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Practical Course of English 30.09.doc
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3. Find the answers to the questions:

  1. What political and legal establishments are situated in Kyiv?

  2. How old is Kyiv?

  3. Does Kyiv include a unique and extreme combination of historic values and traditions with modern styles and ways of life?

  4. What historical monuments can be seen in Kyiv?

  5. What are the cultural achievements of Kyiv’s inhabitants?

  6. What products do the Kyiv’s enterprises manufacture?

  7. What institutions of higher learning train specialists in various fields?

4. Complete the sentences:

  1. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and the seat of …

  2. Kyiv lies on the both …

  3. Among many places of interest there is …

  4. The population of Kyiv is …

  5. One can visit…

  6. Kyiv includes a unique…

5. Translate into English:

  1. Київ – одне з найкращих міст у світі.

  2. Розкинутий на мальовничих схилах Дніпра, він весь потопає в зелені

  1. садів і парків.

  2. Історія України тісно пов’язана з Києвом.

  3. Хрещатик – головна вулиця Києва.

  4. Київ відомий своїми архітектурними пам’ятками старовини.

  5. Колись Золоті ворота були головним в’їздом до міста.

  6. В стародавні часи Київ був столицею великої та могутньої держави

  7. Київської Русі.

  8. Собор Святої Софії знаходиться на Софіївській площі.

6. Match the following words:

  1. picturesque a) надзвичайно

  2. ancient b) значний

  3. extremely c) визначний

  4. huge d) мальовничий

  5. consumer goods e) наукові працівники

  6. outstanding f) давній

  7. considerable g) величезний

  8. research workers h) споживчі товари

  9. nuclear physics i) металоріжучі верстати

  10. machine tools j) ядерна фізика

III Grammar Skills.

  1. Read the following numbers:

15, 26, 17, 60, 126, 697, 365, 450, 1920, 49, 117, 152, 12017, 15600, 158758.

2. How much is:

10+35= 258+2= 5000-2000=

2+6= 528-12= 300-100=

63+5= 540+60= 60000-1000=

68-5= 28+12= 180000-10000=

3. Give the answers to the following questions:

  1. How many minutes are there in an hour?

  2. How many days are there in a week?

  3. How many days are there in a month?

  4. How many months are there in a year?

  5. How many days are there in a year?

4. Put the words in the right order:

  1. to work / every morning / walks / George.

  2. to work / tomorrow / Are you going?

  3. next week / They / to London / are / going.

  4. goes / every year / to Italy / Gill.

  5. football / don’t like / very much / I.

  6. I / very well / French / don’t speak.

  7. You / the same clothes / wear / every day.

5. Make-up sentences from the following words:

  1. home, you, time, are, what, going?

  2. to, listen, who, going, you, are, to?

  3. row, they, sitting, the, are, second, in.

  4. writing, they, or, are, reading?

  5. friend, with, exercises, to, I, going, my, English, do, my, am.

  6. of, a, visit, to, going, friend, hers, is, she.

  7. do, tonight, are, what, going, to, you?

6. Choose the correct form:

  1. My friend (lives, is living) in Odesa.

  2. I (read, am reading) an interesting book.

  3. His sister (plays, is playing) the piano very well.

  4. My brother (studies, is studying) at the Polytechnic.

  5. They (speak, are speaking) English quite well.

  6. We usually (visit, are visiting) our friend on our days-off.

  7. What (do you do, are you doing) now?

  8. We (have, are having) a laboratory session now.

  9. It is 8 o’clock. Peter (reads, is reading) a newspaper.

10. The students (take, are taking) their examinations now.

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