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I. Answer the following questions:

1) What do we usually take to get from one city to another ? 2) What does a person do if he does not know the way to some place or another ? 3) What must a person do if no bus or train runs right to the place he wants to get to ? 4) Why do you think the city traffic is very heavy in rush-hours ? 5) Does the fare depend on the place where you go ? 6) When are trams and buses overcrowded (full) ? 7) Do you change on your way to the Institute ? 8) Is there a bus (tram, trolley-bus) stop near your house ? 9) What does the green light show ? 9) What places of interest are there in your town ? 11) When do trams, buses, trolley-buses begin running ? 12) How do you get to the Institute ?

II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following :

“No Left Turn ”, “Cross here”, “Parking”, “No Parking”, “Slow down”, “No Passage”, “Horns Forbidden”, “No Admittance”, “Keep Left”, “Admittance Free”, “Used Tickets”, “Bus Stop Request”, “One Way Only”, “Filling Station”, “No Stopping”, “Private”, “Beware of cars”, “Two Line Traffic”, “Look Out When Crossing”, “Road Under Construction”, “Wet Paint”, “Taxi-stand”, “Keep Off the Grass”, “For Litter”, “Keep Our Town Clean”.

III. Illustrative dialogues. Memorise these dialogues. Practise them in pairs. Make up

dialogues using different situations:

1. Which is the Quickest Way to the Centre ?

A.: Excuse me, sir.

P.*: Yes, what is it ?

A.: Which is the quickest way to the centre, please ?

P.: Let me think … Oh, yes. Take number __ bus and go as far as Grecheskaya


A.: Will that be the very centre of Odessa ?

P.: Yes, of course. Deribasovskaya Street is just a step from there.

A.: Thank you very much.

P.: It’s all right, sir.

(P.*  a passer-by)

2. Take the Street on Your Right

A.: Pardon me, sir. I want to get to the Opera House. Can you show me the way

there, please ?

P.: Why, yes. Hmm. Let me think… Well, take the street on your right and go

straight as far as the bank.

A.: Yes, how do I go then ?

P.: Then you’ll turn to your left and go other 3 blocks.

A.: Isn’t it more convenient for me to go there by bus ?

P.: No, there isn’t a very good bus service there. You’ll just lose time.

3. Am I Right for Primorsky Boulevard ?

A.: Excuse me. Am I right for Primorsky Boulevard ?

P.: Primorsky Boulevard ? Let me think… I’m sorry to say you aren’t. You’ll have to go back one block and then turn to your left. You’ll go along that street straight ahead as far as the Pushkin Statue.

A.: Thank you ever so much.

P.: Never mind.

4. Where do I get off ?

A.: Excuse me, sir. Where do I get off for the railway station ?

P.: But you have taken the wrong bus. It does not run there.

A.: Really ? What shall I do ?

P.: You’ll have to get out and take #200 bus. It will take you right there.

A.: I see. Shall I have to walk far to the bus #200 stop ?

P.: No, it will be just across the way.

A.: Thank you.

P.: Not at all.

5. Hey, Taxi !

A.: Hey, taxi ! Are you engaged ?

Dr.: No, ma’am, step in please.

A.: Can you take me to the Environmental University ?

Dr.: Yes. certainly.

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