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Practical Course of English 30.09.doc
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4. Ask questions to which the following sentences are the answers:

1. Well, I've decided on one thing. I am going to visit groupmates in Iowa.

  1. I guess I'll go to one of the national parks.

  2. No problem, I'll translate it for you.

  3. The train leaves at 9:30, platform number 4.

  4. I'm going to study medicine at Newcastle University.

5. Put the words into correct word order:

1. an aircraft factory / won't go to / probably / because / Mr. Lee/he has / a bad cold / where / he works.

  1. is going to / in his car / he / take / the oil / a bath / Nick / after / changes.

  2. Museum / visit / If it / tomorrow / History / doesn't / rain / I'm going to / the National.

  3. We / buildings / will / solar energy / to heat / probably / in the future / use.

6. Transform sentences into exclamations:

e.g. The weather is really lovely.

  1. How lovely the weather is!

  2. What lovely weather!

That cat is very fat.

Those buildings are very old.

That girl is really cleaver.

This tea is very strong.

Those women are really funny.

That's a good idea.

It's very difficult.

That's pleasant news.

He drives very quickly.

7. Translate into English:

  1. Карен дуже цікавиться історією Сполучених Штатів. Можливо вона відвідає цю країну влітку.

  2. Другий семестр в цьому навчальному році розпочнеться на початку лютого та закінчиться наприкінці червня.

  3. Людство використовує ресурси землі дуже швидко і можливо продовжуватиме це найближчими роками.

  4. Джон переїде з будинку батьків після того, як він закінчить школу у наступному місяці та влаштується на роботу.

  5. Я вивчу підручник до того, як складати іспит з математики.

  6. Директор буде дуже розчарований, якщо завтра ти не приїдеш на збори.

  7. Я не люблю огляд визначних пам'яток. Мій хлопець хотів би, щоб я відвідала з ним бібліотеку Конгресу, але я можливо не піду. Я краще б залишилась в готелі.

  8. Рейс 844 з Мілану компанії Аеросвіт прибуде о 8:30.

IV Communicative skills.

1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them:


Teacher: Hi, everybody! I've got great news for уоu. At the end of April your group – the winners of "English Learners Contest" is going to the USA!

Тanуа: It's fantastic!

Misha: Wow!

Volodya: I can't bеliеvе it! It's too good to bе true.

Irina: I knew it! I knew it!

Teacher: Please bе quiet. I'm here to tell уоu all уоu want to know, but if уоu

make so muсh noise I won't bе аblе to do it.

Volodya: When аrе we leaving? What places аrе we going to visit?

Teacher: We аrе starting оn the 23rd of April and we аrе flying from Boryspil to

New York, Kennedy Airport.

Таnуа: How long аrе we going to stay in New York?

Teacher: Only two days but it's long enough to see the main sights: the Statue of

Liberty, Manhattan, the famous skyscrap­ers, the Metropolitan and the

Bronx 2000.

Irina: But New York is in the east and I have always wanted to see Hollywood and Disneyland. Are we going to go to California too?

Teacher: Yes, we аrе, but only at the end of our trip. Between New York and

California we'll go to Philadelphia, the birthplace of American

democracy, and Washington, D. С.

Misha: Just Philadelphia and Washington? Aren't we going to Texas? I've always

wanted to meet cowboys or еvеn take part in а rodeo.

Таnуа: What's а rodeo, Misha?

Misha: Don't уоu know? It’s when cowboys ride wild horses or catch wild horses

throwing а lasso. I saw it in а film.

Volodya: I'd like to see the Niagara Falls. Could we please go there?

Teacher: Sorry, boys, not this time. We've got only ten days and four wonderful

places to see. I'm sure you'll love them. But if уоu win another contest

(and we're having it in Мау) who knows... we mау have а chance...

English Learners Contest – олімпіада з англійської мови

It's too good to bе true – надто добре, щоб бути правдою


George Wenzel: Hello, is Harry Bild there?

Sheila Clark: I'll see if he's in the office. Who's calling?

George Wenzel: Wenzel, George Wenzel.

Sheila Clark: Hold the line, please. He's in a meeting with the Dean at the moment, I'm afraid. Can I help you?

