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Pharmaceutics is the discipline of pharmacy that deals with all facets of the process of turning a new chemical entity (NCE) into a medication. Pharmaceutics is the science of dosage form design. There are many chemicals with known pharmacological properties but a raw chemical is of no use to a patient. Pharmaceutics deals with the formulation of a pure drug substance into a dosage form. Branches of pharmaceutics include: pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics.

Pharmacokinetics is a branch of pharmacology dedicated to the determination of the fate of substances administered externally to a living organism. In practice this discipline is applied mainly to drug substances.

Pharmacokinetics is often studied in conjunction with pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics includes the study of the mechanisms of absorption and distribution of an administered drug, the rate at which a drug action begins and the duration of the effect, the chemical changes of the substance in the body.

The terms pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics tend to be used interchangeably. Pharmacogenetics is generally regarded as the study or clinical testing of genetic variation that gives rise to differing response to drugs.

2. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту

3. Протранскрибируйте и проанализируйте структуру следующих терминов:

рharmaceutical, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutist, pharmacist, pharmacodiagnosis, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenetics, pharmacognosy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacologist, pharmacology, pharmacomania, pharmacophobia, pharmacy, pharmacopeia.

  1. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим английским словосочетаниям:

  1. pharmacodynamics a профессиональный контроль

  2. pharmaceutical technology b сердечнососудистые препараты

  3. cardiovascular drugs c антибиотики

  4. chemical substances d фармакодинамика

  5. professional control e медицинская страхование

  6. antibiotics f химические вещества

  7. health insurance g фармтехнология

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. These substances have been composed of two elements. 2. All pharmacies are required to have a pharmacist on-duty at all times when open. 3. Most patients had a normal respiratory rate throughout the procedure. 4. In all European countries, the state has the responsibility for regulating the entry of drug products onto the market. 5. We were told that between 10% and 30 % of health care expenditure had gone on medicines. 6. Several hospital pharmacies have decided to outsource high risk preparations and some other compounding functions to companies who specialize in compounding. 7. She told the physician that she had had hypertension two years ago.