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Practical Course of English 30.09.doc
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9. Make sentences using when and the Past Continuous or the Past Simple of

the verbs in brackets:


I (drop) my bag I (drive) to work

I (cut) myself I (eat) a sandwich

My car (break down) I (run) for a bus

I (see) a shark I (shave)

My clothes (get) dirty I (swim) in the sea

I (break) a tooth I (clean) the attic

10. Translate into English:

  1. Тут є хто-небудь?

  2. В саду нікого немає?

  3. В класі хтось є.

  4. На столі є що-небудь? Ні, там нічого немає

  5. У цій книзі є що-небудь цікаве?

  6. В нашій бібліотеці є які-небудь книжки aнглійською мовою?

  7. Ніхто ніде не допоміг йому.

  1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the meaning of the expression “used to”:

Model: - Do you play football? (Ти граєш у футбол?)

  • Not now, but I used to. (Зараз ні, але колись грав)

1. She used to be very pretty when she was young.

  1. He used to be a teacher.

  2. I can’t speak English now as well as I used to.

  3. I don’t drive as carelessly as I used to.

  4. He doesn’t smoke as much as he used to.

  5. She used to be rather slender in her youth.

Translate into English:

  1. Незалежна Україна з’явилась на карті світу у 1991 році.

  2. Загальна площа України складає 603 700 квадратних кілометрів.

  3. Столиця нашої країни – Київ. Це найбільший політичний, науковий, культурний та промисловий центр країни.

  4. Кримські гори простираються майже на 150 кілометрів вздовж берега Чорного моря.

  5. Крим – півострів, розташований на півдні України.

6. В яких містах України ви побували в минулому році?

IV Communicative skills.

1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them:


A: Did you watch the news programme on television yesterday?

B: No, I went to the cinema last night.

A: What was on?

B: We saw a new comedy. The film lasted two hours.

A: Was the cinema full?

B: Oh, yes. It’s a very popular film. I recommend you to go and to see it.

to watch - дивитися

to be on - йти

to last - тривати

to be full - бути заповненим


A: What is your favourite Ukrainian film actor?

B: Oh, my favourite actor is B. Stupka.

A: He played one of the main parts in the film “Mazepa”.

B: Did he play his part well?

A: Oh, yes, he was wonderful.

favourite actor - улюблений актор

to play part - грати роль


A: When were you last in Ukraine?

B: I was last there a month ago.

A: Did you have a good time there?

B: No, I didn’t. The weather was not good and I stayed at the hotel.

last - останній раз

to have a good time - добре проводити час


A: Have you got any coffee at home?

B: No, we haven’t got any. I prefer to drink tea. Would you like some tea?

A: Yes, thank you. I’d like some tea with milk.

2. Speak on the following situations:

1. Tourists visit the Crimea. They stay at the hotel. They like the climate and nature there.

2. Make a report on geographical position of Ukraine.

3. Ukrainian and English delegations speak about the industrial base of Ukraine.

V Rendering.

1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary.

Industry of Ukraine

By the mid-80s a multi-branch, developed industry was created in Ukraine covering about 20 major industries, namely power generating, fuel, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical and gas, machine-building and metal-working, forest, wood-working and wood pulp and paper, construction materials, light, food and others.

Ukraine has five nuclear power stations, 47 thermal power stations and 6 large hydraulic power stations on the Dnipro and 55 small stations on other rivers.

In the coal-mining industry, more than 3000 mines are operated in three coal-mining regions.

Ukraine produces 5.5 million tons of its own oil. The Ukrainian gas pipelines transport the Russian gas to Central and Western Europe.

Large enterprises are operating in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, pipe and rolling industry. These complexes for the production of cast iron, steel and pipes are situated in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk, Makeyivka, Mariupol and other cities.

The mechanical engineering sector is represented by enterprises producing metallurgical, oil, chemical, mining, power generating, railway, road construction and transportation equipment, machinery for agriculture, light and food industry, metal-cutting machine tools.

The Zaporizhzhya “Motor-Sich” plant manufactures aircraft engines for all the CIS countries. One of the world largest aerospace concerns – “Pivdennyi” – is functioning in Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv turbines are known in many countries. A high-capacity chemical production complex is located in the city of Kalush.

Altogether, the industry of Ukraine includes more than 10. 000 state and joint stock enterprises, hundreds of private and collectively owned small and medium-sized businesses have been established over the last years, which operate in various industries.

Many enterprises in the fields of machine-building, leather, fur and footwear industries are located in Kyiv. Among other regions of Ukraine Kyiv takes the first place by the production of light industry goods.

The firm “Kyiv” is one of the oldest shoes manufacturers in Ukraine and was founded in 1867. Today it is one of the largest shoes manufacturers in Ukraine and CIS. The firm is equipped with modern tools and capable to produce more than 9 million pairs of shoes per year.

The fur company “Tysmenytsya” offers dressed sheepskins, raw sheepskins, men hats from rabbit skins, coats, short coats from rabbit, skins for coats, jackets.

The joint-stock company “Aura” offers men’s cotton socks, children’s cotton tights, women’s cotton tights, men’s and women’s pants, shirts, children’s and men’s sweaters, sport’s suits, trousers. The concern “Cheksil” offers various assortment of products: suit fabrics, coat fabrics, fabrics for uniform, fabrics with Angora wool.

The public corporation “HBK” offers cotton, double and linen fabrics, a yarn and products made of it.

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