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VII. Translate the phrases into English using the Infinitive as an attribute.

1. Нефтепровод, который будет построен…

2. Нефть, которую нужно транспортировать…

3. Факторы, которые нужно рассмотреть…

4. Метод, который будет использоваться…

5. Работа, которую необходимо сделать…

6. Дорога, которая соединит эти два города…

7. Материал, который нужно нагреть...

8. Проблема, которую необходимо решить…

VIII. Correct the wrong statements using the following words:

I'm afraid that’s wrong.

That's not quite true to the fact.

On the contrary

It seems to me, it’s not true.

1. Water transportation of oil in tank ships is the most economical method of transportation. 2. Only petroleum and its products may be transported through pipe lines. 3. Barrels and railroad tank cars are sufficient for transporting large quantities of oil in Russia. 4. From the point of view of international trade the transportation of oil in barges and railroad tank cars ranks first in importance. 5. Tankers are also used for moving gas. 6. Prior to 1920 a considerable part of long distance transportation was accomplished by pipe lines. 7. There are many ways to transport gas.

IX. Translate into English.

Перекачка нефти по трубопроводу является самым экономичным способом (методом) транспортировки нефти. Транспортировка нефти танкерами занимает второе место. Этот метод особенно важен с точки зрения международной торговли нефтью. Россия экспортирует нефть во многие страны мира в танкерах. Транспортировка нефти в железнодорожных вагонах широко использовалась в нашей стране до того, как (before) были построены магистральные трубопроводы. Использование барж для перевозки нефти имеет также большое значение в нашей стране. Наша страна богата реками и озёрами, поэтому большое количество нефти в нашей стране транспортируется баржами.

X. Translate the text in written form.

Pipelines are now the second largest carriers of intercity freight in the United States. Each day, a vast network of lines moves some 30 million barrels of liquids and millions of cubic feet of gas from coast to coast at rates substantially lower than those charged by other carriers. Continuous expansion has resulted in a network of over 700,000 miles of pipelines.

Comparisons show that pipeline rates are roughly one-fifth of rail rates and about one-twentieth of truck rates. Operating without the benefit of subsidies, pipeline companies have consistently managed to hold down real costs. These lower costs are due in part to the expansion of overall system capacity through the use of highly efficient large-diameter pipe. Costs have also been curbed by utilizing state-of-the-art, automated equipment that requires fewer employees and far less maintenance. Another, more subtle economic factor, results from a characteristic unique to pipelines. While other transportation systems require that a product be moved by the carrier, pipelines are specialized fixed structures that utilize pressure or compression to move goods from point to point. Since they serve both as a conveyor and a temporary container for those goods much of the wear and tear that plague other systems is eliminated, and the saving can be passed on to customers in the form of lower rates.

XI. Read the text to yourself and say what it is about. Use the following word combinations:

The text

deals with

is concerned with

offers information on

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