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12. Read this text quickly and define the main idea of this text.

After you read, divide the text into some meaningful parts and try to give them the headings.

Commercial operations management

Commercial Operations Management (COM) unifies marketing and sales within organizations. This is accomplished by integrating Brand Management, Innovation Management, Product Management, Marketing Operations Management (MOM), Channel & Sales Management and Customer Interaction Management. Commercial Operations Management is the alignment of people, process and technology to support commercial activities and improve both innovation and marketing effectiveness. Commercial Operations Management means that enterprises entering into a competitive process, whether “in the market” or “for the market”, hold both the product innovation and marketing teams accountable for their commercial and financial outcome.

The integration of these functional areas is particularly important when organizations want to clarify accountability for key decisions and responsibility for redesign processes, linking them to measurable outcomes, or improving skills and processes.

A Commercial Operation Management solution usually integrates with other enterprise solutions like ERP, CRM and ECM.

13. Find in the text the words or word combinations which have an opposite meaning:

separation, to be started, to complicate, key problems, countless outcome.

14. Revise the terminology of the text:

управление маркетинговыми операциями, управление взаимодействием с клиентами, упорядочение, предприятие, измеримый результат, управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами, планирование бизнес-ресурсов, управление информационными ресурсами предприятия, управление (торговой) маркой, товарная (продуктовая) инновация.


15. Answer the following questions.

1. What functions does Commercial Operations Management unify?

2. What is the unification of marketing and sales accomplished by?

3. What does Commercial Operations Management align?

4. What is the alignment of people, process and technology aimed at?

5. What are the teams accountable for the commercial and financial outcomes of an enterprise?

6. What is the use of integration of such functional areas as MOM, CSM, CIM etc?

16. Complete the sentences.

1. Commercial Operations Management unifies marketing and … . 2. Innovation management can be used to … . 3. Commercial Operations Management is the alignment … to support commercial activities. 4. Enterprises entering into a competitive process hold both … and marketing teams. 5 Product innovation and marketing teams are … their commercial and financial outcome. 6. The integration of different functional areas … when organizations want to clarify accountability for key decisions.

17. Compose sentences using word combinations:

within the organization, by integrating, to be accountable for, integration of, to be particularly important, responsibility for something, to improve skills, to integrate with.