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I. Study the text carefully. Act as a guide of the group of tourists visiting

the Odessa Opera House.

II. Answer the following questions:

1) When and where was Odessa founded ? 2) What did the city take its name after ? 3) Was the city built according to any plan ? 4) Does Odessa contain a number of beautiful historic buildings, monuments and places of interest ? 5) What is the Odessa Opera House famous for ? 6) Are there any museums in the city ? 7) What outstanding people lived in Odessa ? 8) Why is Odessa called a city of students ? 9) There is a feature film studio in Odessa, isn’t there ? 10) Is Odessa a pleasant spa and vacational resort ? 11) What is the climate in Odessa ? 12) Did Odessa suffer much during World War II ? 13) Why is Odessa called a Hero City ? 14) What is the population of Odessa ? 15) What is your impression of Odessa ? 16) What is your home town ?

III. Give English equivalents:

Промисловий центр, курорт, першокласний порт, всесвітня слава, мякий клімат, архітектурний ансамбль, брати початок з кінця 18 сторіччя, бути розташованим, бути закладеним, згідно з попереднім планом, місцевість, рятувати, гідний візиту, фармацевтичні та наукові установи, великі руйнування, пояс слави, значно, нові перспективи.

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1) Odessa is a major ….

2) Odessa is a first-class port on ….

3) The visitors of Odessa are attracted by ….

4) The beginning of the biography of Odessa is believed to date from….

5) The city is believed to take its name after ….

6) Odessa was built according to ….

7) Products of the city include ….

8) During World War II Odessa….

9) The Institutions of higher learning in Odessa are ….

10) The city’s future days offer ….

V. Translate into Ukrainian:

Many buildings in Odessa were built of shell-limestone, which seemed to be saturated with hot sunshine. The shell-limestone was simultaneously extracted from different deposits which resulted in the formation of an entire labyrinth of underground galleries (catacombs). The winding passages of the underground labyrinth gave birth to the numerous legends associated with the activities of contraband dealers of old Odessa. But what is true is that catacombs served as a hiding place for revolutionaries; during World War II Odessa partisans operated from these underground passages which were inaccessible to the fascists.

IV. Speak of Odessa according to the plan:

1) General characteristic of the city.

2) The history of its foundation.

3) Odessa is an industrial, educational and scientific centre.

4) The city of students.

5) The Black Sea health resort.

6) Odessa as a cultural centre.

7) The city’s heroic past.

8) The city’s future.

Grammar exercises

I. Read the dialogue paying attention to the use of Present, Past and Future Continuous


D.  What are you doing, Peter ?

P.  I am writing a letter.

D.  And what were you doing ten minutes ago ?

P.  I was doing my lessons. Well, may be you want to know what shall I be doing

in ten minutes, Dick ?

D.  Yes, Pete, what will you be doing in ten minutes ?

P.  I shall be beating you if you don’t stop asking me foolish questions.

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