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Unit 4. Can I use my will…? keys


until they are well into adulthood - пока они давно не станут взрослыми

Find in the text English equivalents of the following phrases:

опекун, попечитель - 1


опекун, попечитель - 2


опека, попечительство




доверительная собственность, опека (над имуществом и т. п.)


назначить опеку над имуществом

to set up trust

прекратить опеку над имуществом

to end the trust

общая доверительная собственность

pot trust

доверительный собственник


налоговая декларация

tax return

подавать налоговую декларацию

to file a tax return

WILL - подберите к английским клише соответствующие русские сочетания Ключ:-

lapsed will

завещание, потерявшее силу вследствие смерти наследника до смерти завещателя

nominative will

завещание в пользу определенного лица

notarial will

нотариально оформленное завещание

official will

завещание в пользу наследников по закону

parol will .

устное завещание

probated will

утвержденное завещание,

to renounce the will

отказаться от причитающегося по завещанию

will contest

оспаривание завещания

will in issue

завещание,являющееся предметом судебного спора

will of the decedent

воля умершего, завещание

Say whether the following statements are TRUE, FALSE or INCOMPLETE. In case of FALSE or INCOMPLETE statements give the correct version.

  1. Minors don't inherit property. Answer: TRUE Correct version: Children under 18 can inherit property.

  2. The custodian will manage the property until the child reaches the age of 21. Answer: INCOMPLETE

Correct version: ... .under the age set by your state's law.

  1. Serving as a trustee is the same as serving as a custodian. Answer: FALSE Correct version: Serving as a trustee is more work than is serving as a custodian.

  1. One trust for all children is called a pot trust. Answer: TRUE

Answer the following questions:

What does one need to do to set up a custodianship?

Who is a personal guardian and what is he/she responsible for?

Who appoints the personal guardian?

What does a person called a custodian do?

Is trustee the same as custodian1?

What is the main drawback of the pot trust?


Unit 4. Can I disinherit relatives I don’t like? keys


safe deposit box - депозитарный ящик в банке

Find in the text English equivalents of the following phrases:

лишать наследства

to disinherit

законная доля (наследства)

statutory share

потеря жилища

loss of residence

пропущенный, не упомянутый наследник

pretermitted heir

имущество, собственность


исполнитель завещания, душеприказчик


исполнить волю (умершего)

to carry out a wish

HEIR - подберите к английским клише соответствующие русские сочетания Ключ:

conventional heir

наследник по договору, наследник, право которого основано на договоре с наследодателем

expectant heir

лицо, ожидающее получения наследства

forced heir

наследник, имеющий по закону гарантированную долю в наследстве, обязательный наследник

heir at law

наследник по закону

heir by adoption

наследник по усыновлению

heir presumptive

предполагаемый наследник

indubitable heir

несомненный наследник

joint heirs


last heir

последний наследник (государство, наследующее выморочное имущество)

last-resort heir

наследник последней очереди

testamentary heir

наследник по завещанию

Say whether the following statements are TRUE, FALSE or INCOMPLETE. In case of FALSE or INCOMPLETE statements give the correct version.

1. Any relative can be disinherited. Answer: INCOMPLETE

Correct version: It is not usually possible to disinherit a spouse completely.

  1. A child who is not named in a will is disinherited. Answer: FALSE Correct version: If a child is not named in a will, the law assumes that the will maker accidentally forgot to include him.

  2. Pretermitted heir statutes apply to children not mentioned in the will. Answer: INCOMPLETE

Correct version: In some states, these laws also apply to grandchildren by a child who has died.

  1. If a person has a new child after he has made his will, he needs to make a new will. Answer: TRUE

  2. An executor is a person who knows where to find the will. Answer: INCOMPLETE Correct version: An executor is responsible for seeing that the will maker's wishes are carried out as directed by the will.

Answer the following questions:

  1. How can one disinherit their relatives?

  2. How are spouses protected from being disinherited?

  3. Can a child be disinherited?

  4. What are "pretermitted heir" statutes?

  5. What does the overlooked child's share of inheritance depend on?

  6. What does one have to do to disinherit his children?

  7. Who is an executor?


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