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Смирнова С.Н. English grammar Guide for technical students

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Exercise 8. Compare ing-forms following the noun.

The problem being solved requires a lot of effort.

Решаемая задача требует много усилий.

The problem having been solved is common knowledge.

То, что эта задача решена, общеизвестно.

The problem being solved, we shall be able to proceed with our research.

Когдапроблемабудетрешена, мысможемпродолжитьисследование.

1.The electric current passing through a wire heats that wire.

2.The electric current passing through a wire, the heat developed will depend upon the amount of the current.

3.The process will result in the electric current passing through a


4.The substance being heated is an alloy.

5.The substance being heated will result in increasing its molecular motion.

6.The substance being heated, the motion of the molecules increases.

7.Polymers possessing very important properties, technical progress is impossible without them.

8.Polymers possessing very important properties makes them essential for engineers.

9.New types of electronic tools being developed at present make a great contribution to industrial technology.

10.The most promising system being studied will be described in the paper to follow.

11.Friction is the cause of a large proportion of energy being lost as


12.The energy being lost is released as heat.

13.The efficiency of a power plant is rather low, energy being lost into the environment.

14.The region being investigated is the near-earth region called the magnetosphere.

15.Any object being acted upon by some external force changes its state of rest or uniform motion.

16.Any object being acted upon by some external force, its state is changed.


17.The actual number of electrons depends on the atom being considered.

18.Energy converters being able to produce huge amounts of electric energy makes them important devices for the direct generation of electricity.

19.Energy converters being able to produce huge amounts of electric energy, we can assume they will find wide application.

20.Ultrasonic waves being able to reach inaccessible places is common knowledge.

21.Ultrasonic waves being able to reach inaccessible places, we use them to perform different operations.

Exercise 9. Analyze all the ing-forms used.

1.In solving the problem we have to deal with the laws of motion.

2.While solving the problem we have to deal with the laws of mo-


3.Solving the problem they met with difficulties.

4.Solving the problem is of great importance.

5.His solving the problem was reported at the conference.

6.His having solved the problem enabled him to obtain important


7.Having solved the problem the students discussed the results.

8.Having been solved the problem found a practical application.

9.On solving the problem the scientists published the results.

10.The solving of the problem was shared by many scientists.

11.The student solving this problem carries on research in our lab.

12.The student carrying on research in our laboratory is solving this problem.

13.Your aim is solving the problem in different ways.

14.The problem being solved and discussed is important for the reactor design.

15.The problem having been solved, the scientists discussed the results at the conference.

16.We heard of the problem having been solved.

17.We know of the problem being solved by scientists all over the


18.I don’t remember having solved such problems before.

19.The scientist succeeded in solving the problem.


20.He insisted on the problem being solved.

21.The problem being solved includes calculus methods.

22.He objects to such problems being solved.

23.Gaps in knowledge prevented some students from solving the problem.

24.Is there any other way of solving the problem?

25.The students gain a lot of experience by solving such problems.

26.You won’t obtain the necessary data without solving this prob-


27.She gave up solving the problem as the approach was wrong.

28.The problem is worth solving.

29.It is no use solving the problem.

30.I cannot help solving this problem.

Список литературы

1.Михельсон Т.Н. Сборник упражнений по основным разделам грамматики английского языка. – М.: Наука, 1995.

2.Турук И.Ф. Пособие по переводу научно-технических тестов с английского языка на русский. – М.: Высшая школа, 1985.

3.Пумпянский А.Л. Грамматические трудности при переводе английской научной литературы. – М.: Наука, 1989.

4.Nero A.V. A Guidebook to Nuclear Reactors. – Berkley, 1986.

5.Статьи из английских и американских периодических изда-

ний «Scientific American», «Nuclear Science and Engineering», «Nuclear Europe Worldscan» и др., 1995-2009.




Глагол (The Verb)............................................................................


Система времен в английском языке (Tenses in Active Voice).......


Времена в действительном и страдательном залоге


(Tenses in Active and Passive)..........................................................


Особенности страдательного залога в английском языке


(Peculiarities of Passive) ...................................................................


Согласование времен (Sequences of Tenses)...................................


Инфинитив (The Infinitive)..............................................................


Функции инфинитива (Functions of the Infinitive)..........................


Инфинитив в роли определения (Infinitive as an Attribute)............


Сложное дополнение с инфинитивом (Complex Object)................


Сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом (Complex Subject)..............


Инфинитивный оборот с «for» (For-Construction)..........................


Причастие (The Participle)...............................................................


Функции причастия (Function of the Participle)..............................


Независимый причастный оборот (Nominative Absolute Participle

Construction) ....................................................................................


Сложное дополнение с причастием (Complex Object)...................


Сложное подлежащее с причастием (Complex Subject).................


Герундий (The Gerund)....................................................................


Сложный герундиальный оборот (Gerundial Complex)..................


Ing-формы (ing-forms).....................................................................


Список литературы.........................................................................


Редактор Е.Е. Шумакова Оригинал-макет подготовлен Е.Е. Шумаковой

Подписано в печать 10.12. 2009.

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Печ. л. 5,25.

Уч.-изд. л. 5,25.

Тираж 200 экз.

Изд. № 2/4/29


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