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Australia. Land and people

Australia is the 6th largest country in the world. Its territory is 7.686.850 sq km. It is the only country that occupies a complete continent. The capital of the country is Canberra. The population of Australia is about 18.000.000.

There are 6 states and 2 territories. A long chain of mountains, the Great Dividing Range, runs along the Pacific Ocean. Mt. Kosciusko is the highest peak of Australia. It is also the driest continent in the world. About one third of the land is desert. Australia has 4 main deserts. The Great Barrier Reef is a garden under the sea. It has 400 species of corals. Rivers (the Darling River, the Murray) fill with water only during the rainy season. The largest lakes are Lake Eyre and Lake Torrents.

Australia is known for its marsupials, including koalas, kangaroos, spiny anteaters and the platypus. Native birds include the world’s only black swans, the emus and the cassowary. The platypus and the echidna are among the strangest Australian animals. They are the only animals that hatch their young from eggs.

Australia has many national parks, where wild life is protected. Kakadu national Park is Australia’s largest national park. In the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 1500 species of fish live.

Large cities are Sydney and Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide and Darwin.

Canberra is a federal capital of Australia. It is also an administrative centre of New South Wales. Its population is 280.000. The city is situated in a wide valley, scattered wit gum trees on the both sides of the dark blue Lake Burley Griffin. The Molingo River flows through Canberra.

Sydney is the chief city and port of Australia. Population of Sydney is 305 million people. The city covers 4.700 sq. miles. Sydney is gateway to Australia. It is also the oldest Australian city. Captain Cook stopped at Botany Bay in 1770. Sydney received its first shiploads of convicts, 750 men and women on January 26, 1788.

Sydney has one of the most spectacular harbours in the world where snow white yachts sail lazily under the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The famous Sydney opera House looks like sails or waves when they break on the beach. It is set like a diamond against the blue waters.

Perth is a capital and commercial centre of Western Australia. Its population is over 500.000. It lies on the Swan River. Perth is a sunny and cozy city. The city grew rapidly after settlers discovered gold. In King’s Park you can see lazy curves of the Swan River dotted with Black swans the specie native only to Australia.

Melbourne is the capital of Victoria. Its area is 714 sq. miles and population is over 3 million. It is a multi-cultural city. It is home to many cultural groups speaking 170 languages. Melbourne is the Culture Capital of Australia. The Melbourne Zoo is the oldest in the world. The city is also a seaport and a trading centre of wool and livestock.

People and culture

Population of Australia is about 18.000.000. 85% of the people live in the urban areas. 40% of Australians live in Sydney and Melbourne.

Australia has a young population. 95% of the people are Caucasian. 60% of these have Anglo-Celtic heritage. Because of immigration Australia is a mosaic of many nationalities.

There are 257.000 full and part aborigines. Their culture is recognized as an integral part of Australia’s heritage.

English is the national language and is taught in all schools. Australian English uses many words that are expressions of Australia’s unique culture. Some Australian slang may be offensive to other English speakers. Australian accent looks like English Cockney.

Public education is administered by state governments and financed by federal funds. Each state and territory makes its own laws about education. 25% of all Australian children attend private schools. The school year is divided into 4 terms of 10 weeks each. The Christmas holidays begin the summer vacations.

The literacy rate is 99%. Most Australians completed 11 years of schooling. All states have universities, colleges and institutes. There 33 Universities, 3 of them are private. Many of Australians have completed some higher education.

76% of the people are Christians, but religion doesn’t play a great role in their daily life.

The Aborigines had highly developed artistic traditions. They adopted some European technique and painted scenes of the Australian desert. The Australian Natural Gallery in Canberra houses the country’s natural art collection.

Australia has a National Opera Company and the Australian Ballet. Each state capital has a company of professional actors. They stage classic and modern plays. In recent years Australian film industry has been great success.

The most popular sports in Australia are cricket, football and soccer, swimming, surfing.

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