a student in Florence. He __ draw, design buildings and write music. 2) You __ see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris. 3) I lost my keys yesterday and I ___ (not) get into my flat. 4) I __ (not) go out because I have a lot of homework. 5) She __ speak English when she was ten.

  1. must / have to

1)You really __ work harder, if you want to pass that exam. 2) Last night Dan suddenly became ill. He __ to call the doctor. 3) I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I __ work late. 4) When you come to London again you __ come and see me. 5) He can’t repair the car himself. He __ take it to a garage.

  1. must / mustn’t / needn’t

1)You __ fight. 2) She __ wash the dishes. 3) You __ tell anyone. It’s a secret. 4. Your shoes are dirty. You __ clean them. 5) You __ let the dog sleep in your bed. 6) You __ feed the cat. It isn’t hungry. 7) They __ go out today. They __ stay home. 8) You __ feed animals at the Zoo. 9) You __ eat it if you don’t like it. 10) She __ be late for work.

  1. Составьте предложения, используя модальные глаголы, данные в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. It isn’t necessary to buy a ticket (need).

  2. I advise him to be more careful (ought).

  3. I think that is John’s car (must).

  4. I don’t think he is her brother (can’t).

  5. He couldn’t swim when he was five (to be able to).

  6. It’s possible that he will win the race (might).

  7. You are not allowed to play in the garden (mustn’t).

  8. Do you want me to open the window (shall)?

  9. Do you want me to help you with that (Would)?

  10. We don’t have to go shopping with Mum (needn’t).

  11. Is it really possible that she’s 50 years old (can)?

  12. I advise you to study harder (should).