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Practical Course of English 30.09.doc
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IV Communicative skills.

1. Read these dialogues and reproduce them:


A: Hello, my name is Lesya.

B: Hello, Lesya. I’m Roman.

A: Where are you from?

B: I'm from the Carpathians. And you? Where are you from?

A: I'm from L'viv.

B: And I'm from Truskavets.

A: Truskavets is a very interesting place.

В: Yes, it is.

the Carpathians – Карпатські гори

And you? – а ти (ви)?

an interesting place – цікаве місце


А: Ні, I'm Vitaliy. I'm a first-year student.

В: Ні, me too. My name is Edik.

A: What are you Ed?

B: Oh, my speciality is microelectronics, and what about you?

A: I'm an IT student. Information technologies, you see. How is the uni for you?

B: It's Ok. But very big. Where is a canteen?

A: Have no idea. Come on, find it.

me too – я також

uni = university

canteen – їдальня

have no idea – не маю уявлення

Come on, find it – давай, знайдемо її


A: I beg your pardon!

B: Can I help you?

A: Where is the foreign languages department here, please?

B: There are two foreign languages departments in this university. Which one? What department are you from?

A: Light industry.

B: Ok. Follow me.

A: Are you sure, you know where it is?

B: Trust me, I’m a second-year student here.

I beg your pardon – перепрошую

Can I help you – чим можу допомогти?

foreign languages department – кафедра іноземних мов

follow me – йди за мною

trust me – повір мені


A: Please, forgive me...

В: What's the matter?

A: I'm not ready for the class today.

B: It's rather bad of you. I have to warn you this time. But next time...

A: There is not going to be any next time. I promise.

B: We'll live, we'll see.

A: Thank you for understanding.

B: Thank you for warning.

forgive – пробачити

What's the matter? – Що сталося?, У чому справа?

warn – попередити

next time – наступний раз

promise – обіцяти

We'll live, we'll see – поживемо – побачимо


A: And what about your English teacher, Pete?

B: She's Ok. Very kind and understanding.

A: Lucky you are. Ours is very strict and serious.

B: Is yours young or not?

A: Rather young. She speaks English only, as if it is her native language.

B: But it is good for you.

A: Yeah, it's very nice, but I'm afraid of her. All of us are afraid of her.

B: If you are afraid of her, you will behave well, at least.

Lucky you are – щастить же вам!

Strict – суворий

rather – досить таки

as if – ніби

native language – рідна мова

yeah = yes

to behave – поводитися

at least – принаймні

2. Speak on the following situations:

  1. You want to introduce your new groupmate to your friends. They are glad to meet a new person.

  2. Tell your friend from another university about your speciality.

  3. Talk with your parents about your first steps at your university.

V Rendering.

1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary. My family

As you know, I'm Ann Kovalchuk, and I'm a first-year student at the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Now I'm glad to introduce my family to you.

We are a family of five. We think we are a large and friendly family. So, we are happy to be living together and getting on all right.

To begin with, I'm going to talk about my grandmother on my mother's side. My granny is the eldest person in our family. Her name is Victoria, and she is seventy. She is retired now, but she used to work as an English teacher. I must admit, she's a very understanding person and there is no such problem as 'generation gap' between us. She helps my parents and me in all our daily routine. Nevertheless, she is seventy, she is very lively and active.

My father is Vadym. He is forty-five. He is a footwear designer for the Ukrainian-Italian joint venture. He is always busy, and he is sometimes away on business trips to many cities in Ukraine and abroad. My father spends all his time and efforts trying to solve the problems of Ukrainian shoe-making industry.

My mother's name is Helen. She is two years younger than my father. She is a very talented clothes designer. It was my mother who taught me how to make beautiful dresses, skirts, trousers, jackets and so on. She has been a designer for eighteen years since she graduated from the Kyiv Technological Institute of Light Industry. My mother is acquainted with many famous Ukrainian and some foreign designers and couturiers. They are Lilia Pustovit, Olexander Gapchuk, Mykhailo Voronin, Sonya Rickel, J-P Gaultier. My mother has got a dream to create a Fashion House and work there with me and other young designers and graduates from the university. I help her dream come true.

And finally a few words about my elder brother, Peter. He is three years senior to me. He is keen on computers and programming. So, they are his cup of tea. Peter is also a student of my university. If he has some free time, he always helps me with my studies. Though we are very different, we have much in common, we have common interests, friends and so on. He is my best friend.

To put it into a few words, we are a united and friendly family.

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