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6. Translate the following expressions:

with the aim of something, along with something, in other words, rather than, to be confused with.

7. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations. You may begin with:

It’s a notion (word) by which… .

It’s a thing (term) that… .

interdisciplinary science, storage of information, improving information systems, diverse fields, archival science, human–computer interaction, library science.

8. Group the words and word-combinations according to their morphological structure:

diverse, archival, mistakenly, library, stakeholder, attention, generate, recent, involve, semantic, particular, perspective, interaction, value, actually.

9. Work in small groups. Complete the following phrases. You may look through the text to find some hints.

  1. _______ concept,

  2. _______ field,

  3. human–computer _______,

  4. ________ systems,

  1. information _______,

  2. _______ policy,

  3. social ________,

  4. iterative _______ .

10. Work in pairs. Student A translates these sentences into Russian, student B translates them into English.

1) attention – внимание

Within information science amongst other things attention is given to human-computer interaction.

2) to confuse – смешивать, путать

Information Science should not be confused with information theory.

3) to incorporate – включать в 

Infor­mation science incorporates not only as­pects of computer science, but of many other sciences.

4) interaction – взаимодействие

Along with other things practitioners within the field of information science study the interaction between people.

11. Find the synonyms:

field, information, interaction, mistaken, storage, branch, individual, cooperation, personal, data, safekeeping, private, erroneous.

12. Choose the right word.

  1. Information Science is (concentrated, concerned, considered) with the analysis of information.

  2. IS is a (broad, deep, wide) field, including aspects of computer science as well as other sciences such as archival science.

  3. Information Science focuses on realizing problems from the (retrospective, perspective, aspect) of the stakeholders.

  4. IS solves systemic problems first rather than individual (portions, parts, bits, fragments, pieces) of technology within that system.

  5. Within information science attention is given to the (ways, paths, courses, routes) people generate, use and find information.


13. Study the following text.

Information science

Information Science is an interdisciplinary science primarily concerned with the analysis, collection, classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information. Practitioners within the field study the application and usage of knowledge in organizations, along with the interaction between people, organizations and any existing information systems, with the aim of creating, replacing, improving or understanding information systems. Information Science is often mistakenly considered as a branch of computer science. However, it is actually a broad, interdisciplinary field, incorporating not only aspects of computer science, but often diverse fields such as archival science, cognitive science, commerce, communications, law, library science, museology, management, mathematics, philosophy, public policy, and the social sciences.

Information Science focuses on understanding problems from the perspective of the stakeholders involved and then applying information and other technologies as needed. In other words, it tackles systemic problems first rather than individual pieces of technology within that system. Within information science, attention has been given in recent years to human–computer interaction, groupware, the semantic web, value sensitive design, iterative design processes and to the ways people generate, use and find information. Today this field is called the Field of Information, and there are a growing number of Schools and Colleges of Information.

Information Science should not be confused with information theory, the study of a particular mathematical concept of information, or with library science, a field related to libraries, which uses some of the principles of information science.