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Контрольная работа № 1 Вариант 3

I. Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы, встречающиеся в тексте "What business is better?"

popular, stimulate, general, type, interest

What business is better: small business or big business?

  1. As we know, there are two general types of business: small business on the one hand and big business on the other. Many people think that small business is more interesting than big business. At the same time they think it is more popular than the big one. Experience shows that small business is better for the people who own it, and big business is better for the employees who work in it.

  2. Why is it so? May be because in small business labour costs and overheads are less than in big business. So poorer people can make more profit. But in big business richer people can spend money on all types of costs and stimulate workers with higher wages. Only experience can help you to understand this difference and to know what you like more and what you like less. Sometimes the least profitable business may become the most interesting one.

II. Найдите русские эквиваленты

  1. on the one hand

  2. experience

  3. to own a small business

  4. labour costs

  5. overheads

  6. to make profit

  7. wages

  8. employee

  9. to stimulate workers

  1. to spend money

  2. types of costs

  3. profitable

  1. тратить деньги

  2. издержки на оплату рабочей силы

  3. зарабатывать прибыль

  4. служащий

  5. прибыльный

  6. стимулировать, поощрять рабочих

  7. виды издержек h) владеть

i) накладные расходы j) опыт (личный)

к) с одной стороны

l) зарплата

  1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст №3

  2. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы, запишите их в той последовательности в которой они были поставлены.

  1. What general types of business do you know?

  2. What do many people think about small business?

  3. What does experience show?

  4. In what business are labour costs and overheads less?

  5. What can help you to choose the type of business?

  1. only personal experience.

  2. small business is better for the owners of it.

  3. it is more interesting and popular than the big one.

  4. small business and big business.

  5. in small business.

V. Закончить предложение , выбрав соответствующий вариант

  1. Big business is better ...

  2. Only experience can help you to learn…

  3. Poorer people…

a) what you like more.

b) for the employees who work in it.

c) can stimulate workers with higher wages.

d) can make more profit in small business.

Контрольная работа № 1 Вариант 4

1. Переведите на русский язык интернациональные слова, встречающиеся в тексте "Setting up a new business"

problem, control, type, partner, company, personally, group, effective, professional, limit(ed), financial, organization, to form.

Setting up a new business.

  1. To set up a new business you have to solve a number of problems. For example, where do you get your supplies from? What is the price you pay for them? What premises do you work from? What type of control do you want to keep in your business? All this depends on the type of your work, because you may work as a sole trader, a partnership or a limited company.

  2. To work as a sole trader means that you are personally responsible for the business and take all profits after paying income taxes. But you must remember one thing: you are also responsible for all business debts.

  3. Partnership means a group of people (between two and twenty) working as one firm. They share responsibility for decision making, profits, and debts. Partnership is useful and effective when all partners have high professional skills.

  4. A limited company (Ltd) is a company formed by two or more shareholders who put the money into the business and get a share of the profits. Here the financial responsibility (or liability) of the shareholders is limited. When the business goes bankrupt every shareholder loses his share.

So we can see that different types of business organizations have advantages (pluses) and disadvantages (minuses).

2. Найдите в первой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1. to set up a business

2. supplies

3. premises

4. to keep control

5. a sole trader

6. a partnership

7. a limited company

8. income tax

9. business debts

10. a share of profits

11. a shareholder

12. to share responsibility

13. decision making

  1. единоличный владелец, частный предприниматель

  2. подоходный налог

  3. товарищество

  4. сырьё и материалы

  5. учредить/создать предприятие

  6. осуществлять контроль

  7. доля прибыли

  8. акционер

  9. делить ответственность

  10. помещения, здания

  11. компания с ограниченной ответственностью

  12. долги (задолженность) предприятия.

  13. принятие решений