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I. Answer the following questions:

  1. What does Intel Corporation produce besides microprocessors?

  2. Where are the headquarters of the company situated?

  3. Who was the company founded by?

  1. What was the initial name of Intel Corporation?

  2. What was the first breakthrough effected by Intel?

  3. What is microprocessor?

  4. When was the first general-purpose microprocessor introduced?

  5. Why did the 8088 and subsequent Intel microprocessors become a standard for all PC-type machines?

  6. How many transistor did the first Pentium processor contain?

10. How many instructions per second do modern Pentium processors execute?

II. Give English equivalents:

Напівпровідникові ланцюги; здійснювати прорив; касовий апарат; істотні обсяги інформації; напівпровідникова пам'ять; банківський автомат; широкий спектр товарів споживчого попиту; галузевий стандарт; пристрій обробки даних; виконувати ... операцій за секунду; упровадити у виробництво; а надто; перейминовувати; схема управління.

III. Give titles to every passage of Text b.

Text C Hewlett-Packard


American manufacturer of computers, computer printers, and analytic and measuring instruments. Its headquarters are in Palo Alto, Calif.

The company was founded in 1938 in Palo Alto by two recent electrical-engineering graduates of Stanford University, William Hewlett and David Packard. Their first product was an oscillator used to test sound equipment, and during World War II their small firm made microwave signal generators. After the war Packard became responsible for the company's business affairs while Hewlett led its research and development efforts. Hewlett-Packard grew along with the electronics sector of the American defense industry in the decades after World War II, making a variety of electronic instruments for measurement and analysis. The company developed its first computer in 1966, and it brought out the first truly sophisticated desktop electronic calculator in 1968 and a hand-held model in 1972. With the introduction of its HP-3000 computer in the early 1970s, the firm entered into direct competition with IBM and other established computer makers.

Under the presidency of John Young from 1977, Hewlett-Packard entered the nascent personal-computer market in 1980 with the HP-85 and began making IBM-compatible PCs by the middle of that decade. It also brought out the HP LaserJet printer, which dominated the market for computer printers in the 1980s. Hewlett-Packard pioneered the manufacture of workstations and microcomputers that use RISC, or reduced instruction set computing, which increases their processing speed. By the 1990s the company had become one of the leading makers of workstations and minicomputers used by businesses, laboratories, and hospitals, and it remained an industry leader in the field of computerized laser and inkjet printers.


I. Answer the following questions:

  1. Who was the company founded by?

  2. What was the company's first product?

  3. How did Hewlett-Packard develop after World War II?

  4. What companies did Hewlett-Packard begin to compete in the early 1970s?

  5. When did the company develop a hand-held calculator?

  6. What product did Hewlett-Packard enter the nascent personal computer market


  1. What did the company pioneer?

  2. When did the company become one of the leading makers of workstations?

  3. What field does it remain an industry leader in?

  4. What kinds of printers does it bring out?

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