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VI. Translate into Ukrainian:

The flag of the United Kingdom , known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross is the cross of St.George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross (with the arms going into the corners) is the cross of St.Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St.Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. St. David is the patron saint of Wales.

VII. Speak about Great Britain according to the following plan:

1) The geographical position of Great Britain.

2) The climate of Britain.

3) The industry of Great Britain.

4) The political system.

VIII. Read and title the text:

Great Britain is the name of the island which is made up of England, Scotland and Wales and so ,strictly speaking, it does not include northern Ireland. The origin of the word "Great" is a reference to size, because in many European languages the words for Britain and Britanny (the province in France) are the same. In fact, it was the French who first talked about Grande Bretagne. In everyday speech "Britain" is used to mean the United Kingdom.


I. Translate into Ukrainian, paying attention to the types of the predicate:

1) The weather in Great Britain is influenced by cool winds that blow from sea. 2) The London underground was built in 1863 and is the oldest one in the world. 3) A remarkable feature of the climate of Britain is that the temperature decreases not from south to north but from east to west. 4) Birmingham, situated in the heart of England, is called the capital of "Black country”, a land of factories and mines. 5) The British University consists of great variety of colleges and other institutions. 6) Every child in Great Britain between the ages of five and fifteen years must attend school.

II. Ask questions:

1) The political system of Great Britain consists of four main political parties. (how many) 2) The width of the strait of Dover is 31 kilometers. (what) 3) The Irish sea is situated between Great Britain and Ireland. (where) 4) The western coast of the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. (What ocean... by?) 5) The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. (What) 5) The House of Commons is made up of 650 elected members, known as members of Parliament. (how many) 7) The Prime Minister forms Cabinet of Ministers. (who) 8) The Conservative and Liberal Parties are the oldest. (what) 9) On the border between England and Scotland there is the range of hills, called the Cheviot Hills. (where) 10) In the 19th century the United Kingdom stood first in the world as a highly developed industrial country and was the biggest colonial power. (when)

III. Ask and answer:

1) Який клімат у Великобританії ?

2) Чи замерзають ріки взимку у Великобританії ?

3) Де розташована Великобританія ?

4) Чи змінюється погода в Англії дуже часто ?

5) Яке населення Великобританії ?

6) Яке місто є основним портом Західної Англії ?

7) З яких трьох частин складається Великобританія ?

8) Чи можете ви сказати, скільки університетів у Великобританії ?

9) Манчестер є центром британської текстильної промисловості, чи не так ?

10) Хто є премєр-міністром Великобританії ?

11) Як ми називаємо людей, що мешкають у Англії (Ірландії, Шотландії) ?

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