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Arnold Rivera, the TV news reporter, is interviewing Mrs. Cornelia Vandergilt for

the programme “Real People”.

AR: Well, Mrs. Vandergild, please tell us about an ordinary day in your life.

CV: Well, I normally wake up at eight o’clock.

AR: Really? Do you get up then?

CV: No, of course I don’t get up at that time. I have breakfast in bed and read The New York times.

AR: What time do you get up?

CV: I usually get up at ten.


AR: What do you do then?

CV: I read my letters and dictate the answers to my secretary.

AR:And then?

CV:At eleven I take a walk with Jimmy.

AR: Jimmy? Who’s Jimmy?

CV: Jimmy’s my dog.

AR: Oh. And what time do you have lunch?

CV: I always have lunch at twelve thirty. I eat alone.

AR: Oh, I see. Well, what do you do after lunch?

CV: I rest until six o’clock.

AR:And at six? What do you do at six?

CV: I get dressed for dinner. I have dinner at seven o’clock. At the weekends I eat out in my favourite restaurant.

AR: Yes, well, what do you do after dinner?

CV: I read or watch TV. I take a bath at nine thirty. And I go bed at ten. I always sleep


AR: You certainly have a busy and interesting life, Mrs. Vandergilt. Thank you.

CV: You are welcome.











Arnold Rivera ['ɑːnəld ri'verə]


Арнольд Ривера



Mrs. Cornelia Vandergilt


Корнелия Вандергилт









to interview [ˈɪntəˌvjuː]

брать интервью


to interview a celebrity

брать интервью со знаменитостью


an interview

интервью, собеседование


an interview with a celebrity

интервью со знаменитостью


ordinary [ˈɔːdənəri]

обыкновенный, обычный



Он живет обычной жизнью.




He lives a very ordinary life.

3.to wake up [weɪkʌp]

My mother wakes me up at 6.30 every day.

4.to get up

She never gets up early on Sundays.

5.to take a walk [wɔːk]

Do you often take walks in the park?

6.to rest

My grandfather normally rests in the afternoon.

7.to take a bath / a shower

She always takes a bath before she goes to bed.

8.to eat out [iːt aʊt]

How often do you eat out?

9.certainly [ˈsɜːtənli]

You certainly have an interesting life.

10.You are welcome.

просыпаться Моя мама будит меня в 6.30 каждый день.

вставать Она никогда не встает рано по воскресеньям.

гулять, прогуливаться Вы часто гуляете в парке?

отдыхать Мой дедушка обычно отдыхает после обеда.

принимать ванну/ душ Она всегда принимает ванну перед тем, как идти спать.

есть вне дома (в кафе, ресторане и т.д.)

Вы часто ходите куда-нибудь поесть?

конечно; несомненно Вы, конечно же, ведете очень интересную жизнь.

Не стоит благодарности.



1.What time does Cornelia wake up?

2.What time does she get up?

3.Does she have breakfast in the kitchen? Where does she have breakfast?

4.Does she read the Los Angeles Times? What newspaper does she read?

5.What time does she get up?

6.What does she do then? Does she dictate the answers to her husband?


7.Does she take a walk with her secretary? Who with does she take a walk?

8.What time does she have lunch?

9.Does she eat with her family?

10.What does she do after lunch?

11.What does she do at six?

12.What time does she have her dinner?

13.What does she do after dinner?

14.Does she take a show before she goes to bed?

15.What time does she go to bed?

16.Is her ordinary day really busy and interesting?

17.Do you want to have a similar lifestyle?


1.Read about Mac’s everyday life.

1.Mac is a truck driver.

2.He is twenty five years old.

3.He works five days a week.

4.He gets up at six o’clock every day.

5.He eats an enormous breakfast.

6.He drinks two cups of coffee.

7.Then he kisses his wife good-bye.


8.He leaves for work at six thirty.

9.He has lunch at a hamburger place.

10.He comes home at five o’clock.

11.He has dinner and watches TV.

12.He goes to bed at ten o’clock.

2.Answer the questions about Mac’s everyday life.

1.What does Mac do?

2.How old is he?

3.How many days a week does he work?

4.What time does he get up?

5.What does he eat for breakfast?

6.What does he drink?

7.What does he do after breakfast?

8.What time does he leave for work?

9.Where does he have lunch?

10.What time does he come home?

11.What does he do in the evening?

12.What time does he go to bed?

3.Now ask and answer questions about these people. a) Judith

1. architect; 2. 35; 3. 5 days a week; 4. 7.30; 5. nothing; 6. orange juice; 7. daughter; 8. 9.15; 9. in a coffee shop; 10. 6.00; 11. go out with friends; 12. midnight

b) Peter and Paul


1. students; 2. 12; 3. go to school / 5 days a week; 4. 7.00; 5. cereal; 6. milk

7. mother; 8. school / 8.30; 9. in the cafeteria; 10. home / 4.00; 11. watch TV; 12. 9.00

c) Kevin

1. homemaker; 2. 31; 3. not / work; 4. 5.30; 5. toast; 6. tea; 7. wife (she goes to work) ; 8. supermarket / 9.00; 9. at home; 10. wife / come home / 5.30; 11. play with their kids; 12. 10.30

4. Read about the Fields family and put the verbs in brackets into Present



1. The Fields are (be) a British family. 2. They (live) in a small village in the South of England. 3. Their ordinary day (begin) early in the morning. 4. John Fields (be) a farmer. 5. He (get up) at 5 o’clock in the morning. 6. He (wash) and (get) dressed. 7. Then he (make) breakfast and (eat) it. 8. He (put on) his coat and (go) outside. 9. John (milk/ доить) the cows early in the morning. 10. His wife Mary and their children Jack and Rose (not/ get up) so early. 11. They (get up) at 7 o’clock. 12. Mary (feed) the chickens and then she

