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I. Answer these questions:

1) What Institute do you study at ? 2) Is it quite old or young ? 3) When was it founded ? 4) Why was Odessa chosen as most suitable place for the Institute ? 5) When was the Institute transferred to our city ? 6) How was it named ? 7) Where is it situated ? 8) Is it a new building ? 9) What departments has our Institute got ? 10) How many classrooms and laboratories has it got ? 11) Where can you borrow textbooks? 12) What floor is the students' canteen (reading-room) on ? 13) Where are conferences held there ? 14) Do you have your dinner at home or at students’ canteen ? 15) What subjects do you study at your Institute ? 16) What foreign language do you study there ? 17) Is your Institute the only one of it's type in Ukraine ? 18) How many students does the students’ body comprise ? 19) What specialities does your Institute train? 20) What is your future speciality ?

II. Find the following expressions in the text and translate them:

I'd like to, completely destroyed, a high qualified, a great number of, suitable place, glorious past, teacher's staff, accommodations, different departments, was chosen, is established, is situated, monitoring operator, a lot of, comprise over, do my best, a large lobby, has got, for practical classes, well-equipped, the only one of it's type, experienced, fierce battles, immediately, convenient, a picturesque district.

III. Choose from a and в and made up your own sentences:

students' canteen




computer's room




a large hall for festive occasions

a large lobby

hold conferences


find a lot of announcements or

(wall papers)

leave our clothes

eat ; have dinner

have a snack


give some medicine


get a lot of useful things

borrow; operate ( run ); live

have a rest; teach students

have practical classes

learn how to run a computer

carry out experiments

explain new material

examine the students

take pressure

IV. Give English equivalents:

Пишатися, повністю, 4-х поверховий будинок, єдиний, готувати фахівців, викладацький склад, доволі молодий, великий вестібюль, добре обладнена аудиторія, район міста, випусники, актова зала, живописний, був названий, був переведений, був вибраний, гарде­роб, майбутня професія.

V. Read this story . Give the title to this text:

Paradise Island has got two beautiful beaches. You can swim in the sea or go wind surfing. Or you can swim in our Olympic swimming pool. There are lots of things to do on Paradise Island. There's a tennis court. You can have a picnic in the forest. You can climb the hills. You can also fish in the river. In the evening you can dance at Shark's Disco. There's a cinema too. We show a new film every day. You sleep in huts (small houses) in Paradise village. You can buy food at the supermarket or you can eat at the Blue Dolphin restaurant. There’s a souvenir shop too, and a post office.

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