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Practical Course of English 30.09.doc
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3. Find the answers to the questions:

1. What is pollution?

2. What is the origin of contamination?

3. What are the major sources of pollution?

4. What is water pollution caused by?

5. What do you know about Chernobyl nuclear accident? When was it?

4. Complete the sentences:

1. …including air, water and land, with…

2. An industrial and intensively farmed country, Ukraine…

3. … originate from automobile transport.

4. On 25 April 1986 the Number 4…

5. … had to be evacuated.

6. What Chernobyl showed most clearly was…

5. Match the words that go together:

1. industrial a) products

2. health b) pollution

3. human c) material

4. nuclear d) development

5. waste e) station

6. power f) risk

7. water g) accident

8. radioactive h) activity

III Grammar skills.

1. Choose the correct word:

1. Experts are confident ... the Earth has entered a period of global climate change (that / which).

2. The plane ... has just taken off is an hour late (who / which).

3. My friend, … is a climatologist, takes part in a conference (that / who).

4. I’ve found the magazine on environmental problems … was missing (which / that).

5. Which is the European country ... economy is growing the fastest? (that / whose)

6. The famous picture – … was damaged during the war – is worth thousands of pounds (which / who).

7. Hurricanes are very strong winds … come from the sea (that / who).

2. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. I wish the weather … so dreadful today (will not be / wouldn’t be).

2. If only the scientists … the way to change climate (would find / find).

3. I wish every person … the nature (protects / protected).

4. I wish I … them about it yesterday (wouldn’t tell / hadn’t told).

5. If only the Earth … different! (looks / looked)

6. We all wish we … a clearer air (breathe / breathed).

7. If only you … to keep the place tidy (would try / try).

3. Put the words in the sentences into correct word order:

1. but / more / Today / growing / than / is / this / 20% / is / of / desert / land.

2. already / that / scientists / The trees / say / the / changes / in / disappearance / the / is / of / causing/ climate.

3. plants / the / to make / and / help / in / other / the / we / air / breathe / Trees forest / that.

4. of / rain / main / The effect / acid / of / to damage / is / soil / the / balance / chemical / the.

4. Ask questions to which the following sentences are the answers:

1. The Greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere trap energy from the sun.

2. When you recycle, you send less trash to the landfill and help save natural resources, like trees, oil, etc.

3. Pollution has its origin in the Latin word ‘polluere’, means ‘contamination of any feature of the environment’.

4. Scientists suspect that in many places global warming will increase the number of very hot days that occur during the year.

5. Rainforests contributes to the water and carbon cycles on which all life depends.

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