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Unit 2. Living Together keys

Find in the text English equivalents of the following phrases:

брачный договор - 1

premarital agreement

брачный договор - 2

antenuptial agreement

брачный договор - 3

prenuptial agreement

поддерживать договор

to uphold an agreement

лишать договор юридической силы

to void an agreement

алименты, содержание


получать алименты

to receive alimony

алименты по решению суда

court-ordered alimony

жених, невеста


дети от предыдущего брака

children from prior marriage

распоряжение собственностью

property disposition

бенефициарий, выгодоприобретатель


участники контракта

parties to the contract

денежное содержание детей

child support payments

Answer the following questions:

What is the main purpose of premarital agreements? Are premarital agreements legal in Russia?

Task: make up a sample of a premarital agreement.

SUCCESSION- подберите к английским клише соответствующие русские сочетания


hereditary succession

правопреемство в силу наследования

natural succession

правопреемство между физическими лицами

order of succession

очередность наследования

succession tax

налог на наследуемую недвижимость

succession in title


succession law

наследственное право

succession sale

продажа наследственного имущества с торгов

testamentary succession

наследование по завещанию

vacant succession

открывшееся наследство; невостребованное наследство

Offer words/phrases corresponding to the following definitions:

one who relies on another especially for financial support - dependent

the right of a spouse to the company of, help of, affection of, and sexual relations with

his or her mate - consortium

of or relating to marriage - marital

the right of a person who survives a partner or joint owner to the entire ownership of

something that was previously owned jointly - survivorship

to receive (property) from an ancestor by legal succession or will - to inherit

a legal title to property held by one party for the benefit of another; the property so held - trust

the whole of one's possessions, especially all the property and debts left by one at death - estate

to part (a couple), often by decree - to separate


Unit 3. Divorce keys

Find in the text English equivalents of the following phrases;

расторжение брака, развод




судебное решение о признании брака недействительным


разлучение супругов, раздельное жительство супругов


(по соглашению или решению суда)

вступить в супружеские отношения

to consummate the


вступить в брак вторично

to remarry

общая собственность супругов

marital property

опека над детьми

child custody

введение в заблуждение




сокрытие, утаивание


брачный возраст

age of consent

Say whether the following statements are TRUE, FALSE or INCOMPLETE. In case of FALSE or INCOMPLETE statements give the correct version.

  1. Dissolution of marriage is different from divorce. Answer: FALSE Correct version: In some states, divorce is called dissolution.

  2. An annulment is different from divorce. Answer: TRUE

  3. Concealment is a declaration stating that the marriage was never valid. Answer: FALSE

Correct version: Concealment is, for example, concealing an addiction to alcohol or drugs.

  1. A spouse's failure to say that he was still married to someone else is a ground for annulment. Answer: TRUE

  2. In the Roman Catholic Church a couple obtains a religious annulment prior to obtaining a civil divorce. Answer: FALSE

Correct version: Within the Roman Catholic Church, a couple obtains a religious annulment after obtaining a civil divorce.

6. When a marriage is annulled, property and debts of the spouses are divided and alimony is determined. Answer: INCOMPLETE

Correct version: as well as determining custody, visitation and child support

Answer the following questions:

  1. How is divorce different from annulment?

  2. What does divorce usually include?

  3. Why would some people prefer annulment to divorce?

  4. Are grounds for annulment the same in every state?

5. What are some of the grounds for annulment?


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