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Морфологич. структура слова.doc
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Основной целью пособия является помощь студентам в практическом овладении основами лексикологии. Пособие содержит материал для семинарского занятия по теме «Словообразование»

В упражнениях представлены как вопросы теоретического плана, так и задания, нацеленные на практическое закрепление материала по следующим аспектам: аффиксальное словопроизводство, конверсия, словосложение, сокращение и второстепенные способы словообразования. Приводится список литературы для подготовки к семинарскому занятию, а также литература, послужившая источником материала для составления данного пособия.

Предназначается для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации», слушателей отделения референтов-переводчиков

Список литературы для подготовки к семинарскому занятию по теме «морфологическая структура слова»:

  1. Антрушина Г.Б. Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка. М.: Дрофа, 1999

  2. Арнольд И.В. лексикология современного английского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 1973

  3. Харитончик З.А. Лексикология английского языка. Минск: Высшая школа, 1992

  4. Мешков О.Д. Словообразование современного английского языка. М.: Наука, 1976, стр. 118-120


  1. Consider your answers to the following:

  1. What is understood by a morpheme? Why is the morpheme defined as a minimum meaningful language unit? Into what classes are all morphemes subdivided?

  2. What are the four main structural types of Modern English words?

  3. What is derivation?

  4. What are different classifications of affixes?

  5. How are affixes borrowed?

  6. Why is it necessary to draw a line of demarcation between the productivity of affixes and their frequency of occurrence? Why can't one consider the noun-forming suffix -age, that is commonly met in many words (cabbage, village, marriage, etc.), a productive one? Give examples to prove that the adjective-forming suffix –able is productive.

  7. Give examples of your own to show that affixes have meanings.

  8. What languages served as the main sources of borrowed affixes. Illustrate your answer by examples.

  9. What is understood by conversion?

  10. Which categories of parts of speech are especially affected by conversion?

  11. What is understood by composition? What do we call words made by this type of word-building?

  12. What are the three aspects of composition that present special interest?

  13. Into what groups and subgroups can compounds be subdivided structurally? Supply the examples of your own.

  14. How can you illustrate the interrelationships between the meaning of a compound word and the meanings of its constituent parts?

  15. What are the criteria for distinguishing between a compound and a word-combination?

  16. What are the italicized elements in the words: statesman, waterproof, cat-like, trustworthy.

  17. What are the two processes of making shortenings? Explain the productivity of this way of word-building.

  18. What is blending?

  19. What minor processes of word-building do you know? Describe them and illustrate your answer with examples.

II. Translate the following sentences with root words:

Milk shakes taste sweet. 2. Serve the wine chilled. 3. Apply brakes parking on steep incline. 4. Goods purchased are not refundable. 5. Can meat and fruit. 6. Lemon drops taste nice. 7. Anger breeds false courage. 8. Brake cars at curves. 9. Charge off the taxi fares to business expenses. 10. Damp napkins keep sandwiches moist. 11. Birds hawk insects. 12. Fashion favours pure new wool. 13. Labour physics pain.

III Write out from any five pages of the book you are translating examples which illustrate borrowed and native affixes from the tables in the lectures. Comment on their productivity.