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Grammar exercises

I. Translate the following sentences , paying attention to the predicate in the Passive Voice:

a) 1) The lecture is always listened to with great interest. 2) The scientist was given an important problem for his research work. 3) We are taught English twice a week. 4) Water can be purified in different ways. 5) The delegation which visited our Institute was shown an interesting film on the expedition to the North.

b) 1) Hydrology has been written much about. 2) This book on problems of hydrology is often referred to in diploma papers. 3) His scientific report was followed by a hearted discussion. 4) The reaction is influenced by many chemical and physical factors. 5) New discoveries are usually followed by still new ones.

II. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the different meanings of the preposition


1) All the necessary materials were transported by land and by water. 2) He obtained important results by means of hard work. 3) The electric power station is located by the river. 4) The first radio set was invented by Popov. 5) The scientists will have finished the experiment by the end of the year. 6) He collected all the necessary information day by day.

III. Rewrite the sentences changing where it is possible Active Voice into Passive Voice:

We may purify water in different ways. But only one of them produces really pure water. We call this method distillation. It is the following : we boil water , the steam passes through a cold tube and becomes water again.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in the Active or Passive Voice:

1) Most of our rivers ... by canals. (to connect) 2) These problems often .... (to speak about) 3) We ... our work tomorrow. (to finish) 4) The students ... many questions at the examination. (to ask) 5) He ... me this book next week. (to give ) 6) The lecturer ... his last lecture on types of soil with interesting diagrams. (to illustrate) 7) Strength of materials, elements of machines and mechanics, fundamentals of electrical engineering, etc. ... by the students of technical institutes. (to study) 8) This problem ... by a number of scientists long ago. (to solve) 9) Most of the materials ... directly or indirectly from our earth. (to obtain) 10) Water... into steam by heat and into ice by cold. (to change) 11) We... plants in our garden every day. (to water) 12) In the south there are many deserts that... by rivers and man-made canals. (to water)

V. Translate into English:

1) Цей інститут відомий своєю бібліотекою. 2) Meнi вчора сказали про збори. З) У нашому iнcтитyтi навчається 1500 студентів. 4) Йому допомагаюгь багато вчителів. 5) Після зборів відбувся концерт. 6) Нам дали yci книги, які ми хотіли прочитати. 7) Одесу часто відвідують іноземні туристи.

VI. What Ukrainian sentences corresponds to English ?

a) The works by Tsiolkovsky are often referred to ?

1) Ціолковський часто посилається на ці роботи.

2) На роботи Ціолковського часто посилаються.

b) This book is often referred to by our teacher.

1) Ось книга на яку посилається ваш викладач.

2) Наш викладач часто посилається на цю книгу.

3) Викладач послався на цю книгу.

c) The report was followed by a discussion ?

1) Доповідь відбулася після дискусії.

2) Дискусія відбулася після доповіді.

d) His ideas were influenced by an experiment ?

1) Його ідеї вплинули на експеримент.

2) Експеримент вплинув на його ідеї.

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