(make) some tea for herself. 13. The children (not/ like) tea. They usually (drink) milk. 14. At 7.30 Mary (take) the children to school. 15. She (go) to work, it (take) her about 30 minutes to get to the office. 16. John (not/ go) to the office because he (work) in the farm. 17. At 4 o’clock the children (come) home from school and John (cook) dinner. 18. He (be) a very good cook! 19. Sometimes Mary (help) him. 20. The children (not/ help) with the cooking but they always (do) the washing-up (мытье посуды). 22. In the evening John and his wife (watch) TV and (read) books or magazines about farming. 23. They sometimes (listen) to the radio. 24. Their children (not/ watch) TV. 25. They (do) their homework and then Rose (surf) the Internet and Jack (play) computer games. 26. They all go bed at 10 pm. 27. They (be) usually very tired. 28. At the weekend they (work) in the garden or (have) a picnic when the weather (be) warm. 29. They sometimes (go) to the cinema or (eat) out in a restaurant, but not very not very often.

5. Translate the sentences.

А. 1. Алекс студент, ему 18 лет. 2. После университета он хочет работать в банке. 3. Он обычно встает в 7 утра. 4. Он идет в ванную, одевается, завтракает и идет на прогулку со своей собакой. 5. Алекс добирается до университета пешком, это обычно занимает 15 минут. 6. Его занятия начинаются в 8.15. 7. Он обедает (have lunch) в университете. 8. Обычно он приходит домой в 4 часа. 9. По вечерам он

делает домашнее задание, читает книги или журналы играет в компьютерные игры. 10. Он не любит смотреть телевизор, но часто гуляет (go out) с друзьями. 11. Его хобби – бодибилдинг, три раза в неделю он ходит в спортивный зал. 12. Он ходит в университет 5 дней в неделю.13. По выходным Алекс просыпается поздно. 14. Он ходит в кино или по магазинам, ездит за город с друзьями,


помогает родителям готовить ужин и убирать квартиру.

Б. 1. Макс бизнесмен, ему 35. 2. Он имеет большой дом в пригороде (in the suburbs) и работает в офисе в центре города. 3. Он просыпается в 9 утра, выкуривает сигарету, выпивает чашку кофе и едет на работу. 4. Он никогда не завтракает. 5. Макс водит дорогую спортивную машину и носит деловой костюм. 6. Он работает день и ночь. 7. Он – президент международной компании. 8. Каждое утро работает в офисе, проводит деловые встречи и читает отчеты, а после обеда встречается с

клиентами . 9. Он часто ужинает в ресторане. 10. Он возвращается домой в 10 вечера, принимает ванну и ложится спать, потому что он очень устал. 11. Он пьет много кофе и выкуривает 20 сигарет в день. 12. Макс любит свою работу, но у него нет времени на спорт, хобби и друзей. 13. Иногда он ночует в офисе. 14. Он часто путешествует и встречается с новыми людьми. 15. Он не женат (single), потому что у него нет времени на семью.

6.Answer the questions to speak about your everyday life.

1. Where do you come from? 2. Where do you live (in the suburbs, in the center of the city, in the student campus)? 3. Who do you live with (alone/ with your parents/ with your roommates)? 4. What time do you get up during the week? 5. What time do you get up at the weekends? 6. What do you have for breakfast? 7. Do you work or study? 8. How do you get to work/ University (by car/ by bus/ by train/ by foot)? 9. How long does it take you to get there? 10. What time does your

work/ do you classes usually start? 11. How many classes a day do you normally have? 12. What time do you have lunch during the week? 13. Where do you usually eat lunch (at home/ in the cafeteria/ in a fast food restaurant)? 14. What do you do in the evening (cook dinner, wash-up, do the homework, read books, surf the Internet, chat online/ on the phone, watch TV, play computer games, go out with friends)? 15. Do you work out (тренироваться)? How often do you go to the gym? 16. What time do you go to bed? 17. How many days a week do you go to University/ to work? 18. What do you usually do at the weekends (go out, go to the cinema, go shopping, go clubbing)? 19. How often do you eat out in restaurants (every day/ once a week/ once a month, two times a month)? 20. Do you have any hobbies (travelling, playing sports, knitting, dancing, gardening, playing chess, painting, playing musical instruments)?




Fred gets up at eight o’clock,

His cats get up at seven,

His dog wakes up at ten to six,

But his bird sleeps till eleven.


№ 1 The teacher's kind words_children to work more and better.


1) encouraged


2) instructed

3) researched

4) obeyed

№ 2 She was so_that she lost all her money at the casino.



1) lucky

2) unlucky

3) luckily

4) luck



№ 3 She gave him_water to wash his hands and face.



1) a little

2) few

3) a few





№ 4 The_the hotel, the better the service.




1) less expensive

2) more expensive


most expensive

4) expensive

№ 5All_of the world should be peaceful.




1) man

2) mankind

3) humanity

4) peoples


№ 6 Reports are coming in of a major oil spill in ...



1) an Mediterranean

2) Mediterranean




3) the Mediterranean

4) a Mediterranean




№7 Walk_the station, but turn right a couple of blocks before you get there.

1) from



3) in

4) towards



№ 8 Few people like him of his bad manners.




1) because


2) since

3) though

4) in case



№9 Though the report lasted for a long time, the speaker_to with great attention.

1) was listened

2) listened

3) was listening

4) had been listening

№ 10 The answer_from the sellers greatly surprised us.


1) having received

2) to have received

3) received

4) receiving






№ 11 Her secret was given_by her friend by mistake. 1) away 2) off 3) in 4) up

№ 12 I suppose we really_to book our ferry tickets in advance. 1) ought 2) should 3) must 4) can


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