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4. Translate the following into Russian, paying attention to the mood:

  1. If you had worked hard enough during the academic year, you would have never failed at the examination.

  2. If it were winter now, I would go skating or skiing. – As for me, I wish it were summer. I would go boating.

  3. If their team had had enough training, it would have won the match.

  4. If it stopped raining, we could go to the country.

  5. If Margaret were not so busy, she might come and see us.

  6. If I had been angry with Bob, I wouldn't have invited him to ray birthday party.

  7. To everybody's regret (ко всеобщему сожалению) the Browns didn't take part in the picnic. All the guests would have been happy to be in their company.

  8. Why don't you ever apply to your brother for help? He is quite knowledgeable in the field of history and might help you.

  9. If anybody should give me a call (позвонить по телефону), say I am not in.

  10. Should you hear from Mike, please let me know immediately.

  11. Were she well, she would certainly join us in travelling.

  12. Had I spare time, I would go to the cinema or to the theatre tonight.

  13. Were I in your place, I would act in the same manner (точно так же).

  14. Had you warned (предупреждать) me beforehand, nothing would have happened.

  15. But for the weather, all of us would go on the excursion.

  16. Everybody insisted that the discussion of the report should be postponed (отложить).

  17. The speaker suggested that questions, if any, be put in written form.

  18. Nobody demands that you should do this job immediately.

  19. I propose that a special meeting be called to discuss the matter.

  20. I wish I knew Spanish.

  21. I wish she could come around.

  22. I wish he would be given this post.

  23. It's necessary that you should pay more attention to your grammar.

  24. It's important that the article should be published in the April issue of the journal.

  25. It's impossible that the plan should have been changed.

  26. Lucy speaks Italian as if she had lived in Italy for a long time.

  27. Grandma looks as though she were very sick. It's strange that she should look so. She says she feels quite well.

  28. I'll put down your address lest I should forget it.

2. Complete the sentences using the words given below:

(to help him; to work in a hospital; to take all the necessary measures; to buy a car; to visit us; not to be late for; to work as an interpreter; to take a short rest; to solve this problem as soon as possible; to be typed in two copies; to be summer; to be discussed at the next meeting; not to carry out this task)

  1. If he asked me for help, I ...

  2. If she were a doctor, she ...

  3. If you had told me about it, I ...

  4. Had I much money, I ...

  5. Were Kate in Moscow, she ...

  6. Had we left home earlier, we ...

  7. If Andrew had a good knowledge of German, he ...

  8. I insist that you ...

  9. The lecturer suggested, that the students ...

  10. They demand that the manuscript...

  11. Would you go to the seaside if...?

  12. But for his help I ...

3. Have a talk with your classmate, making use of the following ques­tions:

  1. What would you do if you had much spare time now?

  2. Would you go to the seaside for a short rest if you were free now?

  3. Whom would you invite to join you if you went there?

  4. Where would you go to spend your holiday if it were August now?

  5. Would you join a students' building team if you were offered the job of a builder in summer?

  6. How long would you perform the job of a builder if you were given one?

  7. Today the weather is very bad and you have to stay at home. What would you do if the weather were fine today?

  8. Would you go to the river to bathe if it were not so cold?

  9. What plans for the weekend would you suggest if you were asked to?

  10. Where would you stay if you found yourself (оказаться, очутиться) in a strange (незнакомый) city?

  11. What places of interest would you recommend me to see if I were to visit London?

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