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  1. Переведите следующий текст:


Pharmacists are health professionals who practice the science of pharmacy. Historically, the fundamental role of pharmacists is to distribute drugs that have been prescribed by a healthcare practitioner to patients. In more modern times pharmacists advise patients and health care providers on the selection, dosages, interactions, and side effects of medications. Pharmacists monitor the health and progress of patients to ensure the safe and effective use of medication.

Pharmacists are trained in pharmacology, pharmacognosy, chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, microbiology, pharmacy practice, pharmaceutics, pharmacy law, physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacokinetics, drug delivery, pharmaceutical care, nephrology, hepatology, and compounding medications.

The role of pharmacy education, pharmacist licensing and graduate continuing education vary from country to country and between regions/localities within countries. In most countries, prospective pharmacists study pharmacy at a pharmacy school or related institution. Upon graduation, they are licensed either nationally or by region to dispense medication of various types in the settings for which they have been trained.

2. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту

3. Протранскрибируйте и проанализируйте структуру следующих терминов:

рharmaceutical, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutist, pharmacist, pharmacodiagnosis, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenetics, pharmacognosy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacoologist, pharmacology, pharmacomania, pharmacophobia, pharmacy, pharmacopeia.

4. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим английским словосочетаниям:

  1. information technology a современный ассортимент

  2. clinical pharmacologists b медицинская страховка

  3. health insurance c побочные действия

  4. adverse reactions d клинические фармакологи

  5. prescription e рецепт

  6. modern assortment f фарм. товароведение

  7. pharmaceutical science of commodities g информационная технология

8. drug selection h выбор лекарства

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. The pharmacokinetics of a drug has been calculated from blood, plasma and oral drug administration. 2. Health professionals have an increasing role to play in informing patients about the appropriate use of medicines. 3. He told us that those vitamins had been synthesized in the chemical laboratory. 4. Since about the year 2000, a growing number of internet pharmacies have been established worldwide. 5. All pharmacies are required to have a pharmacist on-duty at all times when open. 6. We were told that between 10% and 30 % of health care expenditure had gone on medicines. 7. The state is to have an important responsibility for setting standards and regulating the efficacy, safety and quality of medicinal products.



  1. Переведите аннотацию к лекарственному препарату:

Doxycycline cap.

Doxycycline is a synthetic antibiotic derived from tetracycline. Doxycycline is used for treating many bacteria infections such as urinary tract infections, acne, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, periodontitis (gum disease) and others.

Doxycycline is a tetracycline bacteriostatic antibiotic. It works by slowing or hampering the growth of bacteria and inhibits protein synthesis of the bacteria thus causing its death. Tetracyclines, including doxycycline, have a similar antimicrobial spectrum of activity against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. Cross resistance of these organisms to tetracyclines is common.

  1. Переведите предложения, подчеркните оборот (инфинитивный, причастный, герундиальный) и укажите какой:

1. Penicillin was shown to have always been used most effectively in cases of wound infections. 2. Pharmacology is sometimes considered to be a fourth discipline of pharmacy. 3. With technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible. 4. The scientists insisted on solving this problem. 5. On studying the nature of that new phenomenon, they were not satisfied with the results obtained. 6. Without understanding properly the nature of disease, it is difficult for physicians to treat diseases. 7. They think these facts to be of great importance. 8. We succeeded in obtaining reliable results in therapy. 9. The data obtained help to designate optimum routes, dosages, and timing of drug administration.

  1. Переведите предложения, содержащие придаточные условия

1. If the temperature reaches the boiling point, the separation of the components of mixture starts. 2. If the amount of magnesium was less than normal. Additional compounds containing magnesium salts were added. 3. If the efforts of international science were coordinated the world progress would accelerate. 4. If the patient shows signs of shock, blood transfusion will be administered immediately. 5. Provided the researchers had been supplied with sophisticated devices of the latest design the results of their research would have been of much greater importance. 6. Unless the disease is already advanced, there is the chance of recovery.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский яык:

1. Лекарства необходимо хранить в недоступном для детей месте. 2. Хранить в сухом месте при температуре не выше 25◦С. 3. Препарат следует применять внутрь, во время еды. 4. Случаи взаимодействия или несовместимости с другими лекарственными средствами неизвестны. 5. Лекарственная форма: таблетки подъязычные. 6. Противопоказания: повышенная чувствительность к компонентам препарата. 7. Срок хранения лекарства – 2 года. 8. Дозировка. Одна упаковка до 4-х раз в день. 9. Побочные действия: изжога, тошнота, иногда рвота и дисфункция кишечника.



1. Переведите аннотацию к лекарственному препарату:

Generic Furosemide

Furosemide is a loop diuretic. Loop diuretics act on the Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter (cotransporter) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle to inhibit sodium and chloride reabsorption. This is achieved by competing for the Cl- binding site. Because magnesium and calcium reabsorption in the thick ascending limb is dependent on sodium and chloride concentrations, loop diuretics also inhibit their reabsorption. Furosemide is a loop diuretic. Loop diuretics act on the Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter (cotransporter) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle to inhibit sodium and chloride reabsorption. This is achieved by competing for the Cl- binding site. Because magnesium and calcium reabsorption in the thick ascending limb is dependent on sodium and chloride concentrations, loop diuretics also inhibit their reabsorption.

2. Переведите предложения, подчеркните оборот (инфинитивный, причастный, герундиальный) и укажите какой:

1.Proteins are considered to be particularly important as the source of combined nitrogen in foodstuffs. 2. Medicines, when used appropriately, are one of the most cost-effective health care interventions. 3. It is important to start treatment at the early stage of the disease. 4. They succeeded in obtaining reliable results in surgery. 5. Many unexpected adverse reactions occurring in a small percentage of persons exposed to a drug can be explained as a genetically determined abnormal reactivity to a drug. 6. In order to provide quality of health care, it is imperative that no funds are wasted on drugs of doubtful effectiveness. 7. With technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible.

3. Переведите предложения, содержащие придаточные условия:

1. New drug products should only enter the market if they meet the criteria of efficacy, safety and quality. 2. If you follow the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, you will soon recover. 3. Unless the young researchers had applied new progressive methods of work, their experiment would have been a failure. 4. All cases of the infectious disease may be cured provided they are not neglected. 5. If there were no computers many other achievements of modern science and technology would be impossible. 6. If a drug is given in short intervals and the body cannot dispose of it rapidly enough, the drug concentration will rise in the body tissues with each successive dose. 7. If he had been able to speed u[ his research, he would have completed his thesis by now.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский яык:

1. Это лекарство назначается в виде внутримышечных инъекций или орально после еды. 2. Этот препарат не рекомендуется давать детям младше 7 лет. 3. Не превышать указанной дозы. 4. Хранит в сухом прохладном месте. 5. Некоторые лекарства не могут применяться вместе с этим препаратом. 6. Каждая таблетка содержит 500 мг парацетамола. 7. Срок хранения препарата – 3 года.



1. Переведите аннотацию к лекарственному препарату:


This contains Dexamethasone and neomycin. Dexamethasone is a man-made adrenal corticosteroid. Corticosteroids are natural substances produced by the adrenal glands located nearby the kidneys which have a potent anti-inflammatory properties and are used in a various inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, colitis, asthma, bronchitis, certain skin rashes, and allergic or inflammatory conditions of the nose and eyes. This contain Dexamethasone and neomycin. Dexamethasone is a man-made adrenal corticosteroid. Corticosteroids are natural substances produced by the adrenal glands located nearby the kidneys which have a potent anti-inflammatory properties and are used in a various inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, colitis, asthma, bronchitis, certain skin rashes, and allergic or inflammatory conditions of the nose and eyes.

  1. Переведите предложения, подчеркните оборот (инфинитивный, причастный, герундиальный) и укажите какой:

1. Duties of a pharmacy technician are preparing the prescription of patients, helping the pharmacist in certain small jobs, customer service etc. 2. Pharmacology is sometimes considered to be a fourth discipline of pharmacy. 3. With technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible. 4. The scientists insisted on solving this problem. 5. On studying the nature of that new phenomenon, they were not satisfied with the results obtained. 6. Without understanding properly the nature of disease, it is difficult for physicians to treat diseases. 7. They think these facts to be of great importance. 8. We succeeded in obtaining reliable results in therapy. 9. The data obtained help to designate optimum routes, dosages, and timing of drug administration.

  1. Переведите предложения, придаточные условия

1. If the temperature reaches the boiling point, the separation of the components of mixture starts. 2. If the amount of magnesium was less than normal. Additional compounds containing magnesium salts were added. 3. If the efforts of international science were coordinated the world progress would accelerate. 4. If the patient shows signs of shock, blood transfusion will be administered immediately. 5. Provided the researchers had been supplied with sophisticated devices of the latest design the results of their research would have been of much greater importance. 6. Unless the disease is already advanced, there is the chance of recovery.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский яык:

1. Лекарства необходимо хранить в недоступном для детей месте. 2. Хранить в сухом месте при температуре не выше 25◦С. 3. Препарат следует применять внутрь, во время еды. 4. Случаи взаимодействия или несовместимости с другими лекарственными средствами неизвестны. 5. Лекарственная форма: таблетки подъязычные. 6. Противопоказания: повышенная чувствительность к компонентам препарата. 7. Срок хранения лекарства – 2 года. 8. Дозировка. Одна упаковка до 4-х раз в день. 9. Побочные действия: изжога, тошнота, иногда рвота и дисфункция кишечника.



1. Переведите аннотацию к лекарственному препарату:


This medicine contains the active ingredient chlorphenamine maleate which belongs to a group of medicines called sedating antihistamines. Chlorphenamine acts by blocking the binding of histamine to receptors in the body, preventing or relieving the typical symptoms of an allergic reaction. Chlorphenamine has antidepressant properties that inhibits reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This medicine contains the active ingredient chlorphenamine maleate which belongs to a group of medicines called sedating antihistamines. Chlorphenamine acts by blocking the binding of histamine to receptors in the body, preventing or relieving the typical symptoms of an allergic reaction. Chlorphenamine has antidepressant properties that inhibits reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin.

2. Переведите предложения, подчеркните оборот (инфинитивный, причастный, герундиальный) и укажите какой:

1. To become a pharmacy technician, a person should have training of health care essentials under a recognized college, and also he/she needs to go through a national level of certification test. 2. Medicines, when used appropriately, are one of the most cost-effective health care interventions. 3. It is important to start treatment at the early stage of the disease. 4. They succeeded in obtaining reliable results in surgery. 5. Many unexpected adverse reactions occurring in a small percentage of persons exposed to a drug can be explained as a genetically determined abnormal reactivity to a drug. 6. In order to provide quality of health care, it is imperative that no funds are wasted on drugs of doubtful effectiveness. 7. With technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible.

3. Переведите предложения, содержащие придаточные условия:

1. New drug products should only enter the market if they meet the criteria of efficacy, safety and quality. 2. If you follow the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, you will soon recover. 3. Unless the young researchers had applied new progressive methods of work, their experiment would have been a failure. 4. All cases of the infectious disease may be cured provided they are not neglected. 5. If there were no computers many other achievements of modern science and technology would be impossible. 6. If a drug is given in short intervals and the body cannot dispose of it rapidly enough, the drug concentration will rise in the body tissues with each successive dose. 7. If he had been able to speed u[ his research, he would have completed his thesis by now.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский яык:

1. Это лекарство назначается в виде внутримышечных инъекций или орально после еды. 2. Этот препарат не рекомендуется давать детям младше 7 лет. 3. Не превышать указанной дозы. 4. Хранит в сухом прохладном месте. 5. Некоторые лекарства не могут применяться вместе с этим препаратом. 6. Каждая таблетка содержит 500 мг парацетамола. 7. Срок хранения препарата – 3 года.



1. Переведите аннотации к лекарственным препаратам:


Phenylpropanolamine is a decongestant. It works by constricting (shrinking) blood vessels (veins and arteries) in your body. Constriction of blood vessels in your sinuses, nose, and chest allows drainage of those areas, which decreases congestion. It is a decongestant drug.


It is in the form of propanolol Hydrochloride. Propranolol is a beta- adrenergic blocking agent that blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system, a portion of the involuntary nervous system. It is in the form of propanolol Hydrochloride. Propranolol is a beta- adrenergic blocking agent that blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system, a portion of the involuntary nervous system.


Cimetidine is a histamine H2 blocker. This drug prevents the release of acid into the stomach. Cimetidine is a histamine H2 blocker. This drug prevents the release of acid into the stomach.

2. Переведите предложения, подчеркните оборот (инфинитивный, причастный, герундиальный) и укажите какой:

1. A pharmacy technician is known to be an assistant of pharmacist. 2. Pharmacology is sometimes considered to be a fourth discipline of pharmacy. 3. With technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible. 4. An establishment in which pharmacy is practiced is called a pharmacy, chemist’s, drug store. 5. On studying the nature of that new phenomenon, they were not satisfied with the results obtained. 6. Without understanding properly the nature of disease, it is difficult for physicians to treat diseases. 7. They think these facts to be of great importance. 8. We succeeded in obtaining reliable results in therapy. 9. The data obtained help to designate optimum routes, dosages, and timing of drug administration.

3. Переведите предложения, содержащие придаточные условия

1. If the temperature reaches the boiling point, the separation of the components of mixture starts. 2. If the amount of magnesium was less than normal. Additional compounds containing magnesium salts were added. 3. If the efforts of international science were coordinated the world progress would accelerate. 4. If the patient shows signs of shock, blood transfusion will be administered immediately. 5. Provided the researchers had been supplied with sophisticated devices of the latest design the results of their research would have been of much greater importance. 6. Unless the disease is already advanced, there is the chance of recovery.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский яык:

1. Лекарства необходимо хранить в недоступном для детей месте. 2. Хранить в сухом месте при температуре не выше 25◦С. 3. Препарат следует применять внутрь, во время еды. 4. Случаи взаимодействия или несовместимости с другими лекарственными средствами неизвестны. 5. Лекарственная форма: таблетки подъязычные. 6. Противопоказания: повышенная чувствительность к компонентам препарата. 7. Срок хранения лекарства – 2 года. 8. Дозировка. Одна упаковка до 4-х раз в день. 9. Побочные действия: изжога, тошнота, иногда рвота и дисфункция кишечника.