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I. Find in Text с the sentences about:

a) З яких трьох фаз складаеться коловорот води у природі ?

b) Чому коловорот води у природі не має нi початку , нi кінця ?

c) Як можна розглядати будь-яку поверхню ?

II. Translate the following sentences , paying attention to the:

a) to set forth - викладати , висувати.

1) The results of our experiments were set forth in the article. 2) The English astronomer Halley set forth the proof that the moisture evaporated from the oceans was adequate to supply streamflow.

b) as far back as

as early as

1) This problems were solved as early as in the 19th centuary. 2) As far back as in ancient times philosophers focused their attention on the perpetual cycle of water.

III. Fill in the blanks and translate the following sentences :

1) ... consists of water vapour, clouds and fog. 2) Water vapour is... of water. 3) When... in the atmosphere is cooled, …results. 4) If condensation occurs at temperatures... freezing ... is formed. 5) The process of returning soil moisture to the atmosphere is called ... . 6) Evaporation is the change of state from a ... to a gas.


(snow, condensation, atmospheric moisture, water vapour, below, liquid, the gaseous state, transpiration )

IV. Read and dramatize the following dialogue:

A: Can you explain the term "hydrologic cycle" ?

B: Certainly, the hydrologic cycle is the descriptive term applied to the general

circulation of water from the seas to the atmosphere; to the ground , and back to

the again.

A: When were the first attempts to describe the hydrologic cycle made ?

B: You see, it was as early as during the first century before our era (B.C.) that such

attempts were made.

A: Oh! How interesting ! And do you know who made such attempts ?

B: It was Marcus Vitrivius who for the first time set forth a theory generally

considered to be the predecessor of modern notions of the hydrologic cycle.

A: What elements does the hydrologic cycle consists of ?

B: There are many : atmospheric moisture, precipitation, infiltration, surface runoff,

evaporation, transpiration, ground water, etc.

A: I am very much obliged for your interesting information.

B: Not at all.

V. Speak about the hydrologic cycle using the following words and word-combinations:

Evaporation, surface runoff, sun, ocean, subsurface runoff, clouds, rain.


Grammar: Sequence of Tenses


I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations.

Memorize them:

Ocean; oceanography; ocean boundaries; delineation; currents; earth's surface; mapping of the ocean margins; fifteenth century; the Spanish-financed; circumnavigated; by water; ice-covered continent ; ancient; consequence; the same processes; gradual; release of water; interior; a blanket of water; rater-conditioned existence; environment; deal with wonders of the world.

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