George Wenzel: Well, I met Mr. Bild when we were both at the student's international forum in Atlanta. He suggested I should call him when I got back to Europe. When could I reach him?

Sheila Clark: I don't think the meeting will go on much longer. Shall I ask him to call you when he's free?

George Wenzel: Yes, that would be the easiest.

Sheila Clark: Could I have your name again, please?

George Wenzel: Ah yes, it's George Wenzel. W-E-N-Z-E-L.

Sheila Clark: And the number?

George Wenzel: I'm in Hamburg. From the USA it's 00 49 40 80 70 55.

Sheila Clark: Right, you'll be hearing from Mr. Bild later in the morning then.


George Wenzel: Thank you for your help. Bye-bye.

Who's calling? – Хто дзвонить?

Hold the line, please – Залишайтесь на лінії, будь ласка.


R: Good afternoon. Minata House. How can I help you?

C: Could I speak to Mrs. Chang, please?

R: I'm sorry. Mrs. Chang isn't here at the moment.

C: Do you know what time she'll be back?

R: I think she'll be back this afternoon. Can I take a message?

C: Yes, please. Could you ask her to call me? My name is Mr. Jackson.

R: Certainly, sir. Could you spell that, please?

C: It's J-A-C-K-S-O-N. I'm staying at the Reneda Hotel.

R: The Renada Hotel? Could I have your number?

C: Yes, it's 43 66 21.

R: Thank you very much, Mr. Jackson. I'll give her the message.

C: Thank you. Goodbye.

R: Goodbye.

Could I speak to... – чи можу поговорити з …?

Could you spell that, please? – не могли б ви сказати це по літерах, будь ласка?


Operator: The UK Firm, can I help you?

Caller: Could I have extension 4174, please?

Operator: I'm sorry, that line's busy. Will you hold?

Caller: Yes.

Operator: I can put you through now.

Colleague: Hello.

Caller: Could I have Robert Booth, please?

Colleague: I'm sorry, he's not in at the moment. May I take a message?

Caller: No, it's all right, thanks. I'll call back. When do you expect him back?

Colleague: About four o'clock.

Caller: OK, I'll call back then.

Colleague: Goodbye.

extension – внутрішній, додатковий

line is busy – лінія зайнята

I can put you through now – зараз я можу вас з'єднати


Secretary: Lisa Bond's office.

Mr. Larin: Lisa Bond, please.

Secretary: I'm sorry. Mrs. Bond's in a meeting right now. May I take a message? Mr. Larin: Well. I do need to speak to her. Do you know when she'll be free?

Secretary: She should be free later this afternoon.

Mr. Larin: I see. Well, this is Mr. Larin of Dana Company in Kyiv. I wonder if you could have her call me back?

Secretary: Certainly. What was your name again, please? Mr. Larin: My name is Mr.Larin from Dana Company in Kyiv.

Secretary: And what number are you on, Mr. Larin? Mr. Larin: My number is 887 2140. The code for Ukraine is 038.

Secretary: Right. So that's Mr. Larin of DanaCompany in Kyiv and Mrs. Bond can reach you on (038) 887 2140. Is that right?

Mr. Larin: Yes. That's right. I'll be in all the afternoon.

Secretary: Fine. I'll give her the message, Mr. Larin.


A: Pearson and Brown. Can I help you?

B: This is Gerald Smith from Taylor & Sons. Could I speak to Mrs. Phillips?

A: Just a moment, Mr. Smith, I'll put you through.

C: Susan Phillips speaking.

B: Hello, Susan. This is Gerald Smith.

C: Oh, hello, Gerald.

B: Fine. I'm just phoning to see if we could fix year's order. Just a moment, I'll get my diary... Right, next week ...? Could you manage Tuesday?

C: I'm sorry. I'm out all day on Tuesday.

В: What about Friday then?

C: Yes, Friday in the morning would suit me fine.

B: Good, that suits me too. Shall we say at 10 o'clock?

C: Fine. So at 10 here then?

B: Yes, that's probably easier. Right, I look forward to seeing you.

C: Bye.

B: Bye.

I'll put you through – я вас з'єднаю

I'm out all day on Tuesday. – Мене не буде весь день у вівторок.

Right, I look forward to seeing you – Добре, з нетерпінням чекаю, коли зможу побачитись з Вами

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