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3.13 Match the beginnings with the endings.

  1. A hundred years passed before a machine like the one Babbage conceived…

  2. When he de­signed the Mark I Aiken…

  3. He was amazed…

  4. The Mark I is the closest thing to the Analytical Engine…

  • that has ever been built or ever will be.

  • was actually built.

  • was not familiar with the Analytical Engine.

  • to learn how many of his ideas Bab­bage had anticipated.

  1. The Mark I was controlled…

  2. it was basically…

  3. It was driven…

  4. It …

  • by electricity instead of steam.

  • by a punched paper tape.

  • mechanical.

  • served to transmit information from one part of the machine to another.

  • was scarcely finished before it was obsolete.

  1. What was needed…

  2. The speed of operation would be limited…

  3. ENIAC…

  4. For computing and memory…

  5. For control, …

  6. After ENIAC, all computers…

  7. EDVAC…

  8. EDVAC's program…

  • was a machine whose computing, con­trol, and memory elements were completely electrical.

  • not by the speed of mechani­cal moving parts but by the much greater speed of moving elec­trons. was the machine that rendered the electromechanical computers obso­lete.

  • it used an electrical plug board.

  • would be electronic.

  • ENIAC used vacuum tubes.

  • was 500 times as fast as the best electromechanical computer.

  • was the first of many computers with acronyms for names.

  • was by far the more advanced of the two machines.

  • used binary notation to represent numbers inside the machine.

  • was stored in the machine's memory, just like the data.

  1. Since the programs were stored …

  2. Such program-manipulating programs…

  3. one program could …

  4. the technology used to build com­puters...

  5. Each generation…

  • manipulate another program as if it were data.

  • the same way the dataware.

  • play a crucial role in modern computer systems.

  • has gone through several revolutions.

  • use a different technology.

3.14 Translate the sentences below, mind the underlined words.

1. It was a machine like the one Babbage conceived. 2. The closest to Babbage’s machine that has ever been or ever will be. 3. Using electricity made the difference between success and failure. 4. This work did influence the thinking of the designers of ENIAC. 5. It took one minute to solve a problem on ENIAC. 6. EDVAC was by far the more advanced of the two machines. 7. One program could manipulate another program as if it were data. 8. People sometimes speak of different generations of computers, with each generation using a different technology. 9. Integrated circuits made possible minicomputers, small enough to find place in the classroom. 10. It is the large-scale integrated circuits that make possible micropro­cessors.

Dialogue 3.15 Complete the dialogue. Basic units of a computer

  • How many basic units are there in a computer? What are they?

  • There are five basic units in a computer; first of all, every computer has an arithmetic unit, a control unit, the memory or storage and the input-output units of the machine.

  • What are the operations of an arithmetic unit?

  • The arithmetic unit is a device which performs all the required arithmetic operations; they are ... (≥4)

  • What is the function of the control unit?

  • The function of the control unit is to control how the instructions given to the machine by the program are ful­filled.

  • What unit is used for storing information inside the computer?

  • Its memory unit is used for storing information: numbers and instructions in locations or registers.

  • What is also necessary for communication with the outside world?

  • It is also necessary to have special means for communication with the outside world. These operations are performed by … .

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