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New zealand. Land and people

New Zealand is an island country, 1000 miles of Australia. It covers 286.680 sq km. the original name of NZ is Aotearoa /land of the Long Cloud/. This mountainous island nation lies in the South Pacific about 1600 km southeast of Australia. NZ has hundreds of waterfalls. The two principal land forms are North Island and South Island. Stewart Island and Chatham Islands are far to the east. Small islands are uninhabited.

The climate is temperate, with plenty of sunshine and adequate rainfall. The country is well watered. The seasons are opposite those in the Southern Hemisphere.

Animals have been introduced from other countries. Two species of bats are the only native land mammals. NZ has no snakes. Native birds are kakapo parrot, kiwi, takahe and weka.

The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. Its population is 325.00.british settlers founded Wellington in 1840. Wellington is also a port and manufacture centre.

A private car is preferred mode of transportation. In NZ they drive on the left. All major cities have good bus systems. Trains and a domestic airline also operate between cities. Ferries carry people and cars between the two main islands.

New Zealand’s population is about 4 million. The Maori live on North Island.

In 1642, Dutch explorer A. Tasman sighted the islands and named them Staten Landt. Dutch geographers changed the island’s name into New Zealand after the Dutch province of Zeeland.

British Captain Cook visited Maori in 1769 and opened the door to European settlement. The British monarch granted the Maori legal protection. Colonization proceeded rapidly after 1840. The Maori population declined. In 1852, British granted NZ self-government.

English and Maori are both official languages. 81% are Christians.

New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy within the Commonwealth. The British monarch is represented by a governor general.

New zealand. Customs and traditions

New Zealanders are open, friendly and hospitable. Their life style is relaxed and informal. They are practical people. They enjoy working in their homes and gardens.

In NZ western-style clothing is the standard. People wear casual clothing in public. European fashions are popular, but NZ also has its own fashion industry. Maori wear traditional costumes for ceremonies and cultural events.

New Zealanders like to have friends over for dinner. Garden barbecues are especially popular on weekends. Dropping unannounced is quite common.

Many people like sports. Rugby and soccer are popular in winter. Cricket is a favourite sport in summer. There are many opportunities for mountaineering, tramping, fishing, hunting, swimming, jogging and sailing. The climate makes it possible in any season.

Official public holidays include New Year’s, Waitangi Day, and Easter, Queen Elizabeth’s Birthday, Labour Day, Christmas and Boxing Day.

New Zealand is a gardener’s paradise. A visitor’s first impression of this country is one of green. 800 New Zealand gardens are open to visitors. Pukeiti is a grand Kiwi passion for gardening.

New Zealanders greet with a handshake and Gidday. Maori may greet with a hug or a traditional hongi - pressing noses together with eyes clothed. Hello in Maori is ‘Tena korua’. In NZ waving at a friend is a sign of recognition. Young people like to raise both eyebrows in the direction of their friend. It is polite to avoid chewing gum in public. Personal space must be observed.

A traditional family has two parents and two children. It is common for both parents to work. Family ties are looser than they once were. Most families own their homes. Among Polynesians in some cases several generations live together in one house.

New Zealanders eat much butter and meat. Lamb is a favourite meal. Tea is the most popular drink and beer and wine are popular alcoholic beverages. In the NZ diet seafood and fresh vegetables play a great role. Beef, pork, roast lamb and fish are common. Now people prefer hamburgers, pizza and chips. Yeast extract is used as a bread spread, but peanut butter, honey and jam are also popular. Fruit include apples, bananas, apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries and strawberries and tomatoes. New Zealanders believe that their cheeses and ice cream are the best in the world.